Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 381 - What If

Zhao Lifei always knew Yang Feng was very protective of her, but she didn't think there was a way to become even more overprotective. She was barely a few weeks along, but he was already heavily monitoring everything she did.

Not wanting to put a strain on her body, he ordered an architect to build an elevator into their four-story house. She wasn't allowed to wear high-heels and it took an entire day of convincing for her to be allowed to wear at least one or two-inch heels.

He took away her coffee and stored every caffeinated product away from her reach, prevented her from taking any hot baths and only allowed warm ones that didn't exceed 40 degrees Celsius [1].

Yang Feng didn't want her to stand too long and even offered to carry her everywhere she went. It was cute at first, but by the end of the week, she was irked and longed for freedom. Some of his actions were fine, but carrying her was becoming too excessive.

He treated her like a porcelain doll that could break with the wrong touch. It was ridiculous. On top of that, he hadn't touched her at all, not even once. She felt the latter was more frustrating than his other treatments...

"My love, where are you headed towards?"

"Our bedroom…?" Zhao Lifei answered, standing on the grand staircase and confused about his question. He rushed to the step she was on and began to lead her downstairs.

"That's three flights up. You should take the elevator." He chided her, leading her toward their newly-renovated elevator. Not wanting to argue with him, she pressed her lips together and held in her complaint. He was worried about her, she understood that, but she was getting stressed out by his actions.

"Yang Feng, darling…" Zhao Lifei trailed off, staring at his long finger that pressed the third-floor button.

"Yes, my love?" Yang Feng tenderly answered her, his arms loosely resting on her hips whilst rubbing his thumb upon her stomach. He bent down and kissed the side of her head, before deciding it wasn't enough, and proceeded to kiss her forehead and then the corner of her lips.

"You do realize that light exercise is good for pregnancies right?" Zhao Lifei asked with a gentle, patient tone in her voice. His brows creased together as he worriedly looked at her stomach. The reality of it was that she was barely showing a bump and the small change looked like she ate too much. However, in worrywart Yang Feng's eyes, she looked like she could give birth by tonight.

"What if you fall on the staircase?"

"And what if I trip and fall on the carpet?" She snorted, accompanying him out of the elevator and to their bedroom.

"The carpet?!" Yang Feng's eyes widened, "You're right. You can trip and fall. I'll have the architect implement soft cushioning underneath the carpets so that even if you fall, it will be upon soft surfaces."

"No!" Zhao Lifei rapidly shook her head, "Goodness no. I will be extra careful."

"We still have to take safety measures." Yang Feng told her, guiding her into the bedroom and forcing her to sit down on the bed. "Now, rest."

"But I just took a nap two hours ago." She complained, wrapping her arms around his, staring up at him with her puppy eyes. "If you count the night-sleep that we had with the nap, I had a total of ten hours of sleep. That's already over the recommended time."

Yang Feng pondered over her words. "I would still like you to sit down. How about I bring something for you to do?"

"Bring me my laptop and documents. Since you're refusing to let me stay at the office until six, I missed out on a lot of work. Oh and I have to sit in on interviews for a new secretary, so I might be home later than expected tomorrow."

"How late?" His eyes narrowed, his jaws going slack. He didn't look happy.

"Six." She sighed, leaning her head onto his arm. "You're sometimes so cute when you're angry, but you're sometimes also very annoying… I still find you endearing though." She grinned up at him, revealing her small dimples.

His face softened and his tense body relaxed. He stroked the top of her head and hooked his finger under her chin to bring her face closer to his. Bending down, he innocently kissed her on the lips.

Zhao Lifei frowned when he pulled back before the kiss could escalate any further. "That's it?" She disappointedly asked, a bit frustrated since he hadn't given her a proper kiss ever since she told him she was pregnant.

"My love, if you want more, you only have to ask."

'Screw that.' Zhao Lifei thought to herself, grabbing him by his tie, yanking him down to her height. She didn't know where this sudden rush of confidence came from but she locked her lips with his in a hungry kiss. He couldn't resist her anymore. Slowly, gently, he inched her onto the bed, so that her back was resting upon the mattress. He rested his weight on one arm and the other angled her head to deepen the kiss. Kissing him felt so right that Zhao Lifei couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. She led the kiss, licking his bottom lip to seek entrance to which he gladly gave her. Her tongue explored the crevices of his mouth before she finally pushed him back a bit, catching much-needed gasps of air.

Yang Feng enjoyed the sight of her slightly reddened face, the color spreading to her chest. Glistening red lips, like freshly watered roses, and glazed eyes. He wanted to take her right then and there. Her kiss had ignited his desire, so much so, that a tent was already forming on his lower region. He groaned a bit when she moved her legs, brushing against his hardening member.

"You know…" She whispered, wrapping one hand around his back, inclining him closer to her. "A little bit of fun in the bed won't hurt the baby, I promise." His eyes were filled with conflict while he contemplated her words. She brought him closer and began to press open-mouthed kisses from his razor-sharp jaw down the side of his neck, earning a grunt of approval. With each kiss, she was slowly undoing the buttons of his shirt and he was beginning to loosen his tie. Her hands freely explored his body and everywhere she touched, a path of heat would follow.

"You sure know your charm." He rasped in a throaty, restrained voice, grabbing her hands. He could feel her slight, mischievous smirk against his skin. "Lifei." He warningly growled when she abruptly brushed her hands upon the tent, then her fingers torturously traced the line on his hips.

Leaning up, she whispered the three words that made him lose all rationality, "I want you."

- - - - -

Zhao Lifei laid contently on her side with Yang Feng's naked arm underneath her neck, resting on her collarbone, holding her close to him. His other arm was stroking her bare stomach while the two laid in comfortable silence after making love for the previous hour or so. He was gentle the first round, but after a bit of teasing, he went back to his usual pace. She enjoyed both types without fail.

"Have you visited the doctor?" He asked her after a few minutes to which she slowly nodded her head, turning around to face him. His eyes didn't wander to her exposed breasts or anywhere else. He maintained eye contact with her, but that didn't stop his hands from conveying a different message by running them up her hips.

"Yes. It was to confirm the pregnancy and make sure the baby is alright." Zhao Lifei scooted closer to him, relishing in his heat. She loved that about him and he didn't seem to mind her unusually cold body. She rested a hand on his face, caressing the skin, and leaning up to kiss his lips, but pulling back before he could deepen it.

"I quite enjoy your kisses — the proper ones." He husked, leaning closer to her, his lips brushing against hers. When she attempted to draw away from him, he wrapped his arms tighter around her and stole her lips, in a slow, sensual kiss.

Her body relaxed while one hand slipped into his hair, she unknowingly clung onto him while he gently pried her mouth open as their tongues clashed. He allowed her to win for once, allowing her to take over. Eventually, they broke apart, for her to take breaths of air, then he came closer and kissed her on the five points of her face: her forehead, both of her cheeks, nose, and then lastly, her lips.

Slowly, but surely, she was lulled to sleep in his arms. Yang Feng's lips tugged into a small, rogue smirk, satisfied that he was able to get her to sleep in the end. He checked the time and decided it would be best if they remained in their position, so he hugged her tighter. With the steady rise of her chest, her cool breath of air fanning his neck, and the reassurance that she was here to stay for good, he finally fell asleep beside her.

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