Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 16 - Costume fitting

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 16 Costume fitting

After passing through the gate and returning, I handed over the collected chocolate to the usual supplier before making a phone call to Yasu.

“And, can I ask you one last thing?”

“Hmm? What’s up? Oh, really? Okay, got it. So when—tomorrow? That’s early. It’s fine, though. Alright, then you’ll come during tomorrow’s break? Yeah. Okay, got it. I’m counting on you.”

However, the conversation didn’t end as usual.

But it wasn’t anything troublesome. It was just a regular business-related matter.

“It seems the dress is ready.”

The dress that I had ordered seems to be completed.

Considering the time since I made the request, it feels fast, but I guess they put in a lot of effort.

Well, it seems Miyano and the others have also decided to work with Yasu, so that might be another reason for their hard work.

“So, they’ll come to the school after classes end tomorrow. It’s still a temporary fitting, but they just need to try it on.”

As expected, girls are interested in dresses as part of their identity.

Yasu said it could be done another day if it wasn’t convenient, but when I relayed those words, Miyano and the others responded with a voice tinged with joy. After a brief chat, we disbanded for the time being.


The next day, after finishing school classes and entering the break time, I received a phone call on my mobile phone. I went to the main gate to pick up the person arranged by Yasu.

Once there, I briefly greeted the women present and led Miyano and the others to the vacant classroom we had reserved in advance.

“This person is the one who designed the dress for this occasion. Is it okay if she helps with dressing? Well, she’ll assist with those aspects.”

As I introduced her, the woman who designed the dress stepped forward, bowed, introduced herself, and then took a step back.

“Also, someone from the beauty salon affiliated with Yasu’s company has come to do the makeup. It’s just a trial today, but they’ll be here for the actual event as well.”

I hadn’t heard about this, but it seems they took care of arranging the makeup, considering that it’s a good idea to have it done if they’re wearing the dress.

The woman here also introduced herself in a similar manner to the previous woman, but for some reason, Miyano and the others seem odd.

Well, not odd, but rather, they seem nervous about something?

“But, going to such lengths…”

“Please don’t worry about it. We’ll be able to enhance our reputation as a salon if we handle the styling for the trendy new ‘hero’ of the moment. Besides, you guys have never worn a dress before, so it’s essential to have someone help you get ready, right?”

It seems they were feeling nervous because they had never received makeup from a professional… makeup artist? I’m not quite sure what to call them, but it seems they were unfamiliar with having their makeup done.

“So, first of all, everyone change into your dresses, and then you’ll have your makeup done. If anything feels off, don’t hesitate to speak up. They’ll make adjustments for you.”

It’s their first time wearing dresses, after all. If something feels uncomfortable or you don’t like it, don’t hesitate to voice your complaints. After all, Yasu will cover the expenses.

“Well then, I’ll wander around aimlessly for a while. Let me know when you’re finished.”

With that said, I exchanged brief greetings with the two people in charge of dressing and makeup and left the vacant classroom.

I initially planned to wander around casually, just like Miyano and the others, but I suddenly had an idea, so I decided to go to the staff room and have a conversation.

I thought it would be a good idea to ask about the details of the cultural festival performance. However, during the conversation, I realized that some procedures were necessary, and they hadn’t taken care of them.

Well, it was a spontaneous idea from the beginning, and since Asada is the one leading it, they were probably too focused on what to present and simply forgot about the application process.

She tends to be reliable overall, but she also makes occasional blunders.

Even if it seems like we won’t be able to secure a prime spot at this point, we can’t start without submitting an application, so I’ll take care of it instead.

“Well, even if it’s not the best location, based on the data from previous years, it seems people have come, so there will probably be a decent turnout regardless of the location.”

Besides, since they have a small group, it might be better to choose a location that won’t attract too many people.

…I should probably prepare some methods to gather more people, just in case. It would be a letdown if we put in the effort and no one shows up.

After finishing the stall registration and other discussions, I engaged in casual conversation with the staff member who explained and assisted us. However, in the middle of it, I received a call from Miyano, so I decided to return to the vacant classroom we were in earlier.

“I’m back. Is the fitting done?”

“Yeah, it’s perfect!”

Upon returning to the classroom, Miyano and the others were already there, back in their regular uniforms from the dresses. Asada, leaning against the wall beside the door, nodded with a smug smile on their face.

“Oh, right. Asada, you forgot to submit the application for the stall.”

“Huh? Oh no!”

It seems Asada didn’t simply forget because they didn’t know. They hurriedly tried to leave the classroom, but I grabbed their hand to stop them.

“I took care of it on your behalf, but next time, make sure to finish those procedures ahead of time.”

“Uh… Thanks.”

I lightly tapped Asada’s head with the paper we received when submitting the application, and they averted their gaze while quietly expressing their gratitude.

“We shall take our leave now. We will visit you again on the morning of the school festival, so please take care.”

“Ah, thank you very much. Yes, please take care on the day as well.”

Afterwards, we discussed the remaining details and had a brief meeting about the cultural festival. We bid farewell to the two women who came for dressing assistance and concluded the day’s activities.

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