Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 94 Why Did You Forget?

He knew she was horrified since she was deathly still in his lap. He saw his reflection on the thick layer of glass over his polished black wood desk and realized he had a sadistic expression on his face.

'Well?' He thought to himself, preparing to see the pale and frightened face of Zhao Lifei.

The women in his past all trembled, even if some tried to tamp it down.

He was curious. With her unique personality, will she dare to move even when scared? Will showing her such an atrocious scene curb her temper and change her personality around him? Will she treat him better or will she run away from him? Will the woman he fell for still be the same when she sees this side of him?

When he looked at her, he was surprised. He didn't see ghostly pale skin, cold sweat, or a fumbling woman. Never in a billion years would he ever have prepared for the expression he was going to witness from her.

Instead of the petrified expression he had expected, there was a curious glimmer within her eyes. Her lips were parted as if in awe and her head was tilted, lost in thought. Perhaps it was the lighting, but she looked intrigued at the video on the laptop.

"How did you do that?" She curiously asked, turning her head to properly look at him.

He looked down at her, the childlike wonder she had in her eyes was hard to miss. With the natural sunlight shining upon her, her eyes were a beautiful amber color, resembling the rare topaz she had once gifted him as a child. After spending time with her, his intuition told him she didn't remember a single thing.

She naively smiled at him, tilting her head like a curious bunny, awaiting his response. She jumped when he suddenly patted her head, his gaze distant and far away, his mind running down memory lane.

"Yang Feng?" She poked his chest before pinching his cheeks. His face was originally really sinister, but she had no qualms about touching it. When he looked at her, she realized how soft his expression had become.

"Why did you forget about me?" He quietly asked, his voice so low that she almost didn't catch what he said.

"What do you mean?" She leaned back to look at him.

He stared down at her, and unconsciously, he brushed her hair back. He had done this before when they were children, with the summer sun bleeding beautifully into them as their backdrop.

It was the hottest day of summer but despite the dazzling sun, she was still running after him. He had heard a rough plop from behind and when he turned around, he saw she had fallen.

The idea of her in harm's way made him panic. He had immediately walked back to help her. Seeing this, she began to grin, her hair sticking to her forehead, and her eyes twinkling with innocence.

He scolded her for being stubborn while brushing back her adorable little fringe, but nonetheless, she still followed him, calling out "Feng Feng!"

"Yang Feng? Hello? Is your brain working? Did the engines malfunction?" She knocked on his forehead then played with his cheeks by pinching them and marveling at how it was smooth like stretchable marble.

He snapped back to reality, grabbing her wrist and leaning closer.

"The engines are working perfectly fine." He chuckled at her strange sense of humor. He teases her back by pinching her cheeks as well. Unlike his which was firm, hers were soft and very malleable.

"You spaced out and said some gibberish." She said, recalling his strange question. She has forgotten him? When? She didn't recount a time she had met him before their first encounter in the hospital room. She only heard about him whenever Qinqin would complain about how her brothers bully her, yet he seemed to have known her before that.

"Did I? Just ignore it." He hummed, not recalling what he said.

"Oh, okay." She nodded at his words before turning back to the gruesome surveillance footage.

She wasn't going to lie. The scene freaked her out and had awakened her hidden fears, but not for the reasons Yang Feng thought.

When she felt the goosebumps on her skin, the familiar shiver down her spine, and her mind clouding, she understood her fear. She purposely pushed her emotions away. She wasn't that scaredy-cat anymore. She had already turned over a new leaf.

"What kind of application is that? How did you switch screens with just your fingerprint? Is it secure? Can you tell me how this program works?" She asked him, pointing towards the screen and the surveillance videos that needed his fingerprint to be accessible.

"Why do you want to know? What do you want to hide?" He teased her, simultaneously noticing that she had paled a little and her hands were clammy. So, she was scared. But for whatever the reason, she hid it pretty well.

"I think it would come in handy one day." She said, thinking back to all the encrypted files on her computer about different people and organizations. She also obtained a lot of information about Zheng Corporation's under-the-table dealings…

"Alright, I'll come over to your house tonight and help you." He tapped her forehead to which she brightly nodded, missing his suggestive comment.

"Okay." She grinned and took him by surprise since it was one of the rarest moments that he has ever seen her smile like that.

Seizing the chance with his momentary infatuation, she quickly slipped off of his lap.

"Come back here-"

"Doesn't your leg feel sore? I'm sure it fell asleep by now." She laughed, walking to the opposite side of his desk.

He stood up to his full glory, towering over her once again, despite the fact that she was taller than the average woman.

"Does it look like my legs have fallen asleep?" He chuckled, quickly crossing the distance between them. He grabbed her by the waist and tugged her towards him. She barely weighed anything on his lap and it made him realize he should take her to eat out sometime soon.

She placed her hands on his chest to create distance between them. She noticed how big his hands were in comparison to her waist. His long fingers almost reached the ones from the opposite hand. She dryly thought back to a joke Yang Ruqin had told her, "The bigger the hands, the bigger the D~', and she flushed as she resisted the urge to...look down there.

Upon noticing her wary expression, Yang Feng leaned down to her ears.

"What are you thinking about?" His breath tickled her, forcing her to shiver and involuntarily clench her hands on his clean-cut silk button-up.

"Stop doing that." She pushed his face away, but he grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss into her palm while maintaining eye contact. It was unbelievably sensual and with her already lewd thoughts, she couldn't help that her mouth opened and closed like a fish desperate for water.

He was too enchanting. His eyes were a bottomless ocean of mischief to which she was beginning to drown in. He passionately stared back at her with a fire that burned only for her.

Her heart raised its rhythm, each beat like a hammer against her chest.

He was outstandingly handsome in every right and she found it hard to believe that a man like him was treating her with so much adoration.

"What am I doing?" He teased her, pressing another kiss to her palm before moving to do the same to her fingertips to which he held with care.

Her heart was pounding so loudly for him, she wondered if he could hear it.

"Stop doing whatever you're doing right now." She breathed out, not liking the way he was sending flutters down her chest and a warmth that's pooling beneath her stomach.

He chuckled at her expression, the breathy voice coming out from her hid nothing about how she was currently feeling. He was about to swoop in for another round of passionate kissing when suddenly, a knock echoed throughout the room, breaking the trance they were in.

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