Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 5 - Team Joining

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 5 Team Joining

“Alright, now that our duty is done, I guess it’s time to take a nice relaxing break!”

“Great job, everyone! You’ve worked hard.”

“Hey there!”

“Hey, hold on a second!”

“Oh, come on. I’m exhausted from staying out all night.”

“Haha, even though staying out all night isn’t something to be happy about.”

“Well then, Hiro, is it okay for you to stay out all night if it’s with a woman?”

“Oh, no way. I’d get killed by my wife.”

And so, my team members… or rather, my “former” team members, ignored my feeble attempt to stop them and chatted away as they left the guild building.

… Did they really care about me?

If they’re talking about staying out all night, I’m in the same boat, you idiots!

“Damn it, those heartless bastards…!”

“Um, shall we introduce ourselves first? I’m Mizuki Miya, a top-ranked swordsman.”

“I’m Kana Asada, a Class 1 Warrior. I wield a large hammer.”

“W-Well, I’m Yuzu Kitahara. I’m a Class 1 Healer, responsible for everyone’s healing needs. Nice to meet you all.”

While muttering curses at my former team members’ backs, the girls approached me and began introducing themselves.

… Sigh, I can’t keep throwing a tantrum forever. There’s nothing more I can do, and it’s embarrassing to keep acting this way. I’ve already made a fool of myself, but I shouldn’t dwell on it. Let’s just move forward without worrying about it.

“…Reluctantly, I find myself joining as a team member. I’m Kosuke Igami. I’m classified as a mage, but my actual role is a scout… at the third level.”

“Hmph, what’s with the ‘reluctantly’ from someone who’s just a third-level mage? And a scout? Can someone like you really handle that role?”

As I introduced myself, the girl named Asada, who had been causing a ruckus at the reception earlier, openly expressed her dissatisfaction without trying to hide it.

…Well, considering their ranks, I can understand why she would say that.


“…Sigh. Maybe it was a mistake after all.”

“What’s your problem? Do you have something to complain about?”

My frustrated sigh seemed to have triggered something in Asada, as she furrowed her brows and angrily confronted me.

However, I decided to calmly explain the reason behind my sigh.

“You doubt whether I can handle the role of a scout? Are you stupid? I’m able to survive precisely because I can fulfill that role. Let me tell you this, since it seems you’ve never set foot in a dungeon: if there’s anyone who can’t fulfill their role in there, the whole team will be wiped out. I’ve reluctantly been doing this, but I’ve managed to survive in that hellhole for nearly five years. As an adventurer, my credibility is higher than yours, who hasn’t accomplished anything even as a Class 1, because I’ve survived for years as a Class 3. Keep that in mind, rookie.”

As I finished speaking, they fell silent. Asada… no, not just her, but the other two girls as well, seemed unable to say anything.

It’s a good time for them to be quiet. I take the opportunity to observe the girls once again.

The first girl who introduced herself as Miya, the leader-like figure who approached me earlier, had glossy black hair tied up neatly at the back of her head. Her skin was flawless and without a single blemish, perhaps due to her age.

Although she managed to tie up her long hair, I couldn’t help but question the practicality of having long hair in the first place. After all, having long hair can be considered a disadvantage in battles.

Certainly, having long hair has its advantages.

One advantage is that you can store magical power in your hair. The longer the hair, the greater the capacity for storing magical power, so even adventurers sometimes grow their hair out.

However, that only applies to backline roles.

Being awakened to the same power—though they are called adventurers, the roles of vanguard and rear guard are completely different.

The rear guard can use magic by harnessing the magic power within their bodies, while the vanguard cannot use magic at all.

They simply possess exceptional physical abilities. That’s what it means to be a vanguard.

In other words, as a vanguard who cannot use magic, there is no need for her to grow out her hair, yet this girl, despite claiming to be a swordsman, has long hair.

That means it’s simply a matter of fashion.

Well, considering the power of being a top-class adventurer, such trivial matters may not really matter.

Now, onto the next girl, Asada. Compared to Miya from earlier, she is taller and has a sturdy build. …But is it appropriate to describe a girl as having a sturdy build?

Anyway, she has a physique suited for the vanguard role.

Her hair is dyed, becoming blonde, but unlike Miya, it is cut shorter.

