Monster Integration

Chapter 509 Drip Drip... I

Now only two facilities have remained, Sorting facility and Essense Facility. I will be first open the Sorting facility and then the Essense facility.

I move toward the Sorting facility and half an hour later I reached it, without wasting time, I started to open the facility while positioning myself in a very uncomfortable position.

Till now all the facilities I've opened, very few had given me a chance to open them in comfortable fashion as most of the facilities I had opened, I had to open them in a very uncomfortable position.

One time I have to snake my legs across the thin beam to support myself as I opened that facility. It was really uncomfortable and dangerous, if my grip had been loosened, I would have directly fallen on the broken formation that is grinding below.

This sorting facility is one of the difficult ones to open, I have opened many facilities but very few have hard as this one.

Time passed as I continue to open the pay in a steady and cautious pace, I did not dare to be hasty, I had nearly lost my life due to my hastiness three days ago.


It took me little more than three hours to open the way into Sorting facility but I had finally done and now I will eat the fruits of my label there is any.


I slowly slide across the way I had opened but suddenly stopped when I was halfway there as I saw something very shocking in my opposite direction.

The whole sorting facility in shamble with light medicine smells, everything in the room is covered in the dust and there is a gigantic formation that is opposite of facility which is giving off the frightening presence.

But I am not concentrating on it but the big gap present inside that formation, the gap is very big and I could even see scenes of outside though it.

I became ecstatic seeing this but soon sobered as not only crossing this formation going to be dangerous but before reaching that formation, I will have to cross the several formation that is between us.

The formations are very dangerous could even kill instantly but despite knowing the dangers, the thoughts of going through this formation started to form in my mind.

This formation may be filled with danger but it has the highest chance to get me outside as the earlier formation I had chosen had a crack that was less than a meter wide. I would have to dive to pass through it but this formation has a two-meter long crack and it is also quite wide from which I could easily pass through.

I did not enter the sorting facility as this whole facility filled with big and small formations.


I was about to prepare to slide back when I noticed something which stopped me on tracks.

This is sorting facility and it has more than fifty transparent pipe-like things that took sorted plants to their places but I noticed that more than half of these pipes are fixed to the single node and if I am not wrong then this giant node leads to the Essense facility.

Looks like the system had been malfunctioned for some reason when the machine was active otherwise it would have not connected all these pipes to the one facility.

I did not go inside the sorting facility but I had recorded everything with my holowatch, so I could make a plan later.

Cautiously I slipped back from the gap, in minuit I get out the gap and open projection of sorting facility that I have recorded in my holowatch.

"There are really too many formations!" I said as I looked at the recorded projection of the Sorting Facility. As I kept looking at formations, the plan ongoing around them started to form in my mind.

There may be too many formations but if I am careful, I should be able to avoid most of them, I will only have to pass through a few formations before I reached that big gap.

I close the holowatch suddenly, it is not time to make the plan. I first have to open the Essense facility, only then I should make the plan about leaving.

With that thought, I move toward the essence facility and when I reached it, I started to open a way into it.

Thank God that the way to enter the Essense Facility is simple, if it had been as complicated as the sorting facility, I would have died in the excitement.

I have pined all my hopes on the Essense facility, I have a hope that I will find something valuable inside it.


Time passed by in excruciatingly slow fashion, so many times I wanted to speed up the process of the opening but I remain cautious and did not get hasty and now after forty-five minuits, I have finally opened the way inside.

Barely containing my excitement, I started to slide in the hole I made and as I halfway inside a mixture of various smells had assaulted me, through these smells were not dark but they were not fain either.

When I entered the essence facility, I saw rows and rows of transparent bottles of all size some were the size of a finger while others were the size of my hand.

Inside the bottles dust of various colors could bee is seen and now then My eyes would come across the bottle that had the liquid inside it, seeing those bottles my eyes have become extraordinarily sharp.

As I was looking at the bottle, my eyes fell on the big machine and on the mouth of the machine is a big bottle of about hand size and inside it is a fist size ball.

I had first thought that essence had turned into the dust and that made the ball but on the careful observation, I have found this ball is made of extremly concentrated essences of various herbs and it looked very fine.

I did not make this conjecture based only on seeing that ball but also seeing how tens of pipes have connected to the essence machine.

One would think that this ball of concentrated essence medicine would worth a lot seeing it has the concentrated essence of so many things but no it worth even less than that medicine dust of single herb and the reason because it contains the essence of medicine that it is pretty much useless.

It is created from merging of all essences, so god what it had become now, the reason I am concentrated on it so much because of the machine, some parts of the essence machine are really in high demand.

Like other facilities, it also has many formations but as long as I am careful nothing should happen.


That thought had just passed my mind when small formation came toward me, I did not panic as I have seen it happened many times, so I jumped aside as I usually do.

But my jump had created small vibration and thump size bottle that had already been the edge of the shelf had slid from the shelf and started to fell on the ground.

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