Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 177 Sebastia

Grey had analysed Sebastia a little when he was watching her fight against the vice leaders of Jacks and Nyanmi. To his surprise, Grey noticed similarities between her fighting style and the cultivators that he had encountered in Jin's dungeons.

The style was similar to a Chinese martial art called Wing Chun, which specialised in remaining a fairly stationary position to readily block fast moving blows to vital points. The martial artist achieved this stationary position by only shifting or turning within a stance on the heels and balls of the feet. Grey had encountered one particular cultivator who had fought with the techniques of the Wing Chun in her style.

The Cunning Crane Style.

He did not exactly remember who that particular cultivator was as he could not differentiate each and every cultivator since they all looked more or less the same to him. However, he remembered the vicious attacks and blocks that proved to be a tough fight for him and the other vice leaders. Grey figured that if the Jack's vice leaders had not encountered that Cunning Crane Cultivator, they probably would have lost the fight against Sebastia a long time ago.

Hence, Grey understood why Sebastia said that an additional enemy or weapon would not make a difference to her, showing that she was skilled enough to not let these unexpected circumstances matter at all. However, Sebastia did not know that the Jack's vice leaders had more experience fighting dirty and it was also right up Nyanmi's alley.

With Grey around, both Yellow and Brown felt more reassured since Grey was like the big brother that took care of them even though he was actually younger than them. While they did not verbally communicate, the three of them had devised a fairly high pitch growl and howl system, which served as signalling and commands.

Initially, it was just a Jacks system that Meomi and Nyanmi were not able to understand. Mainly because Meomi was not that interested while Nyanmi had just joined them in their home instance. However, as time went by, they got to know each other better in both the dungeon and home instances. Through this period of time, the werecats were finally able to understand the high-pitched growling they were hearing. Of course, it was partially Grey's credit too because he had forced it into the cats' lazy brains since he knew it would come useful someday.

Thankfully, the cats were smart enough to pick it up easily and it did not take much effort to teach them the basics. "Stay at a distance, let her do the attacking whenever possible." Although the howls and growls addressed this through broader terms, the meaning got across to all of them.

Grey made them move away because he had observed a few things. All three werebeasts had weapons with them but Sebastia was strong enough to deflect weapon blows. Sure, if they had asked Boss Gold to aid them, his claw knuckles would probably penetrate her defences. However, Gold would not always be able to protect the vice leaders. What if Jin was in trouble and Gold was not around for whatever reason? Should the vice leaders just suck their thumbs and watch Jin die in front of them? Definitely not.

"All I can think of now is hit-and-run." Grey signalled to them and commanded the group to tire Sebatia as much as possible. Tire the target out? Are you kidding? That's was the Jackals' most efficient way of fighting that both Yellow and Brown excelled at. Well not much for the cats... but hey! At least Nyanmi could laze around while fighting now, which was a good thing.

Yellow would pounce every once in a while Brown attacked with his axe and Nyanmi with her whip sword from afar. Grey chipped in by shooting some low-level fireballs to distract Sebastia. Eventually though, Sebastia realised they were just buying time.

She realised that not only were they making her tired from the constant blocking, she did not have a chance to attack because of the nature of their hit and run style. Also, the longer they dragged their time, the more battle maid minotaurs would be killed. Hence, if Sebastia did not do something fast, she would probably be the only one around and the number of werebeasts would definitely overwhelm her eventually, no matter how powerful she was by herself.

Sebastia was confident in her strength so she decided to make her move... and that was when Grey smirked in silence. As the jackals were continuing their hit and runs, Sebastia was fairly stationary so Grey actually decided to proceed with a secondary plan along with the hit and run tactics. He purposely cast and tagged the jackals and Nyanmi with a magic spell. Each time they went close to Sebastia, they would release the spell as close as possible to her.

The spell seeped into the ground to be embedded. Yes, it was a trap spell, sort of like a landmine but instead of it being physical, it was magical in nature. Slowly but surely, the hit and run tactics had allowed the vice leaders and the werecat to place tens of magical traps surrounding Sebastia without her having the slightest clue.

The few steps forward was all Sebastia needed to cause the series of fire, thunder, and ice spells to be activated in one go. The burn, shock and freeze severely damaged and paralysed Sebastia, which made the vice-leaders job easy.

Yellow went for the head, Nyanmi aimed for the torso, while Brown swept his axe at her legs. Sebastia was completely defenceless against the multitudes of attacks coming from all direction, causing her to eventually be captured by the System along with the rest of her battle maids.

"So slow." Meomi yawned as she was lying down atop one of the parapets on the wall of the second gate. It seemed that she had observed the whole battle from there. "Nyanmi, why didn't you unleash your skills?" Meomi asked as Nyanmi went up to return the swords to her.

"Because the Jacks wanted to prove themselves. I figured I would just aid them in boosting their ego. Would be beneficial in the long run." Nyanmi explained. She was slowly being caressed by Meomi as she stretched her entire body.

"Clever girl~! That is one way to get those muscleheads to play into our hands." Meomi commented but Nyanmi replied back with a comment that pleasantly surprised her. "The Grey Jackal though, he's kinda cute."

"I think so too." Meomi grinned at Nyanmi and they ended up laughing with each other for some time.

However, the one who was not able to laugh was Jin as he was facing a foe he never even imagined he would face on a replica Golden Gate Bridge in the middle of the fortress castle. "WHERE ON EARTH AND ALL THE PARALLEL WORLDS IS THAT A COSTUME?! IT'S A FREAKING-"

A punch landed near him, which Jin managed to dodge with Panda Tumbling. If he had not jumped away at that last moment, he would have been flattened into pancakes with strawberry jam splattered on the roads of the fake bridge.




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