Other than that… nothing noteworthy. If I had to say, it seems like she can be bothered to deal with others.

Lastly, there’s the unassuming girl named Kitahara, who stuttered during her self-introduction.

However, her chest is anything but unassuming. Despite her personality, she has quite a strong presence.

…It’s no use. My attention is inevitably drawn to that “old man” scent.

Well, if there’s something else to mention, it would be that her hair is long too. But unlike Miya, there’s nothing particularly strange about it. After all, she’s a healer—a magic user, which means hair length also matters as a magic power tank. Speaking of which, even I, as a man, have slightly longer hair that I tie back.

There will likely be one more person joining today, and they would probably be an archer, scout, or another magic user. And most likely, they would also be at the first class level. I highly doubt there would be anyone at the top class level.

Well, overall, that’s about it. Depending on the fourth person, with a vanguard and a healer present, you could say the balance is somewhat maintained.

If all three of them were vanguards, even I wouldn’t have joined the team, no matter what.

“So, which dungeon were you planning to delve into?”


For now, since there’s no point in just standing here frozen, I decided to continue the conversation. However, the girl—Miya—tilted her head with a curious expression.

“I’m talking about a dungeon. Weren’t you planning to go? Isn’t that why you prepared?”

“Oh, yes. But, are you okay, Igami-san? You just came back from a dungeon, and if we’re going to dive into a different place, the equipment might need to change…”

“I’m fine. If it’s a dungeon beginners would choose, I can manage.”

Indeed, I’m tired and sleepy from spending the night diving into the dungeon, and my equipment is not in the best condition either.

However, if it’s just accompanying these girls who are diving into a dungeon for the first time, there shouldn’t be any problems. In fact, I might even say I have too many tools and equipment.

“Hmph, I wonder if you have the ability to match your confidence.”

“Not a problem.”

If you judge me and these girls based on our ranks alone, they are superior. But when it comes to actual combat, I have no intention of losing. Well, I’m not talking about direct combat, but rather about our contributions in the dungeon, right? If it’s a straightforward and fair fight, then yes, I would lose. Ranks are merciless in that regard.

“So, our goal is here, but are you okay with it?”

Perhaps satisfied with my words, Miya took out a specially modified portable device for adventurers, designed to be resistant to heat, water, and impact. She operated it and showed me the screen.

However, upon looking at the screen, I couldn’t help but furrow my brows.

“The Goblins’ Den? …You girls are going to a dungeon for the first time, right?”

“Yes… Is there a problem?”

“Goblins are humanoid monsters with grotesque appearances, and their intelligence is equivalent to that of a four-year-old human.”

When you mention a four-year-old human child, it’s easy to underestimate them, but in reality, they’re not as easy of opponents as you might think.

Children can be surprisingly cruel, setting traps and ambushing others even during play. Think of games like tag or hide-and-seek.

In tag, they hide behind objects and aim for you from behind, and even when hiding, they choose unimaginable places from an adult’s perspective.

The Goblins’ Den is a cave where goblins with similar intelligence to human children reside.

Think about it. Those creatures come at you with malice, harm, and a desire to kill, wielding deadly weapons. It’s inherently dangerous.

If you’re an average person who knows fantasy but has never fought, you might underestimate goblins just by hearing their name, but that would be a huge mistake. About ten percent of beginners are killed by these creatures. Schools and guilds should have taught them about the dangers, but I guess the name creates a preconceived image that leads to underestimation.

In addition, there’s one more thing that’s quite troublesome for beginners… Do these girls understand that?

“Do you think I don’t know that? What? Do you want to show off your knowledge?”

“…If you understand, then fine. Sorry for interrupting.”

Asada retorted to my words, but I wonder if she truly grasps the meaning behind what I said. Maybe I should inquire further… No, forget it.

After all, I’m just a temporary addition. If I start meddling in their affairs, it won’t create a pleasant atmosphere. I said I was prepared, so it should be fine. Even if things aren’t fine, any issues would likely occur near the entrance. Well, with just three people, we should be able to flee together if necessary.

“Well then, shall we head towards the dungeon? Is everyone ready?”

In response to Miya’s words, including myself, the rest of the team nodded, and we began to make our way from the guild building towards the location with the gate, which served as the entrance to the dungeon.

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