Perfect Superstar

Chapter 139

Chapter 139 - Lu Chen's Ideas

"Tellme exactly what you think…"

Lin Zhijieasked Lu Chen, "What is your idea about the release of this album?"

Afterlistening to the seven songs in Lu Chen's debut album in the studio, he gave alot of advice to Wang Jing and Wang Hui. In the end, that wasn't enough. He tookLu Chen to the reception room and asked about the issue in the release.

Originally,Lin Zhijie made an appointment with Lu Chen to persuade him to join FlyingStone Records, but he failed to achieve his goal.

With themindset of helping newcomers, he did not mind helping Lu Chen with a smallfavor.

All of asudden, Lin Zhijie became interested in the album Lu Chen was making, so he wentto this small studio to try it out. As a result, he listened to it!

As the musicdirector of Flying Stone Records, Lin Zhijie is also a person who haveexperienced a lot in the industry. He is acutely aware that in addition to thequality of the work itself, Lu Chen's album has a very unified and distinctivestyle, with the main theme being nostalgia.

Completelydifferent from the most popular pop songs these days, Lu Chen's target audienceis obviously not teenage boys and girls, but pop music lovers born in the1970s, 1980s and early 1990s.

This is ahuge group!

The domesticpop music, in the 1980s and 1990s, once had innumerable glory. After enteringthe new century, it was influenced by the pop trend of Europe, United States,Japan and South Korea, and finally formed the current pattern.

What's popularnowadays? It's new idol, young and handsome men, fast songs and dance, rap songs…The new generation of young people pursue fashion and worship stars. They arefull of rebellious spirit, and don't like the traditional way.

The parentsof these young boys and girls are the backbone of society, and most of themhave good economic conditions. Therefore, they are willing to spend money topursue stars. They like to buy the peripheral products of star idols. Theydon't care if they spend hundreds or thousands of money at a concert.

As a result,domestic entertainment media companies are desperately trying to cater to theirtastes, introducing products from Europe, United States, Japan and South Koreato be localized, and making a lot of money by relying on the fan economy.

The competitionamong entertainment companies is so fierce that artists are trained in large quantitiesjust like assembly-line products, trying their best to consume the huge marketbrought about by young fans.

But whatabout the people of the 1970s or 1980s?

They maypassively accept new music and may like new idols. However, there are stillmany, many people who miss and adhere the classics of the past.

The mosttypical example is Tan Hong, who is almost retired. Last year, he held aconcert at the National Stadium in Beijing. Tens of thousands of tickets wassold out in three days!

Why? BecauseTan Hong still has thousands of fans who like him. They may not be longer beyoung any more, but the strength they have is still strong, but they are not aswilling to spend money on idols as young people.

Lu Chen'salbum, the seven songs that have been completed are all folk songs. With astrong taste of nostalgia, the talent and intention he showed in it moved LinZhijie!

So LinZhijie wants to help Lu Chen in terms of sales and distribution, so that thisalbum will not be dusty.

It deservesthe honor it deserves!

Lu Chen andLu Xi looked at each other, and the former indicates that he will answer LinZhijie's question himself.

Lu Chenthought for a moment and said, "Teacher Lin, it's like this…"

Lu Chen'sidea is to make his debut album, including CD and USB, through Flying StoneRecords, which is divided into three versions, namely, the regular version, thecollector's version and the deluxe version, using fans order to determine thequantity.

That is tosay, fans can make as many orders. This way, they can keep the risk to aminimum.

In additionto processing, Flying Stone Records should also distribute the album throughtheir channels.

This channelis the Xinhua Publishing House with branches all over the country! (TN:Publishing House - Book Company)

Xinhua PublishingHouse is a large state-owned book distribution enterprise, which has beenestablished for 70 years. It is affiliated with the State Propaganda Departmentand China Publishing Group, with 15,000 sales outlets and with its headquartersin Beijing.

In the past,when everyone bought books, basically everyone went to Xinhua Publishing Houseto buy them, especially teaching materials and books. The country alsodistributed through Xinhua Publishing House. As a result, the annual sales arestaggering.

However, inthe new century, the state has fully liberalized the restrictions onpublishing, coupled with the rise of online shopping, Xinhua Publishing House'sdominant position has been greatly impacted. Profit margins are falling year byyear.

Manybranches in remote areas rely on rental stores to maintain their operations,and they don't make much money selling books.

XinhuaPublishing House is facing the same dilemma as Flying Stone Records. In recentyears, the senior management of the publishing house is also seeking new changesto expand their business and make full use of their own advantages.

For example,in the past, Xinhua Publishing House sold tapes and CD, now these things are outof fashion, so there is no benefit to speak of. The publishing house has conductedin-depth cooperation with entertainment brokerage companies. Selling all kindsof peripheral products of star idols, even tickets for concerts.

Due to theinfluence of Xinhua Publishing House and the fact that all of them areauthentic, entertainment brokerage companies are also happy to use this channelto expand the fan groups, so a set of very mature operating process has beenformed early.

