Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 306 Other Women

Something flickered in Yang Feng's face. "Yes, I would've still come for you-"

"And that is all that matters." She gently said, taking a step closer and softly wrapping her arms around him, settling her hands on his back whilst she nestled her face into his chest, feeling the safety and comfort she always received from him. A smile spread across her lips when she felt his tense muscles relax under her touch and his body becoming less taut.

"I love you." She whispered against his shirt, burying her face upon the silky smooth material. She breathed in deeply and could smell that intoxicating pine and tangerine scent she had come to love.

Yang Feng could feel his heart stop at her words. "Stupid woman." He grumbled under his breath, wrapping his arms around her. He crashed their bodies together in an inseparable embrace. "I love you more." He paused after a few seconds of contemplation, "Exceedingly more." He added on.

Zhao Lifei let out a small giggle and remained quiet. She knew she would not be able to win against his words. A light breeze blew through the slightly opened window, the white curtains fluttering in the wind. She could feel his fingers balling the material of her top, his hands shaking.

"I can't lose you, Lifei. I really can't fathom such a thing."

Her breath hitched in her throat, tears stinging her eyes when she heard how broken and defeated he sounded.

She pulled her head back to clearly look at him, but he surprised her by whisking her onto the couch, plopping her onto his lap and burying his face into her shoulder blades.

"Tonight was a close call. I nearly lost you today, just three days before your birthday." He quietly said, his fingers digging into her waist. "Don't do it again. Don't wander the streets at night without me, don't go to deserted areas like the private parking lot. Don't command my men to not follow you unless it's the bathroom, and even if it is, bring one of the female bodyguards with you."

Zhao Lifei felt her throat run dry. Before she delivered her words, she wanted to ensure he would not snap at her words. She ran her long, slender fingers through his silky soft hair. She was surprised to see it was slightly parted as if he had run his hands through it multiple times tonight. He reacted to her touches by holding her tighter and pulling her closer.

"Don't do this, don't do that, I am not a doll for you to order around." She felt the pressure of his head that was trying to raise itself from her shoulders, but she pushed it back down. "I hate the idea of giving up my independence and freedom just because of a ring that might serve as a priceless and pretty collar, but for the sake of this situation, I am willing to listen." She leaned her face against his head, "However, once we get over this obstacle, I expect that will be the end of your controlling possessiveness."

Yang Feng did not agree. He kept his mouth shut and remained silent.

Zhao Lifei sighed at the stubborn puppy in her arms. This guy...really...he was too much at times. "A relationship is made up of two people who are willing to compromise for each other." She yelped when he suddenly nipped her neck. He truly was a puppy!


A grin broke out on her face. "Really?"

"Don't make me repeat myself." He snapped, pulling his head back, a gloomy expression on his face. She squealed a bit and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, one hand sliding up to pat the back of his head.

Yang Feng's frosty expression instantly melted.

"Aw, I'm so proud of my little pup, he's learning how to compromise."

His face toughened. "What did you just call me?"

"Oh nevermind." She rolled her eyes, ready to climb out of his lap, but he held her captive. Her breath hitched when he came closer to her, her back leaning on his broad, firm chest. When he moved his head forward, she could feel the clench of his muscles, which in return, caused her body to stiffen in anticipation.

"A pup? You see me as a dog?" His breath tickled her ears, causing her to shudder in his arms.

"Well every time you look at me, it's like you're a dog in heat, hence the nickname." She bravely declared, not letting herself be clouded by his words. For a second there, she nearly drowned in his deep, velvety voice that sent her stomach fluttering.

Yang Feng chuckled, his chest rumbling. "Your fearlessness knows no bounds."

She had a cheeky smile on her face, "I know." She turned around a bit, taken aback when her lips brushed against his face. He was really close. "Does that anger you?" She teased, referring to her behavior.

"If it was any other woman, yes, but since it's you, never." He grumbled, much to her absolute delight. Her eyes lit up because of the dimple-smile on his face. Then it dropped.

"How many other women have you been with then?" Her cheery and sweet voice became accusing and distant. She scrutinized him and when he averted his gaze, she grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. She shifted their position so that her legs were resting on either side of him. She pressed him into the couch, where the only thing in his line of sight would be her and her alone -- not that he minded.

"Why don't you tell me how many men you have been with first?"

"I asked you the question first." She snapped at him. Her fiery eyes narrowed like a detective questioning the criminal. "So how many other women have you been with?"

Yang Feng saw the loophole in her question, "None other than you." He gently smiled and took strands of her hair, twirling it around his finger.

Zhao Lifei raised a brow at his response. She also saw the loophole in the question. "Oh really? Does that include sexual partners?"

He coughed at the direct hit. "I've never made love to anyone other than you." He cheekily responded, making direct eye contact as he kissed the strands of hair, tugging her closer.

Zhao Lifei rolled her eyes and placed her hands on his firm chest to create distance between them. She knew she could be easily distracted by him if she allowed him to do anything. "Okay, how about I rephrase it. How many women did you fuck?"

Yang Feng's eyes widened a bit at the usage of such a dirty word. Who was corrupting his woman? He had a feeling it was that younger sister of his who was always up to no good.

"You shouldn't curse like that—"

"Stop avoiding the question."

Yang Feng stared at her a bit longer. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Up until two years ago, it was just four."

Zhao Lifei was left speechless. With his irresistibly charming features and heavy pockets, she expected a double-digit number, not something as low as four. She tilted her head and concluded that his low EQ was the cause of it.

"Just four?" She skeptically asked, her hands reaching out to pinch his cheeks but he caught her hand mid-air and looped their fingers together, a serene smile on his face. She was breathless, in awe at his smile, gentle like the spring breeze and warm like the summer sun. She was always drawn to his smile that left her in a trance.

"Perhaps three, but none of them matter now." He truthfully said, releasing one of her hands so that he could loosely grip her waist. He played with the ends of her blue top, rolling the soft material between his fingertips.

"Will you tell me who it is?" She asked him in a curious voice. His eyes clouded with boredom while he tried to recount the names of the women.

"They were too insignificant for me to remember." He told her, his voice thick with honesty.

She gave him a wry smile, "Are you sure?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die." He chuckled, his chest rumbling a bit at the deep and rich sound.

"That's so cheesy." She remarked, a fond smile hanging on her lips whilst she leaned forward to rest her hand upon his wide, strong shoulder. He responded by wrapping one arm around her waist and the other upon her upper arm, like a strong vine holding her in place.

Wrapped in a cocoon of comfort, she could feel her eyelids growing heavy. Her breathing was becoming steady, fanning the side of his tanned, honey-toned neck.

He turned his face and softly kissed the top of her head. "Only for you."

Zhao Lifei felt like his voice was very far away, but perhaps that was because she was sucked into a blissful dream. Her eyes fluttered shut and the last thing she heard was, "I love you."

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