Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 120 I'll Be Good

Guo Sheng gritted his teeth in anger, his eyes dangerously flashing as he picked up the knife from the table and stalked towards the man. "Big Boss asked you a question," He snarled, and without warning, stabbed the man on the thigh.

The mangled man screamed and writhed in pain, the sound enough to cause any normal person's ears to bleed.

"Answer him!" Guo Sheng screamed, his eyes crazed with malicious intent. He twisted the knife, digging it deeper into the man.

"I-I r-really don't know!" The man wailed all of a sudden, tears streaming down his face.

But Guo Sheng didn't care. He tilted his head. "You don't know huh?" he repeated and with lightning speed, sliced the man on the cheek, forcing another blood-curdling sound to erupt from him.

"A-all of o-our clients' identities a-are h-hidden! Only the h-higher ups know who i-it is!"

Yang Feng raised a brow. Higher ups? So this wasn't a regular small gang. "Who are the higher ups?"

Chen Gaonan turned his head to look at his frightening boss whose face was so deathly calm, it seemed as if he was watching a movie. Whoever the higher-ups were, they surely were retarded. Who dared to have the guts to come after his boss' woman? Who dared to offend not only one, but two powerhouses? Didn't they know Zhao Moyao, though old, still had the military behind him?

"I-I d-don't k-know—NO! WAIT! PLEASE!" He cried out when Guo Sheng raised his arm to stop him again, but one word from Yang Feng was enough to halt him.


Guo Sheng immediately dropped the knife in his hand. He innocently turned to Yang Feng, awaiting his next orders.

Seeing a chance of redeeming himself, the man quickly stammered out, "T-t-the highers-up are hidden from us! We're-only a small gang. T-they're p-part of a b-bigger organization!" This was enough to interest Yang Feng. A bigger organization? There was only a few that came to mind.

"What is the bigger organization?"

"M-my gang, B-bleeding Gun i-is under the Silver Crown Clan!" He stuttered.

Yang Feng was not surprised to hear which foolish clan was behind their plan.

Silver Crown was an organization filled with people willing to take any job they could get. They were in charge of a lot of smaller gangs that did the dirty work for them. Most of them were petty crimes like robbery, kidnapping, and scare tactics. They weren't a big threat to the Yangs, so Yang Feng wasn't bothered by them.

He turned his head to Chen Gaonan who was already contacting the man in charge of Silver Crown.

Silver Crown...They must have a death wish to target someone from the Zhao family and on top of it, his woman. Yang Feng stood up and was about to walk out of the room when he suddenly remembered the sullen child awaiting his compliment.

He turned to Guo Sheng who sulked in the corner, a disappointed pout on his face. He walked to the boy and gave him a pat on the head. "You did good," Was the only thing he said before walking out of the room.

He didn't see the cheerful expression on Guo Sheng's face, but he didn't need to, for he already knew the boy was probably brimming with happiness.

"Really Big Boss? I really did a good job?" Even the way he spoke resembled a child. Always repeating his words, always asking for reassurance.

No one could blame him though.

He grew up in an insane asylum and when Yang Feng discovered him, it was already too late. Guo Sheng was beyond repair, but his crazed brain was put to good use in the Underworld. Yang Feng needed men like him who didn't flinch or gag at the idea of torture beyond words.

Guo Sheng followed Yang Feng out of the room, excitedly trailing after him like a lapdog. The guard closed the heavy door behind him, locking the disgusting smell within the room.

"Yeah." Yang Feng answered, slipping on his coat.

Guo Sheng was smiling from ear-to-ear, his eyes bright as the sun. He followed Yang Feng all the way out of the Underworld base.

Every time someone passed them, they all bowed, more in particular, to Yang Feng. Even when he was out of sight, the people continued to bow.

Everyone respected and feared Yang Feng at the same time. He was a strict boss, but he rewarded his people generously as long as they could repay it with loyalty and competence.

