Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 6 - First dungeon

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 6  First dungeon

“Then, let’s go.”

After about an hour on the bus, we arrived at our destination. We went through the necessary procedures at the management office in front of the gate and stood before our intended entrance.




With that, the group of girls, who were students, embarked on their first dungeon adventure, while I, for an uncertain number of times, ventured into a dungeon today.

“So, this is the dungeon…”

“It’s… more ordinary than I thought. Well, I’ve never seen a normal cave either.”

“I-It’s so dark…”

As we crossed the gate and entered the dungeon, the surroundings transformed into something completely different from where we had just been.

The air was damp, and sound echoed because of the enclosing walls. But above all, it was dark. If I hadn’t brought a light with me, I wouldn’t have been able to see anything in pitch darkness.

Entering a dungeon requires preparation and mental readiness even before stepping inside. It’s understandable for beginners like us to struggle with adapting to the situation.

“Yuzu, please light the way.”


As I entrusted the task of providing light to Yuzu, a modest girl in the rear guard position, Miyano briefly glanced at me before turning her attention forward again.

“We’re going. Take care, alright?”

Whether she fully understood that we were already in enemy territory, or if her nervousness hindered her ability to speak properly, I couldn’t tell. Nevertheless, Miyano spoke in a softer voice than before and proceeded forward.

“Ah! They’re here!”

As we cautiously advanced, remaining alert for any enemies, Miyano, who was leading the way, let out a small but surprised exclamation. She had probably spotted an enemy—most likely a goblin.

“What should we do?”

“Well… Um, I-igami-san, what will you do?”

“Hm? Oh, I’ll wait here. I’m just here for support, and I can’t do anything until I see how things play out. I don’t know how to coordinate with you all properly. Well, I’ll join in according to your movements, so feel free to act as you wish.”

“Understood. Then, as planned, I’ll draw their attention, Kana will defeat them, and Yuzu will stay on guard.”

The other two nodded in silence in response to Miyano’s words, visibly tense as they readied their respective weapons.

And then, as Miyano gave a hand signal, the two vanguard members—Miyano and Asada—rushed forward.

“Well then, let’s see what you’ve got.”

As I muttered those words, the two closed in on the goblin, already reaching a distance where their swords could strike. It must have felt like they suddenly appeared out of nowhere from the goblin’s perspective.

Even in the darkness, their speed was remarkable, showcasing the prowess of Class 1 and Special Class adventurers. Their physical abilities were incomparable to a Class 3 like me.

Of course, comparing myself, who excelled in magic, to the vanguard was a mistake. However, even if I were in the vanguard, I doubt I could move as swiftly as they do.

In the first place, I can’t see the goblin’s figure from here. I know it’s there, but I can’t see it directly.

The fact that the two can see is probably due to their night vision, highlighting yet another clear difference in performance.

This is the disparity in rank and talent. It’s truly envy-inducing. While I may not be a Special Class, if I had Class 1 talent, I might have been a somewhat decent adventurer.

Talent really is a pain.

While I pondered, the two swiftly defeated—or rather, killed—the group of goblins and signaled to us.

So far, so good.

Well, the real challenge starts from here… I wonder how it’ll go? I hope everything goes smoothly without any problems…

“We did it easily.”

“It’s nothing to worry about. No need for someone like that old man to show up.”

Having relaxed after their first battle, the two vanguard members were speaking without lowering their voices.

“Heh, you both did well. Any injuries or—uh…”

As we approached the two, just as their figures became clear, Kitahara, who had been mindful of Miyano and Asada until then, let out a small scream.

“Yuzu? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, um… that…!”

Kitahara trembled, pointing her quivering finger towards the two, and took a few unsteady steps back before plopping down on the ground.

Miyano and Asada instinctively turned around, but there was “nothing” there.

However, it wasn’t as if there was truly “nothing.”

Yet, the vanguard duo, Miyano and Asada, remained unaware of it.

Hence, they had no idea what Kitahara saw that made her react in such a manner.

Observing the three of them, I let out a sigh, thinking, “As expected…”

The two looked at me, but I disregarded their gazes and moved forward with the light in hand.

“Didn’t I tell you? Goblins have a ‘humanoid’ form. While it may be fine during combat, once we settle down and shine a light on them like this, they’re no different from human corpses. It raises the question of whether you’ve ever killed a person.”

“Killed… a person?”

“That’s right. Goblins are classified as monsters, but… well, I think I’ve mentioned this before, but they have the intelligence of a child. Even as children, they possess intelligence and, being living beings, they have parents, siblings, children, comrades, and they live their lives. You’ve killed them. That’s no different from killing a person.”

With the light I had, I illuminated the corpse of the goblin that Miyano and Asada had killed earlier.


It seemed like Miyano understood the meaning of my words. As she stared at the illuminated corpse of the goblin, her body stiffened, and she crouched down, vomiting right there on the spot.

And it wasn’t just Miyano. Even Kitahara, who was sitting on the ground behind her, had the same reaction.

Upon witnessing that scene, I sighed once again. Well, I guess it turned out like this after all.

“What’s your intention? Do you hate being with us that much?! Is it fun to corner us like this?!”

Apparently, my sigh and previous words didn’t sit well with Asada. Despite looking pale herself, she grabbed my collar and shouted loudly.

Perhaps it was an action driven by concern for her comrades, or maybe it was a way to mask her discomfort by directing anger towards me. Well, either way, it doesn’t really matter.

“Don’t be ridiculous. No matter how reluctant, once you accept a task, you must fulfill it properly.”

“Then why did you do something like that—”

“Because it was necessary.”

That’s right. This is necessary.

From an outsider’s perspective, it might seem like I’m simply directing malice at them. However, this is something essential for these girls to continue as adventurers.

“This dungeon is the lair of little demons, in other words, goblins. It’s only natural that goblins come out, and in the midst of those battles, imagine yourself ending up in such a state—dead.”

It’s no use vomiting every time you kill an enemy. If you enter a dungeon in that state, not only you but also your comrades will end up dying.

“I know it’s tough. But if you don’t realize it from the beginning, every one of us here will die. That’s why it’s necessary to forcibly make you aware, even if it’s against your will. You have ‘killed living creatures.'”

Perhaps my words were convincing, as Asada, who was about to attack me, loosened the grip of her hand while still glaring at me.

Ideally, we should have started from a different perspective, not as humanoids… I should have stopped it after all.

I never intended to get deeply involved with these girls. However, that doesn’t mean I actively want to see them crying or vomiting.

If anything, I’d rather not see it. I know it will put me in a bad mood if I witness those scenes.

I should have asked them when they were anxious before entering the dungeon. At that time, I thought my judgment was correct, but now I’m having second thoughts.

…Nevertheless, what should I do from now on?

There are probably people who heard that loud voice earlier, and most likely, they will come here.

However, in their current state, these girls won’t be able to fight properly.

…There’s no other choice. We’ll have to retreat for now.

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