Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 13 - The circumstances of short-term enrollees

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 13     The circumstances of short-term enrollees

“Then I will give the campus pass to Miyano-san at a later date, so please receive it from her.”

“Understood… huh?”

As we stepped out into the corridor, Miyano, whom I had already informed that she could go home, was waiting while playing with her smartphone. I couldn’t help but think that even someone as serious-looking as Miyano would indulge in such activities, but after all, she was a high school student of this era. It wouldn’t be strange for her to pass the time by playing with her phone.

“Oh, Igami-san, Momozono-sensei. Is the discussion over?”

Miyano noticed us and quickly put her smartphone in her bag, walking over to us. She had been waiting a little away from the reception room, probably out of consideration not to overhear our conversation. She was a considerate child.

“What? You’ve been waiting all this time?”

“I called for her. It’s only natural for her to stay until the end.”

“…You’re ridiculously earnest, aren’t you?”

“There’s nothing wrong with being earnest.”

“Well, I don’t think it’s wrong either, but…”

I did think she would end up at a disadvantage. The world isn’t so kind that you can live solely on earnestness. But well, that’s her decision, not mine to interfere with.

“Miyano-san, since we have the opportunity, how about giving Igami-san a tour of the school?”

“Huh? I mean, I’ve already graduated from here…”

“That was four years ago, right? Since you’ll be attending again, I thought it would be good to see it for confirmation’s sake.”

“Well, I guess so.”

“Then, Miyano-san, please take care of it from here.”

Momozono-sensei made the suggestion and left, leaving it up to Miyano.

I don’t really want to get too friendly with him though…

“Um… when you say attending again?”

“Oh, what… it seems I can participate in classes as an external assisting instructor and be a part of the team. I mean, didn’t you know?”

“Well, yes. I knew about that system, but I didn’t think you would accept it. It’s actually outside the scope of our original contract, so I thought it might be inconvenient for you.”

Ah, I see. It’s not surprising that she would think that considering my attitude up until now. In fact, I wasn’t initially planning to accept it.

“Well, there are some benefits for me as well. It’s financially rewarding, and I can use the school facilities. Maintenance and shopping for equipment are cheaper on campus compared to outside. Plus, there are various other things I can do.”

This school has everything you need for adventuring. From tools to weapons and magical instruments, they sell them here, and you can even receive treatment.

Of course, they don’t sell items that cost millions or tens of millions, and if it’s extensive treatment, they charge for it, but it’s still more affordable than outside options.

Just having access to these things is quite appreciated.

“I’ll guide you, but where should we start our tour?”

“Well, I wonder… even if we go around, I still remember it to some extent… Ah, is there any new place that has been created within the past four years?”

“Within the past four years… Oh, in that case, the training facilities and the training grounds themselves have expanded.”

“The training grounds, huh… I didn’t go there much.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. You know, I entered for a short period, so the classes were packed, and I didn’t have much free time. I used the training grounds a few times for classes, but other than that, it’s only a handful of times.”

“I see. I heard that it’s tough for those who enroll for a short period.”

“Well, those who enroll for a short period are usually older awakened individuals who have reached a certain age. They don’t need to spend time because they’re lacking in talent compared to the younger ones. Short-term enrollment is just a way to claim that they provided the minimum education even if they couldn’t remember everything. They don’t give a damn about our hardships here.”


Oops, I started to sound like I was complaining.

When I think back to that insanely busy time, I can’t help but feel frustrated.

During that time, I realized why people say they lose their minds when they’re busy. It was the busiest time of my life.

If I’m going to be working together with Miyano and the others from now on, I might encounter the teachers from back then. If that happens, I’d want to punch them in the face.

Well, in reality, I wouldn’t actually do it. Not only would it inconvenience Miyano and the others, but if I were to directly confront them, there’s no doubt I would lose.

But for now, let’s just divert the conversation.

“Oh… Is there anything else?”

“Well, um… Apart from that, there are some new books in the library and the items in the school store have slightly changed, if I had to mention something.”

“As for the items, it’s fine… But you seem to know about the new books quite well.”

“Well, I do visit the library every day, so…”

“…Every day?”

“Yes, that’s right. I borrow and read one book each day.”

“…You’re quite diligent.”

I used to go to the library too, but once I gathered the necessary information, I stopped going altogether.

Part of it was due to being busy, but to be honest, I wasn’t that fond of reading books in the first place.

“Well, never mind. For now, let’s just walk around and casually explore the whole campus while continuing our conversation.”

“Alright. I’ll guide you then.”

And so, we walked around the school, engaging in casual conversation for a while, until it was time for dismissal.

“This school is really spacious, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. I was amazed when I first enrolled too.”

As we continued our conversation while walking, we eventually reached the main gate, and Miyano turned towards me and bowed.

“Thank you for coming today.”

“Well, it’s certainly a good deal for us, and since we’re on the same team, it’s only fair to show this much courtesy.”

“If anything comes up, please let me know.”

“Sure, I understand, Igami-san. I’ll contact you again at a later date once the access permit arrives.”

“Alright, got it. Well then, I’ll be on my way.”

“Okay. Take care and see you later.”

With those words exchanged, I bid farewell to Miyano and headed back to my apartment.

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