Perfect Superstar

Chapter 138

Chapter 138 - Giving Pointers

Young peoplenowadays are really amazing!

Looking atthe brother and sister in front of him, Lin Zhijie felt that he was really alittle old.

His thinkingcan't keep up with the pace of young people.

Lu Chen, 22,who has just graduated from college and didn't major in music, has officiallymade his debut through a well-rated talent show and has become a rising star inthe pop music scene.

And he didn'tfollow the path of fame that most of the new comers have followed. He didn't signup with any brokerage company, but directly set up his own studio. Now, he wasabout to release his first album. The speed of his rise is dazzling!

Lu Xi, LuChen's sister, who is also his agent and studio manager, is also young and dazzling.

Although inLin Zhijie's view, both Lu Chen and Lu Xi has some aspect that are not matureenough, but the spirit of self-confidence and self-improvement shared by thetwo people has deeply touched the old veteran in this circle. (TN: Veteran herein the raw is Jianghu which mean someone that have experience a lot of thingsin life.)

Tan Honglikes to help new people, and Lin Zhijie is not bad, so he helped them.

Nowadays, inthe domestic pop music circle, there's a great need for energetic and capablepromising youth!

Lin Zhijieshook his head and said: "You don't need to thank me. I am also helpingthe company to pull business. The key lies in you. Whether the CD album can bereleased successfully or not, the quality is the key…"

Speaking ofthis, he suddenly remembered that Lu Chen had no problem in this aspect!

From thepreliminary competition of "Singing China" to the final, Lu Chen'sworks were all original.

"YouWho Sat Next To Me", "Fly Higher", "The Bright Times OfEarly Youth", "Love In The Wind"… There is also "Chasing DreamWith A Childlike Heart" which is popular on the internet at present, all ofwhich come from him. His first capital can be called outstanding, even classic!

Aftercareful calculation, putting together a complete album isn't a problem at all.

As for thequality of the song…

What else isthere to say. When he was a judge, he gave Lu Chen several 10 points!

Lin Zhijieimmediately swallowed back the following words and asked, "Where are you producingthis album?"

The musicdirector of Flying Stone Records found himself slow enough. Lu Chen's album canbe taken over and put in his own company to promote the release anddistribution!

With thequality of these songs, Lu Chen's talent, coupled with the strong strength ofFlying Stone Records, they may be able to create a small miracle and reproduce someof the glory of the record industry back then.

Regardingthe decline of the recording industry, Lin Zhijie has always taken it to heart.

Theappearance of this opportunity made him suddenly excited!

How could LuChen guess what Lin Zhijie was thinking? He replied without hesitation: "Atpresent, in Nirvana Studio, and seven songs have been recorded, and it shouldbe done in a week at most."

If it wasn'tfor the need of delaying it because of "Singing China" nationaltournament, his debut album would have been completed.

But that wasnot a big deal. It's equivalent to publicity in advance.

Lin Zhijiewas immediately disappointed - how could you let others carelessly produce yourdebut album?

Nirvana Studio?Who the heck are they?

He has neverheard of them!

He stood upand said, "Let's go, take me to that studio. I want to listen to it."

He secretlymade a decision, if this Nirvana Studio's production level is not good, then hewill not talk about face. He will make sure to pry Lu Chen's business over anddo it well again.

It's notabout making money or anything. Now making records is a loss. Lin Zhijiedoesn't want to see these good songs ruined by others, otherwise his consciencewill feel uneasy!

In thecurrent domestic environment, an excellent original is rare, not to mention awhole album.

Lu Chen andLu Xi looked at each other, wondering why Lin Zhijie was so excited.

But themusic director of Flying Stone Records must be given face. Lu Chen hurriedlysaid: "OK. I'll take you there now. Nirvana Studio is also in the park.It's very close."

Lin Zhijiewaved his hand, "Go!"

He can'twait to listen to Lu Chen's album, even if it's still half-finished.

Lu Xi paidthe bills, and they left the Blue Court Cafe and rushed to Nirvana Studio.

On the way,Lu Chen called Wang Jing and told her to get ready.

When theygot to Nirvana Studio, all the members came out to welcome them!

Wang Jing,Wang Hui and Wang Changsheng, together with the other three members of theNirvana band. It looked very grand.

Seeing LuChen and the others came, Wang Jing stepped forward and saluted Lin Zhijie:"Hello, Teacher Lin!"

Lin Zhijiewas shocked by her and said in a daze, "Good, you are?"

He hasworked for more than 20 years and had a lot of apprentices, but he didn't have suchan apprentice. (TN: or student.)

Wang Jingexplained: "Three years ago, you once taught an open class at Jingyin. Ihave listened to it twice and benefited a lot."


Lin Zhijiesuddenly understood: "So this is the case. I was just thinking, when did Ihave such a beautiful female student!"

Wang Jingcouldn't help smiling.

She was thekind of girl who is cool, with short hair and she has a bit cold and proud temperament.