Yang Feng was nothing like his grandfather who behaved more like a tyrannical dictator than a leader.

"Big Boss, where are you going now?" Guo Sheng didn't want Yang Feng to leave so quickly. He wanted to hear more praises.

"The office." He answered, just as Hu Wei drove up to them.

"Oh." Guo Sheng's shoulder sagged in disappointment, his eyes cast to the ground. His Big Boss barely stayed for thirty minutes...

Yang Feng was about to climb into the car but paused when he saw the boy's unhappy expression. He tiredly sighed. "I'll return to the base tomorrow," He said just as Guo Sheng's head snapped upwards.

"Really?! You will?" His mood took a 360-degree turn at Yang Feng's words.

Yang Feng nodded and when he was about to enter the car, Guo Sheng sniffed the air.

"Big Boss, why do you smell weird? Like disinfectants…" Guo Sheng had a particularly sharp nose for chemicals due to his background at the asylum filled with drugs.

He scratched the back of his head. "Did you visit a hospital?." Guo Sheng furrowed his brows. Why would his Big Boss smell like the hospital? Was he injured? But he didn't look like he was! Instantly, he grew worried.

Yang Feng stiffened, his eyes becoming more guarded than before. "You're thinking too much," He said, entering the car. Just as he was about to close the door, Guo Sheng grasped it.

"Big Boss, why were you at the hospital?" Guo Sheng was always curious about everything.

Yang Feng's lips thinned. Whenever Guo Sheng was intrigued by something, he wouldn't stop asking questions until he got to the definite truth.

"Someone important to me was hospitalized."


"No one you know."

"Why was she in the hospital?"

The question surprised Yang Feng who turned to look at Guo Sheng. She? He sighed. Of course, he probably had some of Zhao Lifei's lingering floral scent on him. Nothing ever passed Guo Sheng's bloodhound nose.

"Because she was injured."

"Why was she injured?"

"Because she's clumsy."

"Why is she clumsy?"

Yang Feng's lips thinned at the endless questions. He turned to Guo Sheng. "Xiao Sheng, I have work. I don't have time today to answer your questions."

Guo Sheng pouted, "But-"

Yang Feng gave him a warning glare and stopped rambling.

"Alright, Big Boss...I'll stop asking questions…" Guo Sheng became sullen again, like a neglected child yearning for his mother's love. "For now." He grumbled under his breath, pouting to himself.

Chen Gaonan took that as his signal to close the door of the black Maybach. Just as Yang Feng rolled up the window, Guo Sheng stuck his fingers into the tiny crack. He didn't even cry in pain when his finger was tightly pinched and almost crushed by the window.

"That's dangerous." Yang Feng frowned, rolling down the windows. He knew Guo Sheng was practically immune to physical pain, but Guo Sheng's hands were too useful to be damaged.

"You promise you'll come tomorrow?" Guo Sheng eagerly asked, hopeful for a confirmation.

Yang Feng slowly nodded.


"In the morning." He usually came to the base at night when he got off of work, but he didn't want to delay the time he would spend with Lifei so he decided mornings would be better.

"In the morning…? But I sleep until the afternoon…" Guo Sheng trailed off, unhappy at his own sleep schedule.

"I'll send men to wake you up."


"But, you can't hurt them." Yang Feng scowled at an old memory of his bloodied and bruised bodyguards that scrambled to him for help when Guo Sheng lost his temper for being awoken earlier than usual.


"Xiao Sheng, I'm serious." Yang Feng sternly said, not leaving any room for disagreements. None of his men wanted to approach the crazy boy and it was all because of his violent tendencies. Even Chen Gaonan was wary to be alone in the same room as him!


"If you do something to my men, I won't see you."

At the possibility of that, Guo Sheng immediately straightened up. "I'll be good!" He quickly replied in fear that Yang Feng actually won't come.

Wordlessly, Yang Feng motioned Hu Wei to start the car and drive towards the office. Guo Sheng brightly waved goodbye, even when the black car was out of sight.

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