My Werewolf System

Chapter 627 Mystery Howlers

Chapter 627 Mystery Howlers

The producer Neville and the director Matthew continued to stay in the room for a while, as they did need to plan what was the best thing to do for the program considering these new stars.

There was a lot of things that they had done before, but they figured this time it might be interesting to start something new. Yet, all of this planning was causing Neville a big headache.

“This is why you should have spent the day with them. We hardly know anything about their personalities and usually the first day is spent brainstorming.” Matthew said. “Besides, it would have given me more time to see our products before trying them.”

When looking through all the documents, Neville looked at his watch, as he was reminded of something, there was another reason why he was unable to work with the others today anyway, and the schedule had to be changed.

“I need to get going.” Neville said, standing up and putting on a jacket that only came down to his ribs, it was clear it was made for style rather than fashion. “Ash asked me to head to the Howlers and introduce myself to them. To see if there was anything they needed.”

“The Howlers?” Matthew repeated. “Why would he bother with them, don’t they only own ten percent of AJ Entertainment, the documents said most of the buyout was from a single person.”

“Yes, but you should especially know who the Howlers are, and why Ash decided to make a deal with them. Besides, it seems the investor and Howlers work relatively close together, but the real one we need to worry about is the Howlers.”

The director scoffed at this commnet.

“Worrying about another gang, sure they are strong, but they must be relatively weak after taking over Notsburg, and we have our own pride in the first place. Remember, this whole thing is a partnership, so when you see them, don’t be grovelling at their feet.”

Neville knew that Matthew always acted this way, he was always more suited for the gang scene rather than the entertainment business. The thing was, they all knew about the Howlers as well, and the accomplishments they had managed to make.

No one, not even Matthew, would want to tangle with a dangerous gang, but he needed to keep up the act of the strong guy in the room.


The producer had left, and it didn’t take him long to enter Slough. He was travelling with a couple of guards from AJ Entertainment but didn’t come with a large group of people, since this was meant to be a friendly meeting in the first place.

Neville was surprised by everything he could see around him, but at the same time not so

‘I guess this is what happens when a tier-3 town takes over one of the wealthiest tier-2 cities. They must have more money then they know what to do with.’ Neville thought.

‘I can see why Ash made a deal with them. He must be aware that Matthew has been trying to get more people on his side to try to eventually take over everything, but that would be a difficult thing to do now that most of the company is sold to an outsider, especially one that Matthew can’t really touch either because of their strength.

‘The problem is, I'm stuck in the middle of all of this doing both of their bidding, and trying to play on both sides. I can’t believe what Matthew asked of me from before.’

Eventually, Neville reached the hotel, and the three of them were guided inside, he could immediately see many men in black and gold clothing, but it was strange because there didn’t seem to be any guests at all, just these members in black and gold.

Soon entering the reception, were three people wearing strange masks over their faces.

“You don’t have to worry so much, we booked out the whole hotel for this meeting.” The voice said, and a scarred jaw could be seen. The voice was of Kai himself.

Gesturing, Kai allowed for Neville to sit in the reception where there were plenty of sofas and seats. At the same time, there were perhaps around fifty or so gang members from the Howlers that were also present and were standing off to the side.

‘Did he call the whole gang here or something to intimdate me?’ Neville thought, if ti was or wasn’t the case, it was working.

“I was sent here by Ash to inform you of what we will be spending your investments on, and with a business plan for when you will start to see a return on your investment.” Neville said, handing over the documents.

His hand was shaking, he didn’t know why, but the masked people were making him incredibly nervous and it was hard for him to breathe. The documents laid there on the table, and Kai didn’t touch them.

“Thank you for those, I have a question to ask, how is AJ Entertainment, is everything running smoothly is there any problems that we should be aware of?” Kai asked.

Neville was sweating more than before, did they already know about the infighting in AJ Entertainment, or was this a general question? The truth was Kai was just trying to find out if Gary had caused any problems like he usually had.

“Everything is fine, if there is anything you are concerned about, you can always contact me or Ash.” Neville stated.

His body was still shaking and in the end, the words of the director rang through his head. They shouldn't be so intimidated, they both were the same level, he wasn’t in front of a King from a Tier-1, so why did he have to feel this way.

“I have to ask, we have been very open, I have even come here in person showing you my face. Yet, you cover yours with a mask, don’t you think it's polite to at least see the face of the leader we are doing business with?” Neville asked.

The blonde man in the mask started to laugh.

“This is a rule we have, and the deal has already been made, so that means you have agreed to follow our rules, and besides, I think I should make something clear. Even if you were to see my face, you wouldn’t be seeing the leader, because he is... having fun somewhere.” Kai smiled.



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