My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 460

Chapter 460

After the ground split, it began to twist, and then it broke into several pieces, a huge pit, centered on the fist of the Qin Dynasty, quickly sank down.

In the blink of an eye, the huge laboratory has become a concave ground.

Except that x is still standing on the ground, collecting some kind of energy. The rest of the place, whether it was the metal warrior or Dr. Watanabe, was leaning to the ground.

Some of the precision instruments in the room were also shaken apart and sent out sparks.

A lot of nutrient tanks were broken, and broken glass and nutrient solution flowed out together, all over the ground. And some demons, too, fell down.

"The light of heaven is on the earth!" Watanabe's glasses were shocked, I don't know where they fell. He was still a little numb by the electric one just now, staring at the pit under his feet, "what strength is this?"

"Watanabe, how much has the collection gone on?" The expression under X mask is still so calm. It seems that he didn't see the scene of the floor sunken. He just asked casually.

“95%! 95% already! " Seeing the number, Watanabe's gray face turned red again, staring excitedly at the tablet computer firmly held in his hand.

"Good, hold on a little longer, and it'll be over soon."

X's eyes also flash a little excited, can't help but a little shaking.

"Metal warrior, keep attacking!"

Watanabe in order to buy time, let those metal soldiers launched a suicide attack.

"Bang bang!" These metal soldiers immediately got up from the ground and threw away their electromagnetic guns one by one. The fists on the robot arm suddenly retracted, and then they stretched out a metal sharp blade and chopped at the Qin Dynasty.

"All to death!" The Qin Dynasty directly stretched out his hand, grabbed the arm of a metal warrior who was in the front, then shook his hand, dragged his whole body up, and then threw it out.

"Bang!" The metal soldier, with his body in a horizontal direction, smashed his two companions into the air.

At the same time, the Qin Dynasty took advantage of it to fly out, had already pulled down his robot arm.

Like holding a machete, this metal arm in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, left chop right chop, instantly pierce the remaining metal soldiers, or cut the waist.

"Creak." When the last metal soldier was paralyzed, Watanabe suddenly picked up an electromagnetic gun and pulled the trigger at the Qin Dynasty.

"Oh The blue electric snake impacted on the body of Qin Dynasty, but the latter directly bounced the electric snake back and folded back to the body of the ferry.

"Ah Although Watanabe dreams of becoming a God, but now he is just an ordinary man. Such high-voltage power, directly his electricity screamed, his body was emitting with burning smoke.

"Plop!" With the light, Dr. Watanabe fell on the ground again.

"It's all over, fish out." The Qin Dynasty flicked ash and said to x, "now it's your turn."

"Ha ha..." X's eyes, a glance at Watanabe fell beside the tablet computer, and then suddenly began to laugh. "I admit, you are strong, the strongest human I have ever seen."

"No, you are wrong." But the Qin Dynasty shook his head, "some people are more powerful than me. But I'm really strong for you

Hearing Qin Dynasty say that there are many people who are more powerful than him, X's eyes seem a little unnatural. But soon, he began to laugh again.

"Ha ha, no matter what you say is true or false, it doesn't matter. Because I will soon be the greatest God. "

"You're dreaming of that God again." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "I said, there is a God in this world, but it is definitely not you."

"No, soon you will know that I am God."

X said, suddenly a shock body. The wires and pipes that were plugged into him immediately flew out.

Then, he walked slowly to the side, revealing something behind him.

The eyes of Qin Dynasty were tense.

It's a blue stone tablet more than three meters high! On the stone tablet, there are some inscriptions that can't be understood. Although I don't know what is written on the stone tablet, the Qin Dynasty can smell it. On the stone tablet, there is a familiar smell.


If the smell of X smelled like a ditch, then the smell on the stone tablet was like a whole dirty garbage dump.

"This stone tablet, I'm afraid, is not a human thing..." The Qin Dynasty made this judgment after a little thought.

"Yes, it's my favorite opponent. You're right." X nodded, then said slowly, "this stone tablet is actually the gate of the human world and hell. As long as I open this door and absorb the spirits of the demons in hell, there will be no more rivals for me in this world. "

"No way." Qin Dynasty shook his head, "I feel the seal above, even if it is my strength, it is impossible to blow open.""Of course, our strength can't open this kind of powerful seal cherry indeed." x actually laughed disapprovingly, "but there is a way, but it can."

