Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 413 - Taken Man

The reporters were relentless. Usually, they weren't this lethal in their approach but after her insults, none of them decided to hold back today.

"Apparently, you're not as kind as people thought you to be. There are rumors that you paid a B-list model to harass Zhao Lifei in the past. Is that true?"

"The evidence is that the people you're closest to are all wearing a similar charm bracelet! Is this your way of recruiting people to do your bidding?"

Xia Mengxi's face went even paler as she turned into a sickly shade of green; she looked like she was on the verge of puking. Anxiety drove her on her edge as she blurted out, "That's not true. I would never do such a thing to Zhao Lifei! I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet—"

Xia Mengxi's words died off in her throat when she saw a woman push to get through the crowd. Her hair, which was usually let down to mimic Xia Mengxi's style, was tied up today. It enhanced her heart-shaped face and brought out her high cheekbones.

Relief flooded Xia Mengxi's trembling soul. Watching Zhao Linhua approach her was like seeing an angel amidst the chaos. At this very moment, Xia Mengxi felt the happiest she had ever been. For once, she appreciated Zhao Linhua's presence. "Ah-Lin, you're here! Please explain to them I didn't hire the model!"

Zhao Linhua gently smiled at Xia Mengxi. Now that she finally had the upper hand for once, she was going to drag this woman through the dirt and back. "Mengmeng, don't worry. I will tell them the truth." She said loud enough for everyone to hear. Xia Mengxi finally relaxed a bit in the presence of a trusted friend.

Zhao Linhua's eyes flashed with disgust when Xia Mengxi attempted to touch her shoulder as leverage of support. She stepped away, fearful of the weird substances dripping from the woman's body. Her nose crinkled. What was that awful smell?

The reporters stared at Zhao Linhua, microphones thrust into her face. Even now, the flashes of cameras were still going off like fireworks.

Zhao Linhua glanced at Xia Mengxi who rapidly nodded her head, urging her to speak the truth and nothing but the truth. "Xia Mengxi does give out friendship bracelets. She handpicks each charm." She held up the beautiful silver bracelet on her arms.

"It's only for people who are as loyal to her as a dog would be to their master." Zhao Linhua's words caused a wave of murmurs. Everyone understood what she was implying.

"Ah-Lin, what are you doing—"

"Xia Mengxi hired the model to slander my older sister's name in public. Both of them understood the consequences of going after Zhao Lifei and still took the risk like a fool." Zhao Linhua didn't bother to reveal the forgotten name of the insignificant model. Everyone knew who she was referring to. It wasn't every day that people tried to slander Zhao Lifei when it's publicly known whose woman she is.

Xia Mengxi's horrified face was left for the camera to capture at every angle possible. How many times had she been betrayed today? "Zhao Linhua, you, you—"

"Save the insults for jail." Zhao Linhua chuckled, "That is," she lowered her voice and bent close to Xia Mengxi, "If President Yang lets you live after this."

Zhao Linhua had finally abandoned her chase towards Zhao Lifei. The rude awakening from yesterday was enough for her to stop pursuing a taken man, especially when he had zero indications of abandoning Zhao Lifei.

Xia Mengxi almost collapsed until she finally saw her beacon of light. Leisurely, a man was strutting in the distance, approaching a store. She could only see the side profile of the tall and well-built body. He was surrounded by his team of people and security.

"Zheng Murong!" Xia Mengxi cried out, completely unaware that the bodyguard who abandoned her was working under his orders. At the mention of the new CEO of Zheng Corporation, the reporters were momentarily distracted.

Like a madwoman, she pushed through the crowd of people that usually parted for her. It was through heavy resistance that she finally broke through the clearing, but not before her appearance was severely ruined. Tears were freely streaming down her face, ruining her mascara and make-up. She had a stench worse than a skunk [1] spray and her white dress was torn, splotchy, and covered in questionable stains.

Her public image was completely tarnished. Even when she was struggling to reach her big-thigh, she was being live-streamed. Some did it willingly, others were paid to do it. Drones were flying in the air, capturing her humiliation without fail. People were curious as to who owned the drones and why it came out at such good timing. No one knew that the Demon King himself was behind it.

