My Werewolf System

Chapter 628 Avoiding The Problem

Chapter 628 Avoiding The Problem

The meeting had come to an end, and when it did, Neville was free to leave the building and as he did not a single person or member followed him.

"What the f*ck was that all about!" Neville shouted, as he kicked the air. "They don't respect us at all, they don't even respect me or see us as any type of threat."

Neville turned to the two guards, who were members of the Ashen Gang.

"Do you think they were afraid of us, afraid of our power? It was clear as day that they think they are above us, and after I come all the way here to meet them in person, they don't even send out their leader.

"Having fun, what does he even think he's doing!"

Neville continued to complain, more and more, eventually kicking a large trash can outside of the hotel. It fell over and caused a mess everywhere on the street.

"Ha!" Neville laughed. "Let's just have this as a parting gift, of this sh*t town called Slough. Come on, let's get out of here."

Entering the car they came in, which was a relatively large van, one of the ones that many of their stars used. Neville couldn't wait to get back home. The vehicle started up, and went about a metre, before it completely stopped.

It felt like someone had slammed on the brakes causing Neville to nearly fly out his seat. He had managed to put his arms in front of him in time, stopping himself from getting his face crushed.

"Why did you stop so suddenly!" Neville shouted. "I didn't even have my seat belt on!"

"Sir, I didn't stop, I think we have a problem." The driver said.

Getting up, Neville went to see what the problem exactly was, and when he could see through the windshield, he somewhat figured what had happened. Standing in front of the car was a man in a mask, one of the masked men that were in the meeting. A muscular man with a single hand on the bonnet of the car.

"He came out of nowhere and just placed his hand on the car stopping it dead." The driver said.

Running through Neville's head was a number of thoughts, for one, something like this wouldn't have been possible for a normal human, and no one would have the guts just to jump in front of a car, unless they were confident. It was clear that this person was an Altered.

"Hey!" The masked man shouted. "You should clean up the mess you made before you leave. We don't come to your house and make a load of sh*t, unless you don't want to get out of the car."

With a single hand, the person crushed the top of the bonnet, and started to lift the vehicle in the air. Neville nearly fell to the floor, and the vehicle quickly sat out on the floor again.

"I understand, we'll clean it up." Neville stated.

His one visit to the town of Slough, and to see the Howlers, he never wanted to run into them again after this. This was his train of thought as he sadly picked up trash from the ground and placed it back into the bin.


The programme had been planned for the new stars of AJ Entertainment, and just as stated, it looked like the producer was doing everything he could to make sure that Gary got as little limelight as possible.

They went to multiple locations in the current city as well as surrounding locations, but nearly no questions were directly asked of Gary, nor were there any instructions given to him.

Elanor felt bad for Gary, she was the one that invited him, she thought she could make him into a big star, but since he had gotten on the wrong side of the producer it looked like the dream would be over.

At the same time, it wasn't just the producer that seemed to be shunning out Gary, but quite a lot of the others as well. All of them weren't speaking to Gary, and that included Clem.

Currently, the group were at a beach, where they were getting the girls in bikinis, as well as the boys with their tops off, revealing all. They were to do a set of challenges while answering questions that the public wanted to hear.

It was a tiring day, and constantly there were things that were annoying Gary.

"Cut, we're going to have to do that shot again! You covered your arse in that last shot! You know what the people want!" Neville shouted out.

There were multiple comments like this, and it was quite clear that this was practically a soft porn shoot. Perhaps a lot of what was being filmed wouldn't even be aired but was just for the perv's pleasure.

At least, this was what Gary thought, but he held his tongue because of what the others asked of him last time. The day had come to an end, and they were staying at a beach house, which was directly on the beach.

One could walk out the front door, down a few steps and they would be standing on the beach. He went and sat down in the sand looking at the sky.

"The sea smells nice." Gary commented.

"Really, it smells a bit musty to me." A female voice said, as she went and sat down right next to Gary.

Still in her bikini, but with a large towel around herself, was none other than Clem.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" Clem asked.

"It's fine with me, but is it fine with you?" Gary replied, having noticed that all of them were avoiding him.

"I wanted to come and apologise, Gary." Clem said. "You know, I like you… and it's not just me, Rachel, and Tyson seem to really like you as well. As for Spring, well I can't really say anything, but the point is I want to say sorry for avoiding you.

"It's just, you know how important this is for us, and for some reason the producer has it out for you. If we, hang around you, there is a good chance it will ruin our chance as well. It's only for a week, in fact only a few more days now.

"I just hope that if we meet after this, that we can still talk, and still be friends with each other."

Gary smiled as he looked toward her.

"I understand… Don't worry, I'm not taking it too personally. How can I complain when I'm on a beach like this, with pretty girls all around me. I'm used to pretty girls avoiding me anyway, so it's not like much has changed."

Clem started to blush a little as she remembered the body of Gary today she had seen on the beach. She found it hard that Gary didn't have girls around him all the time. But she didn't know what he looked like before, before the big change in his life.

After hanging around for a while, the two of them stood up, and started to head inside.

"You head in first, afterall, it might be a problem if you're seen with me, right?" Gary said.

"It should be fine." Clem replied. "I came out because the producer called Spring to his room, so I knew he wouldn't be watching me."

Gary paused for a second, why would the producer call Spring to his room? He started to remember the words of Big Dave, the guard with them. Stating that they should watch out for the director, but in his eyes both of them were scum anyway.

When entering the large beach house, there was a central living room that went off to all of the rooms. There was no one there, but with Gary's ears he was listening in to everything around him, and he was able to listen in on a certain conversation.

"What did you say!" Spring almost shouted but didn't just in case the others heard.

"Come one, you should understand." Neville stated. "You want to be the lead of your own drama show right? With this I can guarantee it for you. All you need to do is spend one night with the Director Matthew, and I'm sure you know he's not just going to talk to you all night."

Spring's heart started to beat faster, and she instinctively took a step back. She didn't know what to say. Getting a role, through an act like this.

"I… can't… I can't do it. I will get a drama through my own skills." Spring said.

Neville stood up, frustrated by the answer.

"Get a role through your own talents, but you are doing so. Being pretty and sexy is one of your talents! Think about it, do you know how many people would happily sleep with the director to just get a role, never mind the lead role!

"Do you think you're someone special, I'm sure even your mother did something like this!"

"Shut up! I'm not doing it!" Spring shouted back, and was heading towards the exit of the room.

"If you leave this room, the director has the power to kick you out of AJ Entertainment, we can spread rumours about you to make sure no agency ever picks you up. Your whole acting career will be over. Just because you didn't want to spread your legs a little."

Spring stopped, her head held down, and tears flowing down her cheek. She didn't know what to do, and she was unable to move. That was until she heard a loud crack from the door in front, the lock door was broken.

"You, what the f*ck are you doing in here!" Neville shouted.

"What I should have done when I first met you." Gary made a fist and swung it forward hitting Neville right in the side of his face. It was so hard that a tooth was seen flying out of his mouth, as his body hit the floor.



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