Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 16 - A highly enhanced batting center imitation

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 16   A highly enhanced batting center imitation

And then we left the room and moved towards the second training ground that Asada mentioned.

By the way, the place we were before was the first training ground where people fight each other, while this one is the second training ground for training against machines.

There are also a third training ground for casting magic and a larger practice area with obstacles. But let’s not worry about those for now.

As we entered the second training ground, we noticed thick, large iron pillars connecting the ceiling to the floor. There were square platforms resembling wrestling rings with iron pillars at each corner, and various machines placed around, giving it a somewhat cluttered feel.

“We’ll be using this.”

Asada stood in front of one of those square platforms with the iron pillars.

Seems like it’s already activated and set up.

“Ah, brings back memories… Well, it’s only been a little over four years though.”

“It looks like you’ve used it before.”

“Well, yeah, a fair amount.”

I’ve used it for class, but I also used to come here regularly for a while.

Once I got the hang of it after a few tries, I didn’t feel the need to come anymore.

“Well, then there’s no need for explanations. Let’s get on with it.”

“I don’t mind, but tell me first. How long do I have to endure to pass? Are there any restrictions?”

“Endure for fifteen minutes. If you can do that, I’ll acknowledge you. As for restrictions, there are none. If there were restrictions, you’d probably be finished right away.”

This machine judges your competence based on whether you can endure for fifteen minutes. That’s probably the criteria they’ve set.

The problem is how challenging the settings are…

“Fifteen minutes, huh? Well, I’ll manage somehow if that’s the case.”

Muttering that, I chose one of the finely sharpened swords prepared near the ring and took it in my hand. With the sword in hand, I walked towards the center of the ring.

However, it seemed like my words and attitude didn’t sit well with Asada. Her expression when we passed each other was quite displeased.


Without showing any reaction to my words, Asada silently operated the machine.

Then, rubber balls were launched from the iron pillars at the corners.

If I had stayed still, the trajectory of the balls would have collided with me, but since there was no reason to let them hit me, I swiftly moved my body to dodge them.

As I evaded them, the rubber balls flew past me and continued on a path that would take them far away. However, in reality, they were stopped as if by an invisible wall, bouncing and rolling on the ground.

Well, it’s more like they were stopped by an invisible wall. There’s actually an invisible barrier there.

Then, as the balls reached the outer edge and rolled into the grooves, they followed the grooves, eventually being collected by the iron pillars.

However, before I could witness it until the end, a new ball was ejected from a different pillar this time.

This is how the device works. To put it simply, it’s like an ultra-enhanced batting center.

You either return or dodge the incoming balls. The difference is that it’s not about how many you can hit, but how much you can endure.

Another difference from a regular batting center is that the settings for the incoming balls are not fixed, and there are multiple launch points.

In this device, the corners are enclosed by pillars, but the balls can come from any of those pillars randomly. Moreover, the balls that come flying at you are random in terms of speed, trajectory, and timing.

Furthermore, since the ceiling and walls are enclosed, naturally, the balls bounce.

And as time passes, the number of balls that come out simultaneously increases.

This is a training device designed for such “vanguard” training.

It’s not something meant for someone like me, who is typically a rear guard.

However, I dodge every single ball that is launched at me.

“That’s amazing…”

“It’s like you know exactly where the attacks are coming from…”


“W-Why is that? It’s been long enough, but not a single one has hit you…”

“M-Maybe… do you know the machine’s settings? Where the attacks will come from?”

“I don’t. It’s completely random. Even with randomness, if you try hard enough, you might find patterns, but that’s a different ability of theirs.”

“True. If they really have the ability to comprehend and manipulate randomness to that extent, regardless of their class, I’d want them on our team.”

While Miyano and the others are discussing, it’s not like I’m reading the random settings. I’m using a little trick, but it’s my own ability.

“But… maybe it’s something else.”


Huh? Something else… Did they notice? No way, right?

“Haruka-chan? What do you mean by ‘something else’?”

“I can see it very clearly.”



Miyano, Kitahara, and Asada seem unaware, but Abe has definitely noticed. Why? It shouldn’t be visible…

“That’s true, it looks like he’s dancing.”

“No, not quite. It’s magic.”


“Every time he move’s, there are magical particles swirling around him. It’s beautiful.”

“Magical particles?”

“…I can’t see anything like that.”

“I can’t see it either…”

“It’s very subtle, so probably only someone attuned to magic would notice.”

Even among magic users, I don’t think it’s something you would normally see.

“But even if it’s beautiful, what does that have to do with evading the attacks?”

“….I think, maybe when those magical particles get hit, he can sense it.”

“So, does that mean he can nullify attacks from blind spots?”

“I believe so.”

While listening to such conversations, I continue to dodge the incoming balls.

Sometimes I deflect them with the sword I’m holding, but primarily I focus on evading.

Well, even my evasions are not stylish or cool; they’re rather clumsy and rolling on the ground.

“Is it over now… Ah, I’m tired. Seriously exhausted.”

After continuing to evade like that, I declare my surrender around the time it’s likely been over thirty minutes.

“The record is… Ah, thirty-four minutes. It would’ve been nice to make it an even thirty, but oh well.”

If I were to give it my all and push myself, I could probably last for an hour… or maybe a bit longer? With enough determination, I might be able to hold out for two hours.

However, this isn’t a life-or-death battle, and there’s no need to go that far.

“So, what’s next? I endured for fifteen minutes, but is there anything else to do?”

Having stepped down from the ring, I walk over to Asada, the one who challenged me to this avant-garde contraption, and ask.

“…You’re a third-class, right? So why are you so strong?”

“Huh? I’m not strong. Didn’t you see me fighting just now?”

“I saw it! That’s why I’m asking!”

In response to Asada’s words, I wonder how Miyano, Kitahara, and Abe feel about it. Well, I don’t know about Abe, but at least the other two are nodding along.

“Not strong? Who do you think you’re kidding? Even with the settings just now, I could only last for a decent amount of time. But you, how can you endure for thirty minutes? If that’s not strong, then what am I? Weaker than you!?”

Asada claims that I’m strong, but they are mistaken.

“…Sigh. First of all, being not strong and being weak are different things. Being strong means being able to overcome any crisis, but I can’t overcome any crisis. At most, I can barely escape from it. So, I’m not ‘strong.’ But that doesn’t mean I’m so weak that I’m on the verge of dying. Simply put, I’m focused on survival-oriented battles. It doesn’t matter if I win or lose. It’s just a fight for the sake of our own survival. If we’re talking about pure combat power, there’s no way I can beat any of you… No, it’s not just that, I definitely can’t win.”

As I say that, the four of them fall silent, unable to say anything in response.

However, since the conversation isn’t progressing, I decide to take the initiative.

“So, what do you think about me joining?”

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