Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 12 - Do you mean to say that I should be a student again at this age?

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 12    Do you mean to say that I should be a student again at this age?

…However, I should clarify this first.

“Nevertheless, I have an intention of giving up being an adventurer. Therefore, I will only teach for a limited period of time.”

Although I reluctantly agreed to teach Miyano how to be an adventurer, I have no plans to change my decision. I’ll quit being an adventurer in three months anyway.

“If possible, I would prefer you to handle the first-year students at least for a year… Yes. It is your own decision, and I cannot stop you from doing so.”

That’s good. It would be troublesome if there were any unnecessary objections.

“…However, I would like to ask for your assistance in accompanying me to school.”

“To school? That’s… why?”

“I believe you were enrolled for a short term, right?”


“Well, you may not be aware of it, but this school generally assigns students to teams. Regular classes and even exams are conducted within these teams. Therefore, when an outsider is brought in as an instructor, we recommend that the instructor also attend school to enhance cooperation. If, by any chance, a student were to die, it would be a loss for the future of the country.”

“So it’s a recommendation, not a requirement?”

“Yes, that’s correct. However, most of the time, they act together.”

But honestly, it sounds like a hassle. Besides, I’m not really interested in it either.

After all, it’s school, right? Well, it’s not like I dislike school itself, but being told to be a student again at this age?

I’m currently thirty-something… or was it forty-something? At this age, I don’t really care about my own age and tend to forget.

Well, sitting among boys and girls and studying… That’s just ridiculous. I mean, it’s not like I’m smarter than them when it comes to studying, but it’s just too embarrassing.

“And also, there will be ranking battles conducted within teams and individually. If the members of the assisting party achieve good results in these rankings, the school will provide a certain amount of rewards.”

“…Even if it’s called a ranking battle, it’s just a student event, right? Are rewards really given? Is it even allowed?”

Although it’s said that adults also attend the Adventurer School, it’s still a school at the end of the day. The majority of the students attending are high schoolers.

Is it really okay to have financial transactions involved in such student events?

“Developing strong adventurers among students is the government’s intention. Otherwise, the country would easily perish. That’s why it’s deemed necessary to have certain elements like this to make the students stronger.”

Well, if that’s the case, it makes sense. Gate incidents occur every year, and the number of adventurers is currently insufficient to handle the existing gates.

If things continue like this, the number of gates will increase over time, and eventually, the world will be overrun by monsters.

In order to prevent that, it’s understandable that they’re willing to deviate from the ‘norm’ to some extent.

Money is a clear motivator, and if that money can be exchanged for equipment for powerful individuals, then it’s a desired outcome. That’s the general idea.

“Forgive me for being presumptuous, but as a Rank 3 adventurer, you probably don’t earn that much, right? If Miyano-san and the others can achieve high rankings, it might be of some help to you, don’t you think?”

Although I can live comfortably enough, that’s only because of the present circumstances. It’s because I’m currently working as an adventurer that I can earn money.

But once I stop being an adventurer in 3 months, I’ll be out of work, and I won’t have any source of income.

Former adventurers are given priority in finding work related to adventuring, but even that doesn’t guarantee immediate employment.

I do have a potential job opportunity lined up, but I really don’t want to go there if I can avoid it…

No, it’s not like it’s a terrible place to work. The hours are short, the relationships with colleagues are good, and the pay is good. It’s just that there’s one particular aspect about the job that I dislike.

Well, it doesn’t matter. Whether I work there or somewhere else, I’ll have to live without a job for a while, so having more money is always better.

So, in terms of gains, it would be beneficial to accept the offer… No, that’s right. There aren’t any specific downsides either, so it’s fine to accept this proposal.

Oh, but I need to confirm one thing. Depending on the answer, I might not accept it.

“If I were to participate in the classes, to what extent would that be? Is it limited to combat-related training, or are there also lectures?”

“While combat-related training is recommended, it’s only a small part. However, you can also attend lectures if you want, and it’s permissible to participate in combat-related classes outside of the recommended ones.”

Oh, that’s good. No lectures then. If there were lectures, I would have definitely declined.

“…Am I allowed to use the school facilities freely?”

“Yes. Apart from attending classes, you are welcome to use the school facilities just like the students.”

To summarize the discussion…

Dive into dungeons with Miyano and the others for adventurer guidance.

Attend classes at the school (practical training only).

Participate in competitions and achieve good results.

Have unrestricted access to the school facilities.

That’s about it.

There’s nothing particularly forced, and there are no disadvantages for me. The only downside would be the hassle of having to interact with Miyano and the others, but well, it’s not that big of a deal.

As for my involvement with Miyano and the others… Well, as long as I’m cautious, it should be manageable. It’s important not to have excessive involvement because it won’t benefit either of us.

“Then, I accept.”

“Thank you very much.”

As I clearly gave my consent, Teacher Momozono let out a light sigh, clearly relieved.

“…As a teacher, I shouldn’t say something like this, but honestly, I was uncertain about how to educate her, a Special Class student. I am a First Class teacher, only in my second year. So, I can feel at ease knowing that someone with ample practical experience like you will be guiding her.”

Being entrusted with a Special Class student in just my second year, this person must be reasonably competent… It’s certainly a pressure to be entrusted with such responsibility in only the second year. I understand the desire to bring in someone capable if there’s a suitable candidate.

“Even if you say I have ample practical experience, I am only a Third Class. I can’t do anything significant even with high expectations. If we want to develop a Special Class student, wouldn’t it be better to have them learn from someone of the same rank who knows how to use their power?”

However, I don’t believe I can develop a Special Class student.

Sure, I have some modest achievements, but I’m still just a Third Class. I can’t teach them how to use their power like a Special Class can.

“No, on the contrary, precisely because you’re a Third Class. First and Special Classes usually manage to get through most crises by relying on sheer power. While they may scrape through in those situations, it doesn’t provide the experience necessary for their future. But you’re different. You face crises head-on and think ahead. That is a skill necessary for surviving as an adventurer, and it has been evident from your past achievements.”

…Ah, come to think of it, this person did investigate about me.

I gaze down at the documents placed on the table, but somehow, they had blended into the background and I completely forgot about them.

“Please keep this information confidential from them. If they become aware of excessive expectations, it will become a burden for them.”

“Ah, so you called them here with a false reason.”

“Yes. It’s fine for Mr. Igami to accompany them to the school, or rather, it’s necessary to teach them. However, I would appreciate it if we could keep it hidden that the school is backing them up.”

“Understood. We will support that aspect as much as possible.”

Well, I’ve made up my mind to take on the job. Once you accept a job, it’s your responsibility to handle it to the best of your ability.

“Thank you very much. Please take care of them.”

“I can’t promise that… but I’ll teach them as much ‘experience’ as possible.”

For a moment, I thought I had made a suspicious statement, but it seems that Teacher Momozono didn’t notice.

I guess it’s a difference in mindset, or rather, whether or not one regularly thinks about “those things”…

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