Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 29 - White Knight

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 29   White Knight

“Oh, and what about Miyano-san and the others?”

“Huh? Oh, it’s you. Well, I guess we’ll be working together today.”

As I approached the gate, I saw the opposing team, led by a girl named Asuka Tenshi, already waiting there. Don’t they have any concerns about pre-match interactions?

I extended my hand with a grin that didn’t quite suit the seriousness of the impending battle. Asuka furrowed her brows but must have considered it customary before a match, as she shook my hand in return.

I proceeded to shake hands with the rest of Asuka’s team members as well. Does it not look like a middle-aged man who just wants to shake hands with high school girls based on appearances alone?

…No, that’s not it. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.

“So, what was it again… Ah, how they’re doing, right? But even if you ask me that, I have no idea. They don’t like me, so I keep my distance.”

“…They don’t like you?”

“Yeah. Ah, well… Never mind. The truth is, I never intended to join their team in the first place. I never planned on dealing with the hassle of being an instructor.”

In reality, I have no idea how they truly feel about me, but I continue rambling as if I’m complaining about something trivial.

“So why are you currently working together with Miyano-san and the others?”

“Well, you know how adventurers have a five-year requirement called the ‘dungeon duty,’ where they have to delve into dungeons. I was diving into the dungeons to fulfill that duty, and just when I had almost completed the five years, our team disbanded. Well, the rest of the members had already finished their duty, and they were getting up there in age. It couldn’t be helped, I guess.”

As I continued talking, I noticed a slight hint of displeasure on Asuka’s face as she listened. Perhaps she doesn’t like the fact that someone like me joined their team when she couldn’t find the companions she desired.

“Well, during that time, there was an exam, but one of their members fell ill, and they were short on personnel. They were looking for someone to fill the gap temporarily, and unfortunately, on that day, multiple dungeons were discovered simultaneously, causing a shortage of guild members. I was the only one available.”

“So that’s why you teamed up with them?”

That part of the story is true.

Indeed, everyone was getting older, and the team did disband. Even if they had investigated my background, they would only confirm these facts.

However, things take a slight turn from here.

Well, I apologize to you serious folks who are ready to fight, but let’s play along a little bit.

“Yeah, they needed someone on their side as well. But well, I lack the motivation since I’m forced into this. I guess they didn’t like that attitude.”

“…I understand that. However, if they dislike you, then why are they still with you?”

“Well, it’s because of the initial contract. They agreed to have me join their team until I finished my dungeon duty. In return, I participate as a temporary member to fill the gap.”

“So they’re putting up with an obstacle like you…”

Upon hearing my words, Asuka’s gaze shifted from a barely concealed displeasure to a distinct look of disdain directed at me.

“Hey, hey, I may look younger, but I’m older than you, you know? It’s fine if you see me as an obstacle, but at least show some courtesy on the surface.”

“I only show respect to those who have earned it through their accomplishments.”

“Am I not worthy?”

I showed no sign of concern or reaction to Asuka’s words and attitude. I continued to smile nonchalantly, which seemed to irritate her even more. The tone of her words became stronger.

Even if she doesn’t like me, I think she’s a bit too short-tempered… But for me, it’s just right. No, it’s just right for “us.”

“Then allow me to inquire, what have you accomplished that merits respect?”

“Respect… I haven’t seen anything worthy of it. Haha.”

“…In that case, my attitude towards you will not change.”

“I see. Well, that’s too bad—”

“I apologize, but I must go and greet Miyano-san and the others who have arrived.”

Before I could finish my sentence, Asuka, as if unable to bear any more, walked past us and headed towards Miyano and the others who were observing us from a distance.

“It seems I’m quite disliked.”

Although it was just a murmured remark, not intended for anyone in particular, there was someone who responded to it.

“Miss, due to her upbringing, tends to take the role of an adventurer overly seriously. Although there may be some impoliteness, I would appreciate it if you could be a bit more forgiving.”

“Oh? Well, those are just the words of a child. I don’t intend to take offense… Who might you be?”

As I directed my gaze toward the source of the voice, there stood a man in a suit behind Asuka and her companions.

“Apologies for the intrusion. I am Shun Kudo. I serve as Asuka Tenshi’s guardian and instructor.”

“Oh, you’re that guy. Must be quite a task. I’m Koosuke Igami. Nice to me– Wait, what?”

While returning the courteous greeting, I noticed something in the midst of it.

“Is there something wrong?”

“…You’re Shun Kudo, right?”

“Yes. …You recognized me?”

“Well yeah, adventurers who are unaware of ‘you guys’ should consider to wash out their brain and start over.”

In response to my words, the man in front of me, Shun Kudo, gave a wry smile.

However, from my perspective, it’s not something that can be resolved with just a wry smile.

What the hell is someone like him doing here? I heard he’s a guardian, but you’re not the type to be a guardian.

“To think that the ‘White Knight,’ a top-tier adventurer, would be acting as a mere babysitter.”

Yes, he’s one of the handful of individuals in the world who possess the title of top-tier adventurer. If I recall correctly, he’s around twenty-five years old now.

Although our team has Miyano, and Asuka is present on the opposing side this time, it might seem like they’re all over the place, but in reality, encounters like this are rare.

He’s not wearing the iconic pure white armor that has become his symbol, but I doubt his power has diminished in any way.

“Come to think of it, a few years ago… was it about three years ago? I vaguely remember hearing that you quit being an adventurer around that time.”

“Yes, indeed. I did quit being an adventurer three years ago. Well, to be precise, I didn’t have much choice but to quit.”

“….Was it due to an injury?”

“I suppose you could say it was more like a curse. I tried seeking help from a first-class expert, but…”

As Kudo spoke, he shook his head with a resigned smile.

“I too was quite arrogant, being called ‘The White Knight,’ a special-grade. I let my guard down a bit and ended up like this. Now, I can’t fight as I used to.”

“The famed ‘White Knight’…”

A curse, huh… There’s not much that can be done about that. Injuries can be healed by a healing specialist. Even if it’s an old injury that lower-ranked healers can’t treat, a top-grade healer can handle it without a problem. It may cost a significant amount, but considering his status as a special-grade, he should have been able to afford it.

But when it comes to curses, it’s a different story. Like adventurers, curses also have ranks ranging from third-class to special-grade. Additionally, they are further classified based on their nature. However, a curse cannot be broken unless the rank is higher and the curse specialist specializes in the same type of curse.

Based on his current demeanor, it seemed like the curse placed on him was of special-grade.

However, in the current world, there is no one capable of performing special-grade curse removal. Well, technically there are a few who can, but they rarely appear in public, so it’s unlikely they could have captured someone of special-grade status.

“But aren’t you more famous than I am?”

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