My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

"Dr Watanabe, how much more will it take to complete?"

In a room full of instruments, a naked man, with a grimace mask on his face and several pipes inserted into his body, was standing in the center of the room.

And around him, there are many nutrient tanks. In those nutrition tanks, there are red skin demons one by one.

These demons No. 1 seemed to be lifeless corpses, floating quietly, all eyes drooping, no breath at all.

At the same time, a middle-aged man in a white coat, with a tablet computer in his hand, swam between these nutrient tanks, seemingly collecting some data.

"It's already 40%, and more than half of it can be collected."

"Good." The masked man, the man who wanted to be a God, nodded in satisfaction and said, "if it's not for opening the door, I really want to swallow up these souls."

"Lord x, please bear with it." Dr. Watanabe pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "when the energy is collected and the door is completely opened, you can eat enough at a time. At that time, you will be the real God, and no one will be your opponent. Even the emperor of heaven will crawl in front of you and kiss your toes

"Ha ha, I have no interest in island countries." X said faintly, "my purpose is to destroy the organizations on the mainland! Get rid of those inhuman people

"Yes Watanabe Hide's eyes behind the lenses also burst into excitement. "Go and kill those stupid pigs, take their * *! Those stupid pigs are wasting so much space for nothing

When Watanabe said this, X's eyes immediately flashed a chill.

Unfortunately, the speed was too fast for Watanabe to see clearly.

"Anyway, after tonight, everything will be in my hands..."

X opens the palm of his hand and reveals the Golden Buddha relic inside.

"Yes, yes!" Watanabe crazily nodded his head, "after tonight, you are the God, the God who controls everything! At that time, as long as you give me some of your blood, I Watanabe can also become a god like existence! Ha ha ha ha ha ha... "

"Two, wake up and get off at the station."

When Watanabe was laughing wildly, the door of the laboratory was suddenly pushed open.

Then, a familiar figure of X came in slowly.

He was still fearless, with a cigarette in his mouth, as if he were not intruding into his lab, but wandering around his bathroom.

"Qin Dynasty! And you're the guy... " X frowned slightly. To be honest, X is more or less afraid of the strength of the Qin Dynasty.

He is not his opponent. Even the angle pieces under the cloth can't do anything for him.

Finally, he used the means to force out the evil spirits who controlled angle and destroyed his elaborate human weapons!

"Who are you and how did you get in?" The doctor Watanabe saw a stranger swaggering in, there was no X that seems very indifferent expression, but some flustered exclaimed.

"Guard, where are the guards?"

"I'm sorry, the two guards at the door. I've already killed them." Qin Dynasty shrugs the shoulder, spits out the smoke ring to say.

"Damn it, do you know where you broke in!" Watanabe seems to be a very arrogant guy at ordinary times, speaking with a kind of threat, "this is the top secret of the state! If you rush in, you're looking for death! "

"No, no, no, I'm not here to die." Qin Dynasty quickly corrected the other party's words, "I'm here to send you to hell."

"Now I'll let you know how terrible this place is

Watanabe said, reaching out his hand and tapping on a red button nearby.

All of a sudden, in this laboratory, the alarm bell is loud. Red lights, flashing, as if to indicate danger.

With the alarm bell, one after another of the metal soldiers came in from the gate, and then circled the Qin Dynasty in the middle.

"Brush!" Those metal soldiers, together with their electromagnetic guns, pointed at the Qin Dynasty, as if to electrify him into stinky coke.

"Ha ha ha ha, see that!"

This metal warrior is one of Watanabe's works. He waved his fist excitedly, "if I give an order, you will be electrocuted into a charred corpse!"

"Fool." Before the Qin Dynasty could speak, X said, "do you want to destroy this lab?"

"Er..." Watanabe was stunned at the possibility.

Although he is a genius in invention, he is an idiot in his life.

"Metal warrior, tear him for me!"

X didn't have time to wait for Dr. Watanabe to understand. He gave the order himself.All of a sudden, those metal soldiers put away the electromagnetic guns, one by one moved their legs and rushed towards the Qin Dynasty.

"Well, let's do some warm-up exercises first." Qin Dynasty twisted his waist, holding a cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile, "come on, resist busy, let me see how much you guys fight and beat!"

