Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 376 - Not Enough

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. If you feel uncomfortable reading this scene, please feel free to skip it -- there are no major plot details included in this chapter.

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After returning from the gynecologist, Zhao Lifei confirmed that she was pregnant. The only thing was the bad timing of it. There are so many things she has to do, for example, getting Yang Qianlu's blessing. She didn't want to use her baby as a way of negotiating with him. She wanted to earn his respect herself.

By the time she came home, Yang Feng was already awake. She was surprised to see him sitting at the kitchen table, angrily stabbing away at the food she made for him. "You weren't there to fulfill your promise." He bit out, roughly slicing through the innocent burnt pancakes.

"Heh, don't be so angry. I had somewhere to go." Zhao Lifei mused, wrapping her arms around him from behind. Then she stiffened, her eyes widening. "Where did you get those failure pancakes?!" She hissed, attempting to take his fork and knife away, but he moved his arms away.

"It was on the kitchen counter."

Zhao Lifei knew she was bad at cooking any sweet food, nonetheless, she still wanted to attempt cooking the pancakes. But it came out burnt as she had expected it to be. It seems she forgot to trash them when she was in a hurry to cook him something else.

"Why are you like this?" She groaned, knocking her forehead onto his shoulder to which he relaxed a bit.

"You made it, so I'll eat it." Yang Feng replied, finishing the last piece of the pancake. The honey he poured over helped with the flavor and so did the butter. He was obviously not going to tell her that. "I thought we decided to leave the pastries up to me." He placed the utensils down and caught her by surprise, literally. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hoisted her into the air so that she was easier to kiss. He pressed his lips to her forehead and then set her back onto her feet.

"I hope you're not going back to work." Zhao Lifei fumed when he released her and began to adjust the tie that he was wearing. He was in the process of tightening it when she grabbed the ends of it, "How long did you sleep?"

"An additional one hour." He told her, placing his warm hands over her bitterly cold fingertips. "It's almost Autumn now. Why didn't you wear another layer of clothes? You're freezing." He held her hand and squeezed it, warming it up for her.

"Only an additional hour?" She frowned, "But that's not enough."

"Power-naps shouldn't be more than three hours or else the body will feel more tired than it previously was." Yang Feng chided her, walking up the stairs with her in tow. He had forgotten to grab a coat.

"Don't go to work, stay with me today." Zhao Lifei said when he walked into the closet and grabbed a pair of cufflinks and a black coat. "And you need some color in your life." She commented, her eyes scanning the monotoned dark colors. It was in all sorts of shades of black and dark blue. She didn't think there were that many shades in the first place.

Yang Feng began to button his cuff links and she pouted, before emerging her head through his arms, forcing him to acknowledge her. His eyes darkened at her actions, but he continued to fix the links. Then she teasingly ran her hands from his rigid stomach up to his chest, settling one hand over his heart and the other resting on his shoulder. She stepped closer to him and deliberately pressed her body against his whilst innocently smiling up at him. "Stay with me."

"I have work—" He hissed when she abruptly brushed her body against the gun in his pants, her smile becoming teasing and flirtatious. "Do you want to walk tomorrow?" He hoarsely asked her in a threatening tone to which she innocently tilted her head.

"What do you mean?" She fluttered her little lashes at him and began to undo the buttons of his shirt to which he grabbed her hands.

"If you continue this torture, I will have my way with you whether you like it or not." He growled, beginning to button his shirt again only for her to unbutton it.

"Stop that." He told her, but his hands were already reaching for his tie, loosening it with hooded eyes.

"Stop what?" She teased, her eyes glistening as his eyes became so dark, she couldn't see her reflection within them.

The hand resting on his chest slipped downwards, teasing his abdomen before 'accidentally' brushing against the sharp-dip. "Oops."

"That's it."

Zhao Lifei's eyes widened when he picked her up, her hands automatically grabbing his shoulders to stabilize herself. She was practically straddling him in mid-air, her legs dangling on either side of him. He wasted no time in tossing her onto the bed and sealing her lips with his eager ones. His hands slipped under her shirt, gently teasing her smooth skin, brushing against the edges of her hips before it slowly inched upwards. Her body tensed up in anticipation, waiting for him to do something, but he didn't. Just as she had tortured him before, he was going to do the same.

She let out a soft, contented sigh when his lips inched along her jaw, then dipped down to the spot where her shoulder met her neck. Her fingers entwined into his silky locks, her hips subconsciously moving closer to him, wanting more of him. He teasingly nipped the most sensitive part of her neck, causing her back to arch, holding onto him. "You're such a tease…" She whispered when he didn't kiss the spot she desperately wanted his lips on.

"Now you know how I feel." He hummed against her skin, his hands exploring over her body. Everywhere he touched ignited her skin. He was taking his own sweet time with her and she knew it too.

"Mine wasn't on purpose…" She trailed off, eyes closing when he began to show her collarbone attention. She wished she wasn't wearing such a modest shirt, for there was not enough skin for him to marvel.

Her eyes opened when his hands left her body. "I believe we should take this off." He told her while resting his fingers at the edges of the white top. He waited for her to protest and when she didn't, he slipped the shirt off of her while staring deeply into her eyes.

Zhao Lifei shrank into the bed when she realized she had provoked him too much. His onyx eyes were dripping with lust. His very gaze did wonders to her heating body, her lower region aching a bit when his rough hand handled her breast softly. She felt her heart skip a beat when he still had the patience to gently smile, "I believe I haven't complimented you enough." He murmured, "They're beautiful." She thought he was referring to her breasts, but he was staring at something else. "I used to own a telescope when I was younger," He leaned in and kissed each of her eyelids, "Yet, none of the stars I've seen in my lifetime could ever rival yours."

Zhao Lifei's heart pounded against her chest, warming up at his words. His hands trailed up to her face, his fingers touching every inch of her features until they brushed against her lips. "Truly exquisite. Every part of you is perfect."

"Funny enough, I think the same about you." She mumbled, unprepared for the sudden attack of overwhelming love.

"Is that so?" He gently pressed his lips onto hers and before she could respond, he pulled back, earning a groan from her. "Are you going to torture me all day?" She asked him, watching as his hands trail down her sides. She shivered at his touch, her body wanting and waiting.

"I quite like your impatience. Perhaps I will." His eyes twinkled with mischief, his hands stopping at the button of her black slacks. "Let's get rid of this, shall we?"

Yang Feng was straddling her now, his powerful legs on either side of her body, giving her the perfect view of him. She gulped and rapidly nodded her head. He bent down and pressed a kiss just an inch under her navel, causing her to gasp while his fingers unbuttoned her pants and before she knew it, the piece of clothing was gone. The sensation of his skimming kisses left her wanting more, for the simple contact ignited the area around it.

Then his lips went back onto her mouth, capturing it in a gentle kiss. He was slow and sensual, lazily kissing her, allowing her to drown in his seduction. Then he applied pressure and kissed her deeper until it becomes fervor and the room was filled with soft moans. His hands roamed over her body until it stopped right on her hips, where her lacy underwear was resting. "Are you sure?" He rasped, although he had taken her multiple times before.

"Always." She breathed out, a bit breathless from his intoxicating kisses. Then he slowly slipped off her undergarment and tossed it aside.

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