Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 4 - You're the ones who made it impossible for me to back down!

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 4 You’re the ones who made it impossible for me to back down!

“Hmm? Conditions? What’s this about? It’s unusual for Hiro to say something like that to these girls. It won’t turn into some kind of doujinshi-like ‘giggity’ situation, right?”

“Conditions? What kind of conditions…”

“Well, sorry if I made you anxious, but it’s nothing too difficult. Instead of sending a helper, would you be willing to hire that person for three months?”

“…Huh? What? So, hiring the person who goes as a helper means… me? Wait, why?”

Well, it might not necessarily be me who goes as the helper, but…

However, I quickly realized, “Ah, no.” As Hiro looked at me again, he had a meaningful smile. It’s definitely me who’s going as the helper.

“Huh? …Hire? You mean, hire that helper?”

“That’s right. You know the rule that once adventurers awaken their talents, they have to dive into the dungeon for five years, right? We are diving into the dungeon solely to fulfill that duty… There’s one person left who hasn’t completed that duty. Three months remain. So, if you’re willing to dive into the dungeon with us and fulfill the quota until that person’s duty is completed, we’re willing to send a helper.”

“Three months…”

So, Hiro wants me to join this team of girls and help complete their duties.

But why? Couldn’t we just cooperate with these girls for this occasion only and continue diving with just us as usual?

Sure, I’m the only one among us who still has a duty to fulfill, and I’m aware that I’m causing trouble for the other three, but still…

“I think it’s a good proposal for you too. It’s not just about this incident. Although our ranks may be low, we’ve survived in the dungeon for nearly five years. As beginners like you, I think it’s beneficial to have ‘living wisdom’ to gain knowledge about the dungeon. What do you think?”

“…Can we talk to everyone about this?”

“Sure, of course.”

After Hiro finished speaking, the girl turned to her teammates and began discussing. However, it’s not just the girls who have something to discuss, but us as well. More accurately, it’s me who needs to have a discussion.

“Hey, wait a minute. Hiro, that’s about me, right? Why are you deciding things on your own?”

“Well, think about it. They’re a first-class adventurer, and we’re just a group of third-class old folks. It’s obvious which side is better, isn’t it?”

From an objective standpoint, Hiro’s words make sense, but I can’t agree with them.

“Well, yeah, I guess so. You’re the only one among us who still has a ‘duty’ to fulfill, and your chances of survival are higher over there. Unless you’re a complete idiot, it’s not likely that you’ll die against monsters, right?”

However, Kei, our other companion who was present, agreed with Hiro’s opinion.

I understand what they’re saying. I get it. It’s probably true.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any issues.

Firstly, there’s a valid and reasonable concern about not wanting to dive into the dungeon with someone we don’t know if we can trust. Well, judging by the attitude of the girl we’re talking to now, it doesn’t seem like there’s a problem, but we don’t know about the other teammates. Plus, we don’t know the “hidden side” of this girl who approached us with this proposal.

And secondly…

“Don’t you guys have any sense of friendship? Are you asking me to join that lively group of high school girls?”

“Lively group? Haha, that’s not a phrase we use nowadays.”

“Well, what can you expect? I’m an old man both in taste and age!”

That’s the reason. They think I, a guy in his thirties, can fit into a circle of high school girls like that. Yeah, impossible. It’s just not going to work. I don’t have a feeling that we’ll get along well.


However, before I could argue further, the girls’ discussion seemed to have ended while we were talking, and the girl from earlier approached us again.

“Oh, is it settled?”

“Yes. Well then, please take care of me.”

“Hiro-san, I’ve already taken care of it.”

“Oh, it was quicker than I expected.”

Then, Yasu, who had gone somewhere after being told something by Hiro, returned. So he didn’t go to the bathroom after all.

But what’s this? He was holding something in his hand, tightly grasping a piece of paper.

“Here you go. I wrote down what you need to know, so just fill in the rest of the information and submit it at the reception.”

With those words, I could infer what Hiro had asked for and what Yasu had brought. It seems Yasu brought the team membership application form, and it already had my information filled in.

“Hey! Is it confirmed that I’m joining the team?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s right.”

“Or should I say, we’ve already submitted the disbandment request, so if you don’t join, you’ll be doing it solo, you know?”

“What?! Why does everything have to be so fast at times like this? Take it slow, you old geezer!”

I thought it took too long for Yasu to bring just the team membership application paper, but to think they’ve already finished the disbandment process! The bureaucracy takes forever, but why are they so efficient at times like this?

And you, Yasu! You usually move around so sluggishly, so why are you suddenly so efficient now?

“Prepare yourself. You can’t back out anymore.”

“You’re the ones who made it impossible to back out!”

In response to Hiro’s words, which were both soothing and provoking, I shout back, but it can’t be helped.

I’m drawing attention from those around us because of this, but I couldn’t keep quiet about it.

“Um, are you sure about this?”

“Hmm? Oh, you’re such a kind-hearted kid. It’s okay, really. The thing about doing it for him is true. I can’t speak for your character, but at least in terms of strength, he has a much higher chance of survival with us than on his own. It may sound opportunistic, but that’s the deal. So, please take care of him for the next three months. During that time, you can also make use of him.”


After that, we moved to the conversation area because it would be a nuisance to stay near the reception desk… though we probably have already become a nuisance. Anyway, Yasu and Kei tried to calm me down, and Hiro continued to have a conversation with the girls while filling out the paper and proceeding with the formalities.

At one point, I was asked to provide my name for registration, and reluctantly, I wrote it down and agreed to join the team.



“Nice to meet you!”

“…Sigh. Ah, nice to meet you too.”

The girl greeted me, so I returned the greeting, but I couldn’t help but sigh.

I know that this is inevitable. That’s why I didn’t resist seriously earlier.

However, emotions and reasoning are two different things.

I understand that, but I can’t help feeling like I’ve been abandoned by my comrades.

Of course, that’s not the case at all. On the contrary, they tried to force me into this team with these girls because they cared about me.

Even though it’s just three months, I know that my chances of survival are higher with these talented kids than with us slow-moving older folks.

I understand all of that, but ohhh… sigh

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