Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 17 - The final gathering of materials

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 17   The final gathering of materials

And now, there is only one more task remaining: gathering materials for the cultural festival. Today, we had come to collect those materials.

With just two weeks left until the cultural festival, we should have plenty of time to gather all the materials if we continue at this pace. If that happens, these guys will be able to enjoy the festival just like everyone else.

“Alright then, for this time, we will venture into the first-class dungeon known as ‘Land of Prosperity and Decay’… Now, it’s question time.”

Although it seems like they have already done their research and I even forgot to ask last time because of it, I suddenly recalled, ‘Oh, I didn’t ask about it last time.’ So, I’ll make sure to ask this time.

“Miyano, what’s the origin of this dungeon?”

“Today’s material collection might not be too difficult, but as usual, it’s quite a challenging place.”

“The dungeon itself is a wasteland with some parts being desert. Despite the severe lack of vegetation and even monsters, there is a peculiar phenomenon where magical candies, rich in mana, fall from the sky.”

That’s correct. Well, she seems to study diligently. she’s the honor student type.

However, it’s not just her who studies. Based on what I’ve seen so far, everyone in the group is capable of giving proper answers regardless of who asks the question.

As Miyano mentioned, in this dungeon, there are no plants or animals thriving due to the scarcity of mana in the land. However, magical candies saturated with mana annoyingly rain down from the sky.

Once the candies touch the ground, they disappear as if sinking into the earth within a matter of seconds. It’s intriguing how they vanish but are not absorbed by the ground, and yet more candies keep falling from the sky. That’s what this dungeon is all about.

However, that’s not all there is to it.

This dungeon is a first-class dungeon, after all. It couldn’t possibly be just about candies falling from the sky.

“Yes, that’s correct. Alright, next is Asada.”

“Hmph, ask me anything!”

With an air of confidence that seemed to say, “I’ll answer anything you throw at me,” it tickled my mischievous side a little.

“…Alright then, here’s a question: What type of dragon appears in this dungeon?”


I decided to throw a question that was slightly twisted, or rather, a mean-spirited one, just to deviate from their expectations.

“Huh? W-Wait! A d-dragon? There’s a dragon here!? Huh!?”

Surprised by the unexpected question, Asada momentarily showed a dumbfounded expression and then started panicking.

“Come on, give your answer. Rea-dy, se-t, go!”

“Uh, um… Dragon? Ryuu, dragon…”

As I started the countdown, she panicked even more but managed to think and utter various words. However, she probably wouldn’t give the correct answer.

“Unfortunately, time’s up.”

“Hey, wait! Are you saying there really is a dragon here!?”

“Yes, there is. I’m not lying. Look it up if you don’t believe me.”

As Asada doubted whether I was lying because she couldn’t provide an answer, I assured her that I wasn’t lying. There is indeed a “dragon.” It’s not exactly a “ryuu” or a “dragon,” though.

“…See, there’s nothing like that. Where would a dragon be?”

“Kana, Kana. Here. Maybe it’s referring to this?”

As Asada took out their phone and searched while operating the screen, they probably couldn’t find anything. They looked dissatisfied and glanced at me, but Miyano, who was peeking at the screen from the side, pointed with her finger.

“Huh? Isn’t this a mole… Oh.”

Initially, Asada furrowed her eyebrows, but they seemed to realize halfway through and ended up with a vacant expression again.

See, I told you I wasn’t lying. A “mole” is a proper kind of “dragon,” right?

“Do you believe it? ‘Dragons’ exist.”

“Were you teasing us?”

With a smirk on my face, Abe tilted her head and questioned me… Well, she’s right.

Knowing these guys, from what I observed, they seemed to be researching about monsters, so it’s fine to throw in a little joke.

Well, I’ll explain and confirm properly later, just to be sure.

“Hey, you… Seriously, are you trying to start a fight?”

“Hah! Like I would ever do that. Try picking a fight with you. I’d easily lose.”

If she and I were to fight, it wouldn’t just be a single punch; I’d be sent flying backward and hit my head.

Oh well, was that supposed to be an expression of affection? In that case, let’s change it from being sent flying to a light head-pat.

Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that I would lose!

“It’s not something to boast about…”

Kitahara says something, but I don’t pay it any mind. I simply stated the truth.

By the way, in a simple contest of strength, I think I would also lose to Kitahara, you know?

“Well, the point is, don’t get too full of yourself just because you did some preparation. You never know what might happen in the dungeon. The most dangerous thing is feeling overconfident because you think you understand.”

“Mmm, well… That’s… sigh…”

It feels like a somewhat awkward excuse, but they don’t seem to have noticed, so it’s fine.

Oh, but Miyano and Abe seem to be sensing something odd, as they tilt their heads in confusion.

“Anyway, hey, if you understand, don’t just stand there. Come over here.”

I may have been joking earlier, but it’s necessary to establish a common understanding and reaffirm it.

They might not think it’s necessary, but it’s better to do what we can to increase the chances of not dying, so let’s have a serious conversation about it.

Well, I can’t deny that there’s an intention to deceive in there, to some extent.

“…Phew, I managed to fool them somehow.”

“I heard that! You were deceiving us after all!”

I received a swift kick to the shin. Ouch.


“It serves you right!”

Asada said that and turned away with a pout.

…Well, to be honest, I’m uncertain about how to approach her.

Her personality bears a resemblance to my ex-girlfriend in some ways, which makes it easy to get along with her as a friend or acquaintance. In fact, I find it quite pleasant.

However, when it comes to going beyond friendship and acquaintance… Sigh.

There are various things I need to consider, and that’s why things tend to become awkward like this. I either become too intrusive or too complacent… I misjudge the sense of distance.

Well, I’ll think about that later.

After all, I know from experience that I won’t come to a conclusion right away. It’s not like I expect it to be any different this time.

So, let’s take our time and think it through.

With that in mind, I sighed and exchanged a few words with Miyano and the others before entering the gate.

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