Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 64: There Was A Man On Her Bed!

Yang Ruqin pouted when she saw her blank screen. After spamming Feifei's phone with messages and attempting to call her multiple times, she wasn't responding! Knowing her, she's still holed up in her bed with no plans to wake up until late in the afternoon.

"Why does she sleep for long? It's not like she needs any beauty sleep!" Yang Ruqin fumed, climbing out of the luxurious black van made for top celebrities.

She put on her huge black sunglasses just as the wind picked up, causing her hair to flutter.

The people on the streets stared at her with their mouth agape. As expected of a world-renowned supermodel. Even in her daily life while going through her usual routine, she looked like she was shooting for an advertisement.

Yang Ruqin pursed her lips, pushed a few strands of hair back while she grabbed her phone to text Feifei again.

She walked into the Sky Arc Complex and signed her name in the guest registry. She tapped her foot impatiently on the ground and immediately walked into the elevator after the receptionist gave her the 'okay'.

She hadn't seen her Feifei for an entire week and the first thing she did when she got back was check up on her. She had a tight schedule, yet still came around to visit her.

Yang Ruqin felt her blood boil with annoyance. She was out of the city for a week because of her job and even came back lugging an entire small suitcase filled with souvenirs just dedicated to her Feifei. And the woman in question wasn't even picking up her phone!

Struggling with the heavy suitcase down the hallways of the top floors of the Sky Arc Complex, Yang Ruqin keyed in the password to Zhao Lifei's apartment door.

When the keypad said it was incorrect, her eyes flickered with surprise. Did Zhao Lifei change the password?

But why? Did she go to the wrong apartment...?

She checked the number plate and just as predicted, it was correct. But why wasn't the door unlocking itself?

Yang Ruqin frowned and called Zhao Lifei but she still was not picking up. Now, Ruqin grew really worried. Her anger washed away and panic settled in.

Did something happen again? Was she going to disappear without warning again? She tried hard to think whether there had been any more terrible news about Zhao Lifei recently because of Zheng Tianyi. However, all she could remember were the ones she couldn't care less about.

No wait...she suddenly remembered seeing the news of Yang Feng and an unknown woman that her mother had been pestering her about!

She nervously chewed on her finger and typed in the password again. It showed the same "error" message.

Her anxiety had started to rise, as she remembered how Zhao Lifei vanished for two years. At the time, she wasn't there to physically support Feifei. Although Yang Ruqin had rushed back as soon as possible, she was too late, her Feifei was gone.

Yang Ruqin couldn't help but feel guilty for not being able to support Feifei during the toughest time of her life.

They had spent two years without contact and she had spent that time wondering how Feifei is doing and when they'll be able to meet again.

She even had to use some of her family's underworld connections to try and find her only, but all of her attempts were futile.

She only stopped after Zhao Moyao's interference. It seemed the only person that knew of her whereabouts during that time was none other than her grandfather.

She shook her head at the daydream that was about to kick in. Right now was not the time for that!

After a few seconds of standing in the hallway, she finally decided to use her fingerprint and go through the extensive process of unlocking the door.

Yang Ruqin pressed her fingerprint onto the scanner, then bent down for it to scan her eyes.

She then typed in answers to the hard questions and did the final step of scanning her entire face.

The door finally clicked open.

She hated having to do this, but it was the only way if one didn't know the password. If there was the slightest error from any of the procedure, the police would be notified ASAP.

She walked into Zhao Lifei's condo and noticed her jacket was tossed on the couch. The piano chair was pulled out, and even her purse was sitting on the counter beside the door. It showed signs that at the very least, Lifei came home.

Yang Ruqin saw the door to Zhao Lifei's bedroom was shut and blew out a small sigh of relief. So she didn't disappear again...

But Yang Ruqin thought it was strange the curtains were still drawn open. Usually, her Feifei would close them before she goes to bed to block out the glaring sunlight rays from having her house so high up in the air the next morning.

Not wanting to wake Feifei up, Yang Ruqin slowly opened the door.

