Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 416 - This is a Mess

The silence in the room was deafening. No one had expected this outcome. Wu Yuntai grimaced at Zhao Moyao's infuriated expression. His eyes snapped to Yang Feng as if he was waiting for him to do something.

Zhao Xingxing felt her heart drop to her stomach when she saw her name wedged between Zhao Lifei and Zhao Jing. Her frightful eyes turned to Zhao Lifei as if pleading for her to change her vote.

Zhao Lifei originally wanted to vote for Wu Yuntai. It had been like this since the very beginning but such a thing would be outrageous. He had already gotten quite far by becoming the Vice President when his surname wasn't Zhao. The company had always been in the hands of a Zhao and there had not been a single CEO who didn't have the name.

There would be an outcry if Wu Yuntai came out on top. His only flaw was that he wasn't born in the family. Zhao Moyao might've desired for the young man to take over, especially when he had been by his side for a long time. But everyone knew such a thing would be impossible.

Zhao Jing was favorable because he was a male who could continue the family name when his son was born. Zhao Xingxing's child was not going to inherit the powerful name— that is, if she's not afraid of legally changing the name of her child.

Li Xuan swallowed. "It's a tie between Zhao Jing and Zhao Xingxing."

"Damn brat." Zhao Moyao ground his teeth, raising a hand midway to reveal the small, folded paper in his hand. Zhao Lifei's eyes widened.


"That is enough." Zhao Moyao placed the paper into Li Xuan's hands who glanced at it before typing in the calculation. The presentation screen turned black before it flickered white again.

Zhao Lifei.

Zhao Jing, Zhao Xingxing.

Zhao Lifei frowned, "I have my own company to worry and manage over—"

"I have been training you to take this position your whole life. Your interests drifted to a different company and that is fine with me. You can do a merger or whatever else as you see fit." Zhao Moyao coldly responded. He wasn't speaking like a grandfather, but more of a President. His decision was final. Once a vote had been calculated, it couldn't be retracted.

"Since Feili is on the rise and it's doing exceptionally well for a newly established company, but you have to realize, it will take decades for it to reach the level of Zhao Corporation. You will do well here. You've acted as my consultant, learned the ins and outs of running this company, and you secretly worked here on your free time before it was consumed by Feili."

"I will not abandon my company." Zhao Lifei scowled, "For heaven's sake, it's my name backward!"

"I never said you have to abandon it." Zhao Moyao briefly glanced at Wu Yuntai who didn't seem surprised or bothered by the fact that he didn't become CEO. A man could only dream so far…

"You can spend your free time in that company, but Zhao Corporation will be your top priority."

Zhao Lifei bit her bottom lip. She knew nothing she would say or do can change his mind. A small murmur came from Wu Yuntai, so quiet, she thought it was the sound of the air-cond.

"Think of your children." Wu Yuntai kept his voice barely audible. Only him, Zhao Moyao, and Zhao Lifei heard his words.

"Your eldest will most likely inherit Yang Feng's position, your middle will inherit Feili, and what will be left for your youngest? Will they receive nothing?" Wu Yuntai wisely advised her, glancing at her stomach before raising his eyes to stare into her eyes. Their conversation was hushed and he was wise enough to keep it among the three of them.

Zhao Lifei quietly said, "Who's to say I will have three kids—"

"Your husband is Yang Feng, of course, he'll want more than two." Wu Yuntai responded with a slight muse. He glanced towards Yang Feng's way and realized the man was drinking vinegar with his venomous gaze. He straightened his suit and sat up taller.

Zhao Lifei closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. When she opened it, a flicker of determination could be seen. She will become the President.

"You can change your mind after five years, but I'm certain you will enjoy this position." Zhao Moyao chuckled before turning to stare at the faces of each and every person in the room.

"Any objections?"