Flying StoneRecords is one of the partners of Xinhua Publishing House.

Lin Zhijieunderstood: "Do you want to pre-sell online first, and then put it inXinhua Publishing House?"

This kind ofsales method has existed for a long time. Fans order the star's peripheralsproducts on the official website, obtain the corresponding authentication code,and then take their mobile phones to the local sales outlets of Xinhua PublishingHouse to scan, and then they can get the products.

Forentertainment brokerage companies, this kind of sales method greatly reducestheir pressure. They only need to hand over all the products they have made toXinhua Publishing House, and then use the latter's powerful logistics systemand huge sales network to ship.

Added with thewebsite direct sales, a perfect sales system has been formed, and the cost hasalso been reduced to a reasonable level.

Lu Chensmiled and said, "Yes!"

He actuallyhas a different sales plan, which is inspired from the dream world.

It's justthat it's not easy to tell Lin Zhijie right now.

Lin Zhijienodded in approval.

Lu Chenobviously did a lot of homework in advance. He has a basic understanding of thedistribution process. Choosing Flying Stone Records for cooperation isdefinitely not a temporary idea. It's obviously well thought out.

But thisdoesn't mean that Lin Zhijie is very optimistic about the album's salesprospects.

After all,Lu Chen is still a newcomer. Although he had gained a lot of popularity afterwinning the championship in "Singing China", it is not a simple thingto turn popularity into real benefits.

Lu Chen'sbiggest problem is that he doesn't have a complete and experienced team tosupport him behind the scenes, lack of personal connection, and only rely onthe impulsive consumption of a few fans, which is doomed to be unable to govery far.

Lin Zhijiereally doesn't want to pour cold water on Lu Chen. Moreover, it's not purely abad thing for young people to suffer some setbacks.

So, hedidn't say anything more.

"Thenhurry up and finish the album. I should be able to help on the Flying StoneRecord side."

Lu Chen wasgrateful: "Thank you, Teacher Lin!"

With thehelp of the music director of Flying Stone Records, it's really easy for him torelease the album there!

Lin Zhijiesaid seriously: "Remember to pay attention to quality and you can't besloppy in details. In addition…"

He asked,"Did you let Wang Jing do your arrangement?"

Lu Chenreplied, "Yes."

Lin Zhijie ponderedfor a moment and reminded: "You have to strengthen in this respect, withyour talent, only by participating in the arrangement yourself, can you fullyexpress the essence of the work to the greatest extent."

The reallyexcellent singer can write songs and compose music. Of course, it is notnecessary to know how to arrange music, but both of them will undoubtedlyimprove the work.

After all,others may not be able to fully understand the intention of the creator, thereare also the obstacles in communication.

Lu Chen isnot a professional. His ability to arrange music is very weak and average.

Lin Zhijiehopes that he can make up for the shortcomings in this respect.

Lu Chen blushed:"I've thought about it. I wanted to attend a lecture at Beijing or NorthernConservatory of Music, but I heard that it is difficult to get a license toattend."

Lu Chen hadthis idea a long time ago, but he asked Wang Jing and knew that whether it was Beijingor Northern Conservatory of Music, it was difficult to get a hold of a licenseto attend. The college was very strict in controlling it, and only a few ofthem were given out in a year.

As for otherprivate organizations that allow others to go in freely with money… It'sbetter to save the money.

Lin Zhijiesaid with a smile: "It's good to have a learning spirit. I know two professorsof Beijing Conservatory of Music. I may be able to help you get a license toattend, but I can't guarantee it."

Even if it'snot guaranteed, he was still pleasantly surprised!

Lu Chenhurriedly said, "Thank you, Teacher Lin!"

"You'vethanked me many times today…"

Lin Zhijiewaved his hand and said, "Since you call me teacher, it is also our fate.I am willing to help if I can."

"The keyis to work hard on your own!"

As long asit doesn't affect his own interests and the company's interests, Lin Zhijie iswilling to help the promising young man in front of him. What he saw in Lu Chenwas a different quality from others.

Why not do alittle favor and make a good karma?

Lu Chennodded hard. He knew that he really owed a favor and would have to return it ifhe had the chance in the future.

Lu Chen isundoubtedly lucky. On this star road to success, he has encountered ZhaoDeping, Jin Hongwei, and Zhuang Hao such obstruction, but also met ChenJianhao, Tan Hong, and Lin Zhijie such guide!

Lu Chen andLu Xi sent Lin Zhijie and his party away.

Back in hisstudio, Lu Xi pulled out her notepad and said to him, "At 2 o'clock thisafternoon, you are going to EMI Cultural Brokerage Company. I have made anagreement with Wen Zhiyuan, the director of the brokerage department over there.He will arrange artists to meet with you for an interview."

Lu Chen saidwithout hesitation, "All right."

He wants to make money, make a lot of money!

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