Her jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes bulged at the scene in front of her.

A man!

There was a man on her bed!

Her eyes quickly scanned the room for discarded clothes and when she saw the tossed tie and suit jacket on the floor, she panicked.

Oh my freaking God! Her Feifei brought a man home and it looked like they slept together!

This was big news!

After so many failed attempts at blind dates, her Feifei finally found a man! This was a piece of celebratory news because it meant she finally moved on from that dirty scum Zheng Tianyi.

Swooning in happiness for her friend, Yang Ruqin nearly squealed in glee. But she didn't dare to make any noises and wake up the loving couple.

His wide and muscular back was the only thing visible about him from the distance.

Yang Ruqin walked closer and noticed the man seemed to be spooning her Feifei with an arm wrapped securely around her. She could tell from a glance that the clothes on the floor were of high quality and that the stance of the man was protective of Lifei even while he was sleeping.

It seems her Feifei didn't need her help in finding a catch after all!

But there was something about this man...Why did he look so familiar?

She felt confused and wondered if she should look closer. What if she walked to the other side of the bed and caught a glimpse of Zhao Lifei's naked body?

"Oh well, we're both girls. There's nothing to be surprised over." Ruqin whispered to herself, tiptoeing to the edge of the bed.

This time, her previous shock was overshadowed as her purse slipped off her shoulders and landed with a loud thud.

She stood there, stifled and frozen at the sight before her. She sucked in nervous gasps of air, subconsciously taking horrified steps backward, while pressing her hands to her mouth in shock.




Laying in Zhao Lifei's bed was none other than her brother, Yang Feng — the king of the underworld! Her cold brother, a man who rarely smiled and laughed, he was actually lying on her bed!

Yang Ruqin couldn't believe what she was seeing.

No, no, no, this must be a dream! Harshly pinching herself, she thought maybe she had fallen asleep in the car and this was just a vivid dream!

But even after giving herself painful pinches, she didn't wake up. Yang Ruqin breathed out in shock, not able to believe the sight before her.

H-how was this possible?!

Her brother and her Feifei together? What alternate universe has she stumbled upon?

'B-b-but I thought Feng-ge hated Feifei?' She was so confused at this sudden turn of events, she nearly stumbled over the furniture.

Not believing what she was seeing, Yang Ruqin looked around the room for any signs of what happened before she got here.

She breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing that aside from the suit jacket and his tie, there were no other items of clothing on the floor.

Wait, they didn't have sex? Why were they snuggled together so tightly in her bed then?

Is it a one night stand or a romantic relationship?

Her head was spinning with all of these questions.

Walking closer to the sleeping couple, a part of her was very conflicted.

When she thought about what type of man her Feifei would end up with, she never expected it to be Yang Feng.

She loved her brother dearly, almost as much as she loves Feifei, but this pairing...It was not something she would have come up with.

Biting her bottom lip, she didn't know what to do.

To Ruqin, Zhao Lifei deserved the best in the world. While Yang Feng deserves the same, she can't help but be more biased towards her Feifei. Because her brother was terrifyingly powerful and wealthy, she was scared for Feifei.

Yang Feng's dealings in the underworld and ruthless decisions as a CEO had gotten him into a lot of hit lists. He had many enemies, all of them would love to find a weakness to exploit.

She knew from the bottom of her heart that if they were truly in a romantic relationship, Zhao Lifei would surely be used against him.

There had been too many attempts on her life during her time as the future Madam Zheng. And Yang Feng ranked way higher than Zheng Tianyi, which meant this time, the assassins would be of higher quality. Moreover, the price on her head would be higher as well...

The image of her tied up, beaten, bruised, and tortured was painful for Yang Ruqin to even think about. Her Feifei shouldn't go through any more suffering in this lifetime or the next! Not after what Zheng Tianyi did to her heart...

"Oh Feifei, what type of mess have you gotten yourself entangled into..." Yang Ruqin painfully said, reaching out to stroke Zhao Lifei's hair, but a hand reached out at terrifying speed to roughly seize hers.

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