Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 176 Jackals!

"This is bad, it looks like his speciality isn't the rifle - wait, what?" Gold thought to himself as he noticed that Yem had sheathed his longsword back into the rifle looking 'scabbard' and he subsequently pointed the rifle at him. "Shit! So that thing can interchange between a sword and a rifle?" Gold panicked as he knew he was not an extremely agile monster.

If Gold rushed forward now, Yem would probably notice Gold and would shoot him on the spot. "Is there anything I can do?" Gold panicked and stepped back. A shot was fired... and it barely missed him by a hair's width. "Tsk, this bleeding has affected my breathing," Yem snorted as he parried a Werejackal follower that had tried to ambush him with his rifle. Within a split second, Yem reloaded and shot the werejackal before the Werejackal follower could even recover.

"Shit!" Gold felt a flesh wound appeared on his ear from another shot taken by Yem when he was trying to take that small window of opportunity to move forward. At this rate, Gold was seriously contemplating whether or not he should use his ultimate skill, 'The Hunt of the Golden Jackal', so early in the fight.

That ultimate skill of his allowed him to experience a sharp boost in speed but he knew that it could not rival the speed that Yem displayed when he was reloading, not to mention the speed of a bullet. However, Gold did notice a weakness in Yem's attacks. He would only shoot when someone made a move but what about if he didn't make a move... or at least he didn't appear to? Could he really differentiate the various sounds in such a chaotic battlefield? Probably not, and that was what Gold was betting his life on.

With Gold being a scholar previously, he definitely had some magic spells and tricks up his sleeves. So without any incantation, Gold made a mimic voice of himself roughly five metres away from Yem, who fell for the trick causing him to unload the bullet in that direction. That was when Gold thought that he might be able to trick him.

Gold immediately activated the Hunt of the Golden Jackal and started to cast multiple mimic voice spell "Screw it!" The shot accidentally hit a fellow battle maid minotaur though the trajectory of that bullet was purposely set up by Gold. After that previous mimic voice came the mimic sound of Gold's footstep and Yem followed the sound as strictly as possible, sticking close. This caused Yem to injure many of his own teammates in the course of his charge.

Meanwhile, Gold used that chance to get closer to Yem while suppressing his fear of getting shot as much as possible. It was vital for his survival since breathing, especially when it was closer to the enemy, would make it easier for Yem to pick it up.

It was after the fifth shot that the other named minotaur Mer noticed Yem hitting his own teammates and told him to stop. "You can't afford to be distracted, you know?" Meomi was already in front of Mer as she turned her whip into two swords, which were used to stab Mer.

"Bloody beetch!" Mer shouted as he tried to 'shoo' Meomi away by flexing his muscles, which cause the swords to get stuck, while he used his right arm to karate chop the werecat in front of him. Unfortunately, the cat was more agile than Mer had anticipated and gracefully climbed up onto his head before trying to stuff the sword she was holding with her tail into its neck.

Suddenly, a shard of ice appeared from out of nowhere, aiming for Meomi's head. Luckily for her, she sensed the attack in time and retreated from that position. "I am not just a brute!" the one-horned minotaur Mer shouted as he swung the chain ball once more. But this time Mer thought he had managed to hit Meomi because he had cast an aura of ice when she had landed, causing her movements to become restricted.

Meomi purred at the incoming attack and 'poof!'. In an instant, she turned into a small black cat and elegantly evaded the attack by standing on the tip of one of the spikes on the spiked chain ball. Mer tried to retract the chain ball but he did not notice how the black cat had managed to tip-toe it's way along the chains of the chain ball.

Before he knew what was appening, Meomi transformed back into a werecat while standing on his shoulders and used a Cat o' nine tails to whip him. You can imagine the pain since the Cat o' nine tails was a type of multi-tailed whip that was specifically designed to lacerate the skin and cause intense pain. And this horrifying whip slapped Mer right in the face. Mer shouted in pain, which was cruelly stopped by Meomi, who used her tail to forcefully insert the sword through the poor minotaur's mouth.

She finished the killing blow by performing a stationary somersault kick and landed the kick on the hilt of the sword, causing the sword to plunge further into Mer's throat. Mer was later captured by the System.

In the meantime, Gold had managed to close the gap between him and Yem... who finally noticed that it was all a rouse by Gold. However, it was too late to even grab the longsword from his rifle as Gold bit Yem in the neck as he used his claw knuckles to stab Yem's chest repeatedly.

The Hunt of the Golden Jackal also increased his bite power and Yem could not resist the attacks Gold had dealt him, which caused him to drop to the ground due to the lack of breath as he subsequently disappeared. Gold did not move an inch away from Yem's until the System was done capturing him. Only then did he finally let go and take a breather.

Gold took a look at Meomi and saw that she had nearly finished playing with her prey at the same time as Gold had finished with his. They both took a look at Grey and Yellow, only to see that they were actually having difficulties fighting Sebastia.

"Do not interfere! This is the pride of the vice leaders!" Yellow shouted as he too took a breather while Brown and Nyanmi continued attacking Sebastia. "Then you will not mind me joining," Grey entered the fray as he had previously had his eyes on all three separate fights even though his main focus should have been on the other battle maid minotaurs along with commanding the rest of the Jacks.

"Heh, if you say so," Gold wiped his fur a little before taking over command of the rest of the Jacks. He might not be as capable a tactician as Grey but Boss taking over the command of the Jacks boosted their morale by a lot.

"Finish it before I die from boredom little sister." Meomi yawned as she threw the two swords towards Sebastia, only to see both of them deflected. But it allowed Nyanmi to catch both swords and she combined it with her own whip weapon.

"Yes, Onee-Sama." A twin edged whip sword appeared and Sebastia laughed.

"As if one more wolf man and a new weapon will make any difference." Sebastia laughed but the vice leaders shouted in bestial fury.




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