Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 31 - Asuka: The beginning of the match

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 31    Asuka: The beginning of the match

Tenshi Asuka

“Now, let’s begin the third match of the fifth season ranking battle! The time limit is two hours! The team that either captures the opponent’s ‘treasure’ or defeats more members of the opposing team by the end of the time limit will be the winner!”

Even though they were inside a dungeon, a cheerful and out-of-place voice resounded. However, for today, that voice was not out of place.

“Since the Tenshi Team has more members at the start, if the remaining number of members is the same when the time limit is reached, the victory will go to the Miyano Team!”

In addition to the unusual voice, drones that were not typically present were hovering in the dungeon’s sky.

Yet, just like the voice, no one in the vicinity paid any attention to them.

“A healing magic has been applied throughout the venue, so even if you sustain serious injuries that would normally result in death, you will be immediately healed. However! In such a case, you will be disqualified, so please leave the field promptly.”

That was only natural. Today was the day of the ranking battle at the Adventurer School.

The students fought for their own future, but this match was not solely for the sake of the students.

External parties also watched, aiming to recruit them after they graduated.

It could be compared to the Koshien baseball tournament. Even if they lost, if they had talent, they would be scouted.

The voice and the drones served that purpose as well. Non-Awakened individuals couldn’t enter the dungeon, so the broadcast was conducted through equipment instead.

As a result, various connections extended from the gate, crossing between the dungeon, Earth, and the world.

“Please raise a white cloth in a visible manner if you wish to forfeit the match. Once it is confirmed, anyone who launches further attacks will be disqualified, so please be mindful.”

Although this battle can be viewed by the general public through a paid service… it seems unnecessary in this setting.

“More detailed explanations and other rules can be found in the pamphlet and on the school’s website, so feel free to check there if you want more information! Now, everyone, please prepare yourselves!”

It is evident that the match is about to begin. The teams about to fight have already finished their preparations in their respective locations and are eagerly awaiting the moment.

“Here we go! Three, two, one… Match start!”

And thus, the match began.

“Now, I entrust you with the defense of the ‘treasure’ in this area. Please make sure it is not taken.”


Leading the charge were Asuka Tenshi and her six-member group. It seems they are adopting an offensive strategy for this battle.

However, even though they are six in number, with Asuka Tenshi and Shun Kudo as exceptional members, they could easily overcome an average opponent even if it were just the two of them.

“And Shun, stay here.”

“Are you sure about that?”

However, Asuka seemed determined to fight with just their team, not accepting Shun’s presence.

“Yes. Didn’t I say it? Even though we already have the advantage in numbers, the opponent’s instructor is a lazy third-class. It wouldn’t sit well if we used a top-class member like you. Even if we win with your power, Miyano-san won’t be satisfied. Considering the future, we have to demonstrate our own abilities.”

This battle is about Asuka bringing Mizuki Miyano into her team. To achieve that, they need to show a fight that would make it preferable for Miyano to be on their team. That’s what Asuka believed.

Therefore, aiming for an overwhelming victory, they decided to fight with the ace card of having one more top-class member sealed.

“…Alright, I will stay here and wait.”

“Yes, but if it looks like the ‘treasure’ is about to be taken, protect it.”


Shun let out a light sigh and reluctantly agreed while looking at Asuka. However, deep inside, he believed that they would lose.

“After all, there was a different “real deal” on the other side. A third-class adventurer who defeated formidable enemies that even top-class adventurers would hesitate to face, a hero who saved others.

With someone like that as their instructor, it’s impossible to win. Even if we were to win, it would be a hard-fought victory. At least with our current mindset, it seems impossible,”  that’s what he thought

“Team, we will search for the enemy’s ‘treasure’… most likely guarded by Miyano-san. Let’s go find it.”


However, Shun remained silent, and Asuka’s team dashed off in pursuit of the Miyano team and their treasure, determined to achieve victory.


“What is it?”

Shun and the four members of Asuka’s team, excluding one person who stayed behind to guard the treasure, had been running around randomly for a while, trying to approximate the enemy’s location. However, they were halted by a team member leading the way.

“Asuka-san, there’s a response up ahead.”

“Yes, we found it sooner than expected.”

The paper containing clues about the treasure had a role similar to a transmitter that could pinpoint its location when a specific magic was used. Asuka’s team had detected that signal.

“What do we do?”

“For now… let’s approach and assess the situation cautiously. There might be traps. Make sure to maintain concealment magic so as not to arouse suspicion.”

Knowing the enemy’s location meant that the enemy would also know the location of Asuka’s team. That’s why Asuka swiftly decided not to linger in one place for too long and moved into action.

As they approached the indicated spot, they saw Asada Kana and Kitahara Yuzu. A short distance away from them, Instructor Igami Koosuke stood leaning against a tree.

“Disperse and attack on the signal. If we can take them down, great. If we miss, pursue them. However, be cautious of traps and don’t get too carried away. Confirm their destination if possible.”


Upon seeing that, Asuka gave instructions to her team members, who then surrounded Asada and the other two members of Miyano’s team in a semicircle.

Ideally, it would be better to surround them from all directions. However, doing so would take too much time and risk entering the enemy’s search range. Therefore, speed took priority in this situation.

“Three, two…”

And now, it was time for the ambush…

With that thought in mind, Asuka readied her weapon, but it ended in failure.

“Run! They’re enemies!”

Just as they were about to launch the attack, at the last moment of less than a second, Koosuke noticed the enemy and shouted.

“What?! They noticed us!”

Asada and Kitahara aside, there was no way such an unmotivated man could have detected their stealthy operation.

Thinking that way, Asuka couldn’t make a split-second decision the moment Koosuke raised his voice.

“But even so, if we continue like this—”

In that brief moment of hesitation, Asuka judged that they should still proceed with the attack, and she tried to convey that to the other team members. However, it was too late.

Suddenly, Asuka and her team found themselves engulfed in flames.

“Gah! This flame…!?”

Within Miyano’s team, there were two members capable of using offensive magic. Koosuke, one of them, was present in that location. However, as a Grade 3 adventurer, Koosuke couldn’t produce such intense flames.

(Abe-san shouldn’t have been there! So why…? No, rather than that, right now, before they escape—)

Despite that, engulfed in flames that covered her field of vision, Asuka became disoriented.

Even so, Asuka had ceased her attack. However, the other team members, though confused, continued to aim their attacks at the spot where Koosuke and the others had been moments ago.


“Tenshi-san, two of them escaped!”

Hearing that voice through the radio, Asuka immediately shifted her attention in that direction.

(Two people? If they both fled at the same time, it’s likely Asada and Kitahara. Did that man stay behind? Or was he left behind? …Either way, the fact is they split into two groups. In that case…)

Understanding the situation, Asuka quickly made a decision and called out to her comrades.

“Chase after them! I’ll deal with the remaining foes and join you later!”


At that moment, Asuka chose to shout instead of using the communication device they had been using. It was because activating the device would waste precious time, and she couldn’t be certain if her soft-spoken words would be clearly heard through the device in this situation. Additionally, it served to pressurize the fleeing individuals.

(That man is an instructor after all. There’s a possibility he possesses something we should be wary of. In that case, it’s best for me to directly take him down without hesitation!)

With that in mind, Asuka forcefully broke through the flames obscuring her vision, intending to close in on Koosuke, who would likely be nearby.

However, despite some slight changes in his stance and position, Koosuke remained in the same spot without attempting to escape.

Momentarily surprised that he didn’t make any moves despite expecting otherwise, Asuka swiftly shook off her surprise and thrust her spear towards Koosuke.

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