Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 546 Rabbit Geyser Blasting Arrow

No one would be able to doubt that the Rabbit Cultivator had trained hard not only in Jin's Dungeons but outside of it too when Luo Bo's Cultivation Grade 6 was displayed brilliantly above. (One which even made Xiong Da very surprised at her cultivation grade since the others were still Grade 5 at best, and him at Grade 4.)

The rabbit silhouettes were not just jumping around her head but instead, pulling the bowstring in unison as two long rabbit ears appeared right on top of the bow's handles.

"Advanced Bow Art! Rabbit Geyser Blasting Arrow!"

The moment she released her bowstring, the arrow flew straight into the crowd of Demon Rats amassing themselves to defend against the immensely shiny projectile heading their way. However, they soon realised that the magically charged arrow flew over their heads and the rats thought the worst was over. It then flew further until the chi energy within it dissipated, and it became a regular arrow, which one of the Demon Rat was able to block with ease.

"Hah! What an archer!" One of the Demon Rats commented sarcastically as they continued to move forward to finish off the archer and her friends especially now when they looked thoroughly exhausted. Unfortunately, what they did not know was that the attack was far from over.

A few seconds later, the ground atop the arrow's pathway started to glow a little. And when the Demon Rats finally noticed the shimmer underneath, it was already too late. Rainbow coloured geyser like explosions emerged from the ground, instantly killing any Demon Rats within the vicinity of the Geysers.

While it lasted only for seconds, that particularly advanced bow art technique had successfully annihilated a reasonably good number of Demon Rats which made Xiong Da worry that he might have been overtaken by Luo Bo.

Thus, he too was going to give it his all against the Demon Rats, but Jin tapped him on his shoulders and spoke two words out. "Time's up."

Within the blink of an eye, the Hippo Cultivator could visually see that he had returned to the conference room instance with his weapon missing from his hand. Xiong Da then looked up and around to see his weapon was on Jin's hand.

"Oh, come on!" Xiong Da sighed as he regretted not taking the opportunity like Luo Bo had done. Regardless, all the cultivators who went to the Farming World were dead beat. They could hardly stand properly, and the moment they took a sit on those comfy chairs in the Conference Room instance, their legs gave way immediately.

"Any of you guys need to hit up the luxury recovery instance? … I can also call for a Panda Nurse to check on you?" Jin offered as he was looking at his phone, seemingly tabulating the scores for their special challenge.

"Hmm…that's quite a surprise." Jin looked startled when he saw the total scores on his screen. "Yun, are we counting the officers as additional points or standard one point for each rat killed?"

"Does it really matter?" Yun asked uninterested as she was sitting down with her head staring at the ceiling for no particular reason.

"In a way… Yeah." Jin answered as he shrugged his shoulders towards Yun.

"Then just pick a coin or something and let it decide. No use thinking too much about it. It's a silly challenge anyways." Yun decided casually, but suddenly two strong proponents yelled towards Jin.

"Hey! You are saying you plan to let a coin decide the fate of that plushie?! Don't let me go to you and bash your skull into pieces!" Xiong Da threatened, but he was currently glued to his chair, obviously too tired to move an inch away from comfort.

"Too bad for you it's my challenge, and I can change things on a whim too. Jin stuck his tongue out playfully at his customers which made them whined loudly from their chairs.

"Booosssssssss!!! Don't do this to us! I worked hard, you know! Really really hard!" Luo Bo was wailing until Jin could see that she was on the verge of tearing. (However, Shi Zuo was signalling from the back, warning Jin not to take pity on her.)

"Okay. I hear you guys. Coin toss then." And the entire room was filled with more groaning. (Except for Yang Ling who was giggling at the close knitted interaction between Jin and his regulars.)

"Heads and the Demon Rat Officers will have additional points. Tails and each Demon Rat earns you guys just one point." Jin announced as he closed his eyes and flipped the coin up high. He would let the coin drop on the table to ensure he didn't manipulate it in any way.

They followed the coin with their eyes as it flew high up and accidentally hit the ceiling. … It got stuck in the middle of the intersection of two fake ceiling covers. Jin was kinda speechless while Yun placed her palm to her temple.

"Unbelievably stupid," Yun said as she took out another gold coin from her storage ring and threw it towards the stuck coin. (As her coin was somehow older, it was easy to make the distinction based on the wear and tear.) After which, she decided to leave the room to make herself a cup of coffee, not wanting to stay to watch the results.

That coin finally dropped to the table as it bounced a little before spinning for a while longer and landed on Heads. For some reason, all the cultivators demanded a new rethrow, but Jin did not accede to their demands and went straight to declaring the winner of the special challenge.

"Not much of a surprise here but the winner is….Yang Ling!" Jin had waited for a second to let them suffer the anticipation, but the result made both couples drop their jaw to the ground. Even Yang Ling, who had been enjoying her spectating position, got startled by the fact.

"Eh? Me?" Yang Ling asked for a confirmation and Jin nodded his head while he placed the results on a simple excel sheet (which was projected on the screen) for everyone to see. It took them a while to digest the facts. As soon she recovered from the shock, Luo Bo called foul play.

"IS SHE YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND?! ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPRESS HER?!" Luo Bo shouted at the top of her voice despite her posture in the chair.

"Wait, what?! No! I was just doing this as a jo-"

"You!!! This despicable Boss! I know you want to impress your new date, but you can't use us as mere collaterals! I demand compensation!" Ruo Ying who had been relatively neutral up until now had begun to complain about how unfair this whole challenge turned out to be.

"I AM SUING YOU! Xiong Da, please make this case a pro bono for me." Luo Bo asked her plushie rival, and Xiong Da readily agreed to team up against Jin.

"With much pleasure. Besides, the Tigers have a lot of money. Let's make sure we go back rich." The hippo lawyer promised with a smirk on his face as he eyed Jin with unwarranted hatred.

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