Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 17 - Summer Vacation Plans

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 17   Summer Vacation Plans

“No complaints.”

Abé unexpectedly replied to my question.

I thought it was out of character for her to willingly agree at a time like this, so I wondered what her intentions were.

Well, if she’s willing to support me, then there shouldn’t be a problem.

“I see. In that case—”

“However, there are conditions.”

“…You too?”

“Tell me about that thing.”

“That thing?”

“The technique you were using just now to release magical particles.”

“Huh? …So you could see it after all?”

“Yeah. It was faintly shimmering.”

“Normally, magical power that has been reduced to such a faint level shouldn’t be visible… It must be talent, after all.”

While those in the vanguard seem to ‘sense’ rather than ‘see,’ those in the rear can perceive magical power. However, there are certain limitations.

There’s no upper limit, but it seems that they can’t determine the extent of the magical power possessed by someone who has slightly less or equal magical power compared to themselves.

Well, I don’t have that kind of experience, so I don’t really know what that sensation is like. After all, I’m just a third-rate loser. Most people have more magical power than me.

You can only sense someone’s magical power if it’s equal to or greater than your own.

This fact is taught at school, but few truly understand it.

Well, actually, there’s no point in seeing the reaction of magical power weaker than your own. Dealing with actions performed with such inferior and insignificant magical power is no problem as long as you remain constantly vigilant.

However, it’s all about being “constantly vigilant.”

Well, aside from that, being able to see the magical power of those who are usually unable to sense or see it can be considered a talent.

The talent to perceive magical power. It is something crucial for a magician, and it can even be seen as a promissory note for the future success of a girl named Abe Haruka.

“Well, I don’t mind.”

Since there are benefits for me if these guys become stronger, I have no objections to teaching them the technique.

Being able to defend against sudden attacks is important for a magician whose physical abilities are inferior to those in the vanguard.

Well, I can’t teach everyone, but I don’t have to get all worked up about teaching my comrades. Anyway, in three months, I’ll quit being an adventurer, so it doesn’t matter if my fighting style gets exposed.

Moreover, what’s the big deal? …It doesn’t feel bad to teach a junior.

“Thank you very much.”

Seeing Abe bow politely with a different attitude than before, I slightly widened my eyes. But I quickly smirked and just replied with a simple “Yeah.”

“So, what about you? Will you acknowledge it?”

And now, I turned my face towards Asada and asked.

“…I will.”


“I’m saying I’ll acknowledge it!”

“O-Okay. Thank you—”

“But what choice do I have? I mean, I can’t help but acknowledge it when you produce results like this, right?! I’ve known it ever since I saw your previous battle!”

“I-I see…”

“That’s right! But if I acknowledge a third-rate like you, it would be embarrassing for me, who used to be a first-rate and got too cocky! So, that’s why I—!”

As Asada shouted, her eyes became slightly teary. However, it was not an intentional action, but rather an expression of uncontrollable emotions. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have expected her to say such things.

Anyway, should I offer some support? …I suppose so.

“Oh, ah… Well, it’s true that I’m a third-rate, but even someone like me has become strong enough for you to acknowledge. If that’s the case, with your first-rate talent, you can surely achieve even greater heights, right?”

“Shut up! I already know that, even without you saying it!”

However, I didn’t think my attempt at offering reassurance, though unfamiliar, had any effect.

“Just watch! I’ll become stronger than you!”

“Yeah. I’m sure you can.”

Those words came from the bottom of my heart.

Those who recognize and acknowledge their own immaturity have the potential for growth. This person will continue to progress in the future. Although I won’t be by their side at that time, I might be able to see their success on TV or something. I’m actually looking forward to that moment.


“Shall we talk about our plans from now on?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Have you decided on a strategy or anything?”

Asada, perhaps feeling embarrassed about her teary outburst earlier, avoids making eye contact with me. Nevertheless, the conversation continues without anyone minding.

“Yes. Since we’ll officially enter summer vacation in about two weeks, I was thinking of diving into the dungeon to train during that time.”

Summer vacation, huh? Well, it’s a classic for students, isn’t it? Summer vacation and the assignments that ruin it.

It brings back memories… Ah, but when I say “memories,” I’m not referring to the breaks at this school. We short-term students never had breaks here.

So, what I recall are the times when I was a regular student, just like any other kid. Looking back now, I wish I had tried more things back then.

If I could inherit my current memories and go back in time, I’d want to do various things next. I used to think assignments and such were a pain, but now I believe I could enjoy summer homework.

Well, even if I say that, it’s just a fantasy since time travel isn’t possible in this world.

“Summer vacation, huh? Will there be any assignments or something? Like diving into a dungeon and writing a report?”

“Yes, there are assignments, but if possible, I’d like to do more than just that.”

“More than just that, huh? Well, first, we need to tackle the assignments. If you only look ahead, you’ll stumble.”

“I understand. That’s why I wanted to ask Igami-san… um, are there any dungeons you would recommend for us?”

While saying that, Miyano takes out her smartphone from her pocket and operates the screen, showing it to me.