"Definitely." Zhao Jing stood up with a displeased expression. "I believe I would be more suitable—"

"Then find more supporters who would vote for you." Zhao Jing snapped his head to Zhao Xingxing as if he was waiting for her to speak up.

She turned to Zhao Lifei and smiled. "It's time a woman finally assumes the position as CEO of Zhao Corporation. I'm glad it's you." She crumpled the paper in her hand, tore another piece and stood up, walking to Li Xuan and placing the slip into his hands.

Zhao Moyao sighed at his rebellious granddaughters. Both of them decided to vote late it seems. He couldn't say much, for he too, had done the same.

"Thank you for having the trust to vote for me, but I am unsuitable for this position." Zhao Xingxing couldn't bring herself to look at her long term friend whose crestfallen face would fill her with guilt. All along, she had planned to vote for Zhao Lifei. Zhao Jing was a great candidate, but that was all that he was. He was right. Zhao Lifei was doted on by Zhao Moyao. She unfairly received more treatment and was allowed to learn everything from the Master himself, but that isn't to say, Zhao Jing also didn't come from stellar education. It was all about connections and supporters. In this case, Zhao Lifei has the majority on her side and she didn't even know who the remaining was.

"I would like to respectfully withdraw my name from the list." Zhao Xingxing said, which indicated that her supporters could technically withdraw their shares and revote.

"This is a mess, I demand a revote." Zhao Jing frowned, standing and turning to glance at his people.

Zhao Moyao sighed. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to let his favorite grandchildren do whatever they pleased. "All those who support a revote, raise your hand."

The majority of people held their hands up, but no more past their shoulders.

"A revote it is."

- - - - -

Everyone dispersed into their private space to secretly contact each other. The family was too split to come to a decision, but the majority of them were against the idea of having Zhao Lifei on the seat. She was too hard to be controlled by them and none of them could gaslight or manipulate her. Zhao Jing was mainly backed by the family; however, he wasn't supported by the outsiders that comprised of other shareholders that had zero familial ties with the Zhaos.

In a private room where only two people were present, Zhao Lifei tore her eyes away from the paper in her hands. Her eyes widened a bit when she realized something. Before her and Yang Feng's vote, Zhao Xingxing was in fourth place. Her name wasn't placed into the scoring board because she wasn't the top three. She had voted for Zhao Xingxing. It should be impossible for her to be on top of Zhao Xingxing if Yang Feng had voted for her as well. Unless...

Her heart raced as she turned to Yang Feng. "You voted for me?!"

Yang Feng's lips quipped into a slight smirk. "I thought we aren't allowed to discuss who we voted for. You know, to prevent controversy—"

"Did you vote for me?" Zhao Lifei asked in a demanding voice oozing with authority. When he remained silent, she got her answer.


"No one else deserves that position more than you do." Yang Feng answered, "I said I would support your decision, but I never said I would agree with it." He crossed the distance between them and gently patted her on the hair.

"Wu Yuntai is crossed out because he is not a Zhao. This is a company run by generations of Zhao. It is not going to change anytime soon."

"But Zhao Xingxing—"

"Do not lie to me." Yang Feng frowned, "She has zero training for the role. And don't bother bringing up Zhao Jing. He only immerses himself in the family shares that even when combined can't make up half of the company's shares. He was able to luckily receive a few from outside ties, but none of it are major holders."

"You don't need to have any connection with your family to succeed. They're greedy and will not have the company's best interest at heart."

Zhao Lifei ran a tired hand through her hair. "Who were the others that voted for me? My name was still high on the list before you or grandfather voted for me."

"I didn't influence or pressure other people to vote for you." He truthfully answered, "But I can make a few predictions on who could be behind it."

"You don't have to." A voice spoke up as the large, double-doors were pushed open and in walked people she had never expected to see.

Ling Fulei strutted in with a lazy expression, Yang Yulong yawned before smirking, Yang Ruqin winked and waved, Zheng Murong politely nodded his head, and an unfamiliar woman walked in with a slight smile.

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