Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 547 Results of the Special Challenge

"Alright! Alright! Relax I was merely joking. It was super fun and scary at the same time to joke with you guys!" Jin switched out the excel sheet for the one with proper scoring.

"THE PLUSHIE IS NOT A JOKE!" Both Xiong Da and Luo Bo managed to gather their strength to stand up and shouted simultaneously... before dropping back to their seats.

"Obviously I underestimated both of your desires for Giant Plushies," Jin told them to calm down and started explaining the stats obtained by the System to the cultivators.

"If we go by the number of kills, Xiong Da, Ruo Ying and their squadmates combined killed a total of 314 Demon Rats. On the other hand, Luo Bo's team had a final kill count of 286 Demon Rats. Without that final attack, you would have been hovering at around 250 Demon Rats or so." Jin summarised, and Xiong Da seems very satisfied by the final score.

"However, since we decided that those Demon Rat officers matter, Luo Bo would have killed an equivalent of 406 Demon Rats while Xiong Da's new score reaches barely 350. That is assuming one Demon Rat Officer is worth about twenty Demon Rats, and higher ranks are worth more." Jin explicitly showed the type and kind of Demon Rat Officers they each killed.

"Oh…so you mean that my Bow Arts managed to kill those leaders?" Luo Bo asked, and Jin nodded his head.

"Xiong Da had been mainly dealing with the rank and files as they were swarming him and his squad non stop." Jin replied and also broke down the number of Demon Rats each of their squadmates killed.

"Like I said, this is still experimental, so the squad mate's teamwork is still not up to par… at least not to my expectations." Jin reminded them, but Yang Ling raised her hand and objected to this.

"For a level one Squad, I think it's more than enough. If you tweak it too well, you may start hurting the cultivator more instead of helping." Yang Ling said, and Jin understood what she was talking about.

"I see. I will look through the data thoroughly and take your opinion into consideration." Jin agreed.

"Sooooooooooo whaaaaatt isssss the verdiccctttt?" Luo Bo asked impatiently, and Jin sighed as he told them to wait a minute to get their plushies. With a snap of a finger, he disappeared from the conference room instance giving the two couples a chance for a round of rapid fire questions towards Yang Ling. It was as if their energy returned when it came to Boss Jin's romance life.

"You dating Boss?" Xiong Da raised his hand and asked Yang Ling, but she was speechless for a moment.

"Nope. She wants to date Boss." The Love Expert Luo Bo immediately saw through her weakness.

"But Boss does not want to date her?" Shi Zuo started to query.

"Though I feel Boss has at least some obligations with her." Ruo Ying started to pitch into the discussion.

"Haisss, I bet Boss is too focused on his work that he feels that a relationship is not his main priority right now." Luo Bo shook her head as it slowly drops to the table. She felt disappointed that Jin was missing out on something good.

All this time, Yang Ling couldn't even say a word despite the fact that the discussion was all about her. It was as if she was muted by her …guilt? Or were her desires so plain for them to see through? Shi Zuo suddenly noticed that Yang Ling was quite uncomfortable about the situation, and told Luo Bo to stop.

Yet, that little nosy rabbit was not stopping at all. After playing Cupid for her good old friend Bin Yong, the Beetle Cultivator and Jia Le, the Bellflower Cultivator and later aiding in Xiong Da's affairs, Luo Bo felt confident she was able to give a helping hand to the Tiger Princess.

However, unlike the other two, Luo Bo gave a disclaimer. "I don't know how much he is willing to invest in romance… honestly, sometimes I think that his head is filled with ideas of expansions. Especially now when he has a whole freaking town mall."

"Come to think of it, Boss really does expand rather quickly. I mean, for him to have the funds to create all of this within a few months. It's kind of respectable in a way too. It feels like ages ago when he was just a small dungeon supplier store with just a couple of instances, even though it's just been months. " Shi Zuo noted which made everyone nod their head.

"I think that -" Before Yang Ling was able to tell them about her thoughts, Jin returned. This time all of the cultivators' eyes brightened up, and their energy levels peaked to the maximum.


"Everyone will be getting one plushie each. It's a thank you for all the efforts in participating in this special experiment. The data you helped gather will work wonders to improve on the concept." Jin smiled as he first passed a giant rabbit plushie to Luo Bo.

The Rabbit Cultivator squealed in excitement as she thanked Boss Jin profusely for the price. The giant fluffy rabbit plushie was at least 1.5 times taller than her, and when she hugged it tightly, it felt as if the rabbit plushie curled up towards her.

Like a mother hugging her little child.

As for Xiong Da, he had already received a custom plushie, so instead, he got the Fox Giant Plushie whereas Ruo Ying got the Snake Plushie. (She did not mind at all, as it felt extremely comfortable when held it like a bolster.)

"I haven't forgotten about you, Shi Zuo. Here is a customised monkey plushie, but its erm toy size. I did not have the time to really make a large one." Jin apologised as he passed a toy monkey plushie which was the size of a baby. The moment Shi Zuo held on it, he could feel that the ache on his shoulders was released.

"YOU MADE THESE?" Luo Bo and Xiong Da exclaimed at once, and Jin stared at them for a moment.

"Erm…I did contract someone to make this, just that I figured in some way or another…you guys would be vying for more." Jin tried to make up an excuse on the spot, yet both of those plushie maniacs could sniff that particular lie out of him. They then stared at him for a long time until the dungeon supplier gave up and used his last resort.


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