There, several dungeon names are listed, likely the dungeons assigned as summer vacation tasks.

“Recommendations?… Well, let’s see. ‘Goblin’s Den’ is generally recommended for beginners, or rather, it’s a place to overcome the beginner’s hurdle. But I’ve already been there… Well, I’m still not fully accustomed, so it might be worth revisiting a few times.”

Killing humanoid creatures is a heavy experience for ordinary high schoolers, but it becomes quite important when going about as adventurers.

As I mentioned before, you can’t afford to hesitate just because you’ve killed enemies during combat.

However, that should be kept to a minimum. It’s okay if they make a grimace, but as long as they don’t vomit, it’s fine.

After all, these kids are in a sensitive age. They need to get used to it to some extent, but there’s no need for them to get “overly accustomed.”

“I see, so that’s how it is.”

“Yeah. Abe over there hasn’t been to that dungeon before. But I still think it’s better to start with non-humanoid creatures.”


“…I have two candidates in mind. One of them is ‘Rat’s Nest.'”

“There’s a dungeon like that?”

Asada, who had been silent until now, interjects into the conversation. I glance at her briefly but continue the conversation without saying anything.

“I see. It’s a cave-like place where rats of about the size of two fists appear. You should be able to get used to killing creatures of that size… Well, it’s not without its challenges.”

“And what kind of challenges are there?”

“The enemies are small.”

I’ve been to that place before, and it’s quite challenging for those without skills. Even though they’ve awakened, beginners who haven’t learned any martial arts would find it difficult to defeat dozens of enemies crawling on the floor. It’s hard to say if they can pull it off.

That’s why the typical strategy there is for magic users to be the main force or to rely on tools. That seems to be the general approach.

Well, judging from their performance in the previous dungeon battle, they might be able to handle it somehow.

“It’s an easy place for those with skills or area-of-effect techniques, but beginners will have a hard time landing hits.”

“In that case, what’s the other option?”

“‘Rabbit’s Garden.'”

“…Hey, just from the name, I have a bad feeling about it.”

“Well, you might be right. It could be a bit challenging over there.”

“Are the enemies rabbits?”

“Yeah. ‘In appearance,’ at least.”

“I see. So, the challenge there is whether they can kill rabbits or not.”

“Yeah. They’re not as human-like, but they’re visually difficult to kill, right? Especially unpopular among girls.”

However, that’s only the case during the first encounter. Once they’ve fought against the enemies once, they should become relatively comfortable with it.

“We have other options as well… Oh, right. ‘Fortress of Dolls’ might be relatively easy to defeat in terms of ease of killing.”

“Do they only consist of dolls?”

“Yeah. Not just humans, but also animals. Dolls are easier to fight against since they have the form of living creatures but are ultimately just dolls. However, they are stronger compared to the others.”

Since they lack life, you can engage in combat without consciously thinking about killing.

However, because they lack life, the enemies tend to launch reckless and challenging attacks, making them difficult to defeat.

So, it might not be suitable for beginners either. It’s a different story if you have the skills.

“Among the three options we have, would ‘Rabbit’s Garden’ be a good choice?”

“Yeah, that’s right. It allows you to get used to killing living creatures, and you can avoid being deceived by the enemies’ appearances. It’s also a place where you can learn various things.”

“Only rabbits?”

Abe asked with a brief question, confirming the types of enemies that appear, right?

“The enemies that appear?”


“Well, technically, it’s only rabbits.”


“Yeah. The reason is… Well, it’s better for you guys to confirm it yourselves.”

It’s better for them to see for themselves rather than relying solely on information. In fact, it might be dangerous if they feel like they already know everything based on information alone.

…Oh, that’s right. Since we’re at it, why not let them tackle it without any prior information? These kids shouldn’t die even without any information.

“Also, it’s better not to gather information before diving into this dungeon.”

“Why is that? Normally, we gather some information before entering a dungeon, don’t we?”

Miyano’s question was a natural doubt. It’s common to research information about a dungeon before entering it.

“Well, that’s true. But this dungeon is easy. It could be a bit risky for second and third-class adventurers, but as long as you stay cautious, it’s not that dangerous for you guys. From now on, you’ll be going to various dungeons, some of which might be completely unknown without any information. Like newly emerged dungeons that occur unexpectedly. If you can’t enter because there’s no information, then you won’t be able to proceed.”

“Um, so basically, it’s like a practice run, right?”

“In simple terms, yes. Well, it’s more like pre-study than a practice run, I suppose.”

As I nodded in agreement with Kitahara’s words, the team members exchanged glances with each other.

However, their gaze eventually converged on Miyano, the team leader. It seemed they entrusted the decision to the leader.

“Understood. We’ll do that then.”

After confirming Miyano’s agreement, we moved on to the next topic.

“So, should we meet again in about two weeks?”

“Yes. We’ll contact you at a later date, but please gather at the management office near the dungeon on the first day of summer vacation.”

“Got it.”

And with that, we concluded all the discussions for today and agreed to disperse.

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