But she isalso very beautiful. Her eyes, nose and mouth have no obvious flaws. If she dressedup carefully, put on a skirt and go out for a walk, it is unknown how manymen's hearts can be taken away.

Lu Chen hascome to Nirvana studio many times, but he hardly seen Wang Jing smile.

And when shesmiles, the space around her seemed to brighten up.

Wang Changshengsaid respectfully, "Director Lin, it's our honor to have you come to ourstudio."

Lin Zhijieis very famous in the circle, and he has just served as a judge in "SingingChina". Of course, Wang Changsheng knows him, and he was very happy in hisheart.

This big shotin the industry has visited Nirvana Studio, and in the future, he will tellothers, and this will give him a lot of face. (TN: Original machine translationis "he has a light on his face" (他脸上有光啊) whichmakes no sense to me. So, I changed it. If anyone knows, please comment)

Lin Zhijie wasused to all kinds of scenes and responded appropriately: "You are tookind, let's talk inside."

He's here tolisten to the song, not to socialize.

In fact, atthis time in Lin Zhijie's heart, he has been greatly complaining about Lu Chen.

This studiolooks like a small workshop at first sight. Both the reception room and theoffice inside are narrow and cramped. What good works can be made in such poorconditions?

It wasn'tuntil he came to the recording studio that his impression changed.

From LinZhijie's professional perspective, this small studio layout was veryprofessional, the investment in equipment was not too bad. Nirvana Studio must havespent most of its fund on this, and that's why the outside was so bad.

Such abusiness attitude is still worthy of recognition.

However, LinZhijie still has doubts about the quality of the album.

After all,with the exception of Wang Changsheng, the other members of the Nirvana Studioare young people of about the same age.

Since there wasno special listening room in the studio, Lin Zhijie has to listen to therecorded high-quality audio source directly through the monitor headphones.

The specificoperation was completed by Wang Hui.

Lin Zhijielistened for a full half an hour.

Because ofhis special identity, everyone waited in the studio.

Lu Chen andLu Xi were okay. Wang Changsheng and Wang Hui, as well as Wang Jing werenervous, but also have some expectations.

Lin Zhijieis a real expert. His professionalism is beyond doubt. He came to NirvanaStudio to listen to Lu Chen's first album. Its evaluation will undoubtedlyaffect the studio's reputation in the industry.

If LinZhijie says that it is not good, then even if Nirvana Studio doesn't close downimmediately, its future will be very difficult. Because of the bad reputation,not many customers will be willing to send business over.

And if he cansay a few words of praise, the situation will completely be reversed!

In this kindof anxious waiting, Lin Zhijie finally finished listening to all the sevenrecorded works.

He took off themonitor headphones and looked a little complicated.

As far asthe current production of works, Lin Zhijie was not very satisfied, he heard alot of problems.

For example,the arrangement is not perfect, the instrumental accompaniment lacks sufficientsense of depth and detail performance, and the later processing technique wasslightly immature, and does not fully express the artistic conception andemotion of the song…

But there wasno denying that Nirvana Studios is very serious and attentive in making thisalbum. As far as the conditions and equipment here are concerned, and onlyrelying on the strength of a few young people, it is already very good toachieve this level. It's really hard to ask for too much.

Therefore,Lin Zhijie couldn't help but feel conflicted. On one hand, he hopes Lu Chen'sdebut album is perfect. On the other hand, he doesn't want or can't bear to fightagainst these diligent young people.

Attitude iseverything!

Mostimportantly, this is Lu Chen's own choice.

Lin Zhijiethought about it and said, "There are some problems, but overall, it isgood."

He pointedout the shortcomings directly.

If it weresomeone else, they might not have taken it so seriously. Others would have justsaid some nice things, and say that everyone is good. It has nothing to do withthem.

But LinZhijie is not like that. He doesn't like that kind of hypocritical way ofcommunication.

He will saywhat is needed to be said, and speak bluntly!

For WangJing, Wang Hui and others, this is undoubtedly an excellent learningopportunity for them. At ordinary times, even if the studio spends money, theywill not be able to invite people at Lin Zhijie's level to personally come andguide them.

Therefore, everyonelistened attentively, and the more critical the words, the more they kept it inmind!

Only whenthey know their shortcomings can they correct them.

When LinZhijie talked about the improvements, he also forgot his own principles and madea comprehensive analysis of several songs.

Lu Xi didnot understand. The more she listened, the more she loss confidence. She couldn'thelp looking at Lu Chen.

There are somany problems with the new album. Is this okay?

Lu Chen gaveher a positive look.

Any album, nomatter how it is produced by any company, it cannot be really perfect.

It's truethat the strength of Nirvana Studio is not strong enough, but Wang Jing's andWang Hui's working attitude made him speechless. Even if there were certainflaws, it will not have much impact on the overall quality.

Theproduction cost of 100,000 yuan is already worth it!

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