The speed of those metal soldiers was very fast. One of them rushed to the Qin Dynasty and waved his fist to fight against the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Dynasty a side, that metal fist immediately fell on the side of a nutrition trough.

The bulletproof glass on the nutrition tank suddenly snapped and was smashed by a blow. Green nutrient solution, along the gap splashed out, inside the magic man No. 1 is also soft in the nutrition tank.

"See! That's the power of the metal warrior The doctor Watanabe still exclaimed triumphantly, "they can reach the weight of two tons with one punch! Ordinary people will definitely be beaten into meat pie by such a blow, ha ha ha! Die

His voice dropped, another robot approached the Qin Dynasty, cold right fist, hard hit his sun meridian.

The meridian of the sun is a very fatal position for human beings.

Don't say it's a robot. Ordinary people give each other such a blow. If they don't do well, they may directly kill each other.

Watanabe's eyes hidden behind the lens also showed a satisfied smile.

Only x, more dignified.

"Come on Watanabe was stunned, because the arm of the metal soldier suddenly twisted and bent to one side.

"With just a little strength, I have no desire to fight."

Qin Dynasty laughed, he said, he ran to the front of a metal soldier, bang a punch.

On the white boxer, with a rolling wave.

The fist landed on the metal robot's breastplate.



A scene of horror appeared, the body is extremely hard metal soldiers, the body suddenly split. Pieces of parts, flying around, fragments almost hit the head of the Watanabe.

"Crackling!" Parts flying everywhere, Watanabe shivered with fear, hiding behind a metal warrior, so as not to be affected by "stray bullets".

"See, this is the real power!"

The Qin Dynasty laughed and killed two metal soldiers with every move.

The cost of a metal soldier is as high as 20 million US dollars. On average, such a metal soldier can select three U.S. king of land war, m1a1 "Abrams" main battle tank! But the existence of such a strong, so in front of the Qin Dynasty into a scrap iron.

"My God, how could that be possible?"

Dr. Watanabe's eyes were full of fear. He could not see such a power in his eyes

"Watanabe, how far is it going?"

However, x, who had already known the strength of the Qin Dynasty, was not too shocked to see the scrapping of their own metal soldiers, but asked.

"70%, already 70%" Watanabe looked at the tablet in his hand and immediately exclaimed.

By the way, as long as Lord x opens the door and becomes a god like existence, who will be their opponent then!

Even if this man's strength is terrible, in front of adult x, it is a thing that can be killed by stretching out his fingers!

"Full siege, no more attention to instruments."

X directly gave a resolute order, Watanabe a little distressed to see around the instrument. These are the most advanced equipment in the world. It would be a pity if they were destroyed! However, when he saw a metal soldier, directly torn in two by the hands of the Qin Dynasty, his body trembled, and then he gritted his teeth and pressed the button in his hand.

"Die for me! Metal warrior, attack with all your might

Voice down, the metal soldiers, immediately stopped the melee. At the same time, they carried their own electromagnetic guns, together with those bound on their limbs, and sprayed purple and blue electric bluff at the Qin Dynasty In this underground laboratory, it seems that a huge light bulb was ignited. The thick thunder snake exploded directly on the body of the Qin Dynasty, then turned into an arc, connected into a net, and ran around every place of the laboratory.

X himself has been hit by the arc a lot, but he is the devil's body, this kind of aftereffect is not worth mentioning to him.

But Dr. Watanabe was not spared. For a while, several electric arcs entangled his body and made him tremble.

Finally, with a whole body of smoke, fell to the ground.

A total of more than ten metal soldiers have fired more than 50 electromagnetic guns at the same time, and the power has been turned to the maximum. Even steel, I'm afraid, will be electrified by such a strong electric dragon.

Qin Dynasty in that moment, inside the body is also flowing overbearing power, his eyes are out of the arc.For a moment, he felt some numbness in his limbs and didn't seem to listen to orders for the time being.

It's the power of so many electromagnetic guns. I'm going to catch up with a little bit of thunder.

"Break it for me!"

This electric current is not a horse killing chicken. The Qin Dynasty finally felt uncomfortable, and suddenly bent down to hit the floor under his feet.

"Bang!" A turbulent air wave suddenly lifted up.

On the ground, there are cracks and cracks, forming spider web like traces.

The ground was shaking, and the metal soldiers did not stand still and fell to the ground.

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