"I've been working on this ultimate project for a long time." X said. As soon as he reached out, the tablet computer that had fallen beside Dr. Watanabe flew up and fell into his hands. "There are all the materials that Xie Qiang sold to us, as well as our own experimental plan. Do you know how much work I've spent on this project. In the end, an accidental opportunity allowed me to find the way to open the seal

He showed the screen of the tablet computer to the Qin Dynasty. There was a picture on it. The top of the picture was the Buddha relic auctioned off today.

"In fact, the way to open the door of hell is really simple." X seemed interested in explaining his perfect plan to the Qin Dynasty, and then said, "although the seal is powerful, it can completely block the power of various attributes. But it has a fatal disadvantage, that is, it is not smart enough. "

"Once there is a mixture of two diametrically opposite forces, you can easily and easily destroy this Fengying"

diametrically opposite forces!

Qin Dynasty suddenly thought of something.

Own platinum lotus chop! There is also the big Yin and Yang evil king sword! Are not all the enemies of this seal!

But in addition to their own, then x will have what way!

"Originally, I was going to use angle's power and my power to break this letter together, but unfortunately, angle has not been completed, it has been taken away by you. So I had to look for another way. "

X laughs oddly, "this positive power is not just possessed by angels. In the mainland, there is another powerful path, that is Buddhism. "

Qin Dynasty body a shock, he suddenly thought of something.

"No! You madman, how could you use such a method

"Ha ha! I'm crazy now, but I'll be a god soon

X said, suddenly lost the tablet computer and showed his Buddha relic.

Then, from his body, suddenly flew dozens of terrible black smoke, whistling into the Buddha sari.

X made this demon man for the purpose of collecting their demon soul!

Then use the spirit of these demons, combined with the Buddha's Buddhist power, to form a key to open the seal!

"Damn it, don't try to do it!" In the Qin Dynasty, the body leaped forward to X.

At this time, from the foot of X, a whirlwind of gold and black entangled suddenly hit the body of the Qin Dynasty, like an iron wall, and flew the Qin Dynasty out.

"You are very lucky." Standing in the center of the whirlwind, X suddenly lifted his mask on his face. With a crazy smile, he said to the Qin Dynasty, "you will witness the birth of a true God!"

The Qin Dynasty was stunned. Not because of X's words, but because of his appearance.

AX-1, Liu Chang's father, Liu Ziqiang.

The Qin Dynasty didn't expect that he was the president of the Black Dragon Society and the chief emissary of all plots.

That x, also known as Liu Ziqiang, laughs. The Buddha's relic in his hand suddenly changed, and soon formed a golden and black sword.

He turned and thrust the sword into the stone behind him.


From the top of the stone tablet, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up.

The white light, which was close to the egg shape, seemed to have received some kind of terrible pressure, and finally broke into pieces.

Then, the smell of the devil in the air became more and more strong, and a black wormhole gradually formed on the stone tablet.

A pair of huge red palms, propped up on both sides of the hole, seems to want to tear the wormhole more than one meter in diameter and tear it even bigger.

At the same time, a terrifying brown eye was leaning against the wormhole. This eye is the size of a lantern, peeping into the world outside the wormhole.

"Roar!" The demons roared from inside.

The tiny wormhole was torn to the size of four or five meters in an instant!

Then, a larger demon head, drilled out the wormhole. The head was the size of a pickup truck, with long sharp horns, brown eyes, and a red flame in its nostrils.

At the same time, it's coming out of the dark wormhole. For a moment, the top of the laboratory, as if shrouded in dark clouds, was instantly filled with black smoke.

Qin Dynasty heart some crazy, he once heard Roxie said, in the hell, in addition to her high-level contract devil, there are some ordinary demons with no intelligence. The demons, unrestrained, seek the soul like appetite.

And what Liu Ziqiang released is these guys who have no head.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Liu Ziqiang's body was soon swallowed up by the black smoke. But he didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he laughed happily."Come on, babies, come and eat my soul!"

Liu Ziqiang opened his arms and seemed to welcome those demonic spirits to devour him.

His body, like another black hole, is constantly receiving the black smoke used for roaring. The black clouds in the laboratory are getting thinner and thinner, while Liu Ziqiang's skin is becoming more and more red.

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