Zheng Murong paused briefly and glanced with disinterest at the woman stopping in front of him. His group of people halted her in her path, but that didn't mean he missed the sight of her horrid appearance. His lips curled in disgust, stepping back and shielding the woman beside him. Because of his frame and the angle that Xia Mengxi stood from, she wasn't able to see the other woman hanging in his arms, tilting her head.

"Murong, help me out of this. These people, look at what they have done to me!" Xia Mengxi sobbed, hugging her quivering shoulders that shook like a brittle leaf. Her tears have always worked on men. Her voice was dripping with sorrow. It was supposed to evoke the protective nature of men that caused them to pity her. It had always worked miraculously in the past.

"And Linhua! That...that horrible woman!" She cried on, "She betrayed me and is attempting to spread lies about me. These good-for-nothing reporters are all targeting me now and other socialites are trying to drag me down." She attempted to step closer to the love of her life. Just the simple sight of him was enough to make her heart skip a beat. He was nothing like his older brother. His appearance could never match the King himself, but he was handsome in his own roguish way. When Zheng Tianyi shone like a Prince, Zheng Murong had the appearance of a mischievous knight.

Zheng Murong raised a brow and stared at her with confusion. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

Her entire world crumbled instantly. The hope in her eyes died, like the last remaining light in her heart. Her crying and rambling ceased. "W-what do you mean—"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever met you before…" He trailed off, then paused as if a lightbulb went off in his head before his face turned dark. "Wait, I know you."

Her face lit up the slightest bit. "Stop playing jokes, of course, you know me! Remember all of our—"

"You're my brother's fiancee." He sneered, "You dare to cheat on him and then come to me for help? Absolutely shameless. Don't pretend you know me when we've only met once or twice."

Xia Mengxi was in shambles. She was stunned silent by his cruel and unforgettable words. Her heart shattered into millions of pieces. Everyone had betrayed her. Everyone had left her. None of the people in her life were genuine with her. Was this how Zhao Lifei felt? This feeling as if the world had ended and there was no way for her to crawl out of this hell-hole?

"Stop it, we've slept together so many times!" She shrieked, earning gasps from the people. Was he the man in the photos?!

"Sleep with the likes of you? You think I would betray my older brother like that?" Zheng Murong scowled. He earned chimes of agreement. No one would be foolish or daring enough to snatch Zheng Tianyi's woman f. At least, that was what they thought.

"Spreading blatant lies and rumors. My attorneys will contact you for this."

"Your attorney?! I have the proof right here that you're the one sleeping with me!" Xia Mengxi screamed. All of her rationality flew out of the window as she attempted to shove the photographs into his face, only for her to be furiously blocked by his bodyguards. Her face morphed into anger, then realization, confusion, and horror. All this time, the person that called back the bodyguards was none other than her lover.

The reporters didn't miss the crucial detail she said that incriminated herself. She was publicly declaring the woman in the scandalous photos was really her! There was no way she could claim a rebuttal like, "Someone cropped my face into these photos!"

Many of them wanted to laugh with glee. Gold! They had struck gold in this juicy gossip!

"How can you slander my brother's name by proudly declaring you have cheated on him? After all that he has done for you." Zheng Murong shook his head as if he was severely disappointed and offended by her words.

"No, I—"

"Besides, I have a girlfriend." Zheng Murong glanced at the woman in his arms. She stared at Xia Mengxi with discontent while surveying the woman up and down. In contrast to Xia Mengxi's mangled appearance, she was as beautiful as a fairy descending from the Heavens. One glance her way and the people instantly believed him over Xia Mengxi. When your girlfriend is that beautiful, who would want to cheat on her?!

"As a woman, have you no shame?" The woman spoke up, her lips tilting down like a mother reprimanding her child. "Women should uplift each other, not disrespect themselves and the others around them. Please do stop spreading lies about my boyfriend."

All eyes snapped to Xia Mengxi, waiting for a response. But she was silenced by the presence of Zheng Murong's supposed girlfriend. Pain spread throughout her entire body, starting from her shattered heart. Betrayed and tossed aside, her picture-perfect life cracked before her eyes. Unknowingly, she collapsed onto her knees, utterly defeated by the outcome.

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