Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 6 - The preparation for the cultural festival begins.

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 6   The preparation for the cultural festival begins.

“Today, we’re going to collect Random Syrup. Have you done your research?”


We gathered in a section of the management office of the gate, which is located about a four-hour train ride away from the adventurer school where Miyano and the others attend. We exchanged glances and began discussing our plan. Well, more like a briefing.

“All right, Abe. Do you know the name of the dungeon we’re visiting today and the main enemy?”

“The dungeon is called ‘Honey Garden.’ The monsters are plant-based creatures called ‘Honey Gardeners.’ They primarily attack with vines, and occasionally, individual specimens may use magic, but we won’t know the specific attribute until they actually use it.”

As usual, Abe answered my question with a soft-spoken voice, providing a textbook-perfect explanation.

“Now, Kitahara. Can you tell us about the origins of Random Syrup?”

“Um, yes. Well, the taste and fragrance can vary completely depending on the specimen, is that right?”

“Yes, that’s correct. So have confidence in your answer.”

Kitahara also responded with a somewhat uncertain voice, as usual. While there might be something to say about that, it’s fine for now. There’s no need to force the issue.

“The honey in this dungeon is scattered like puddles, but those are actually the sap of the central Honey Gardener. So, after defeating the sap-producing monsters, the honey on the ground dries up, and if you try to collect honey after killing the monsters, the taste changes due to the toxins released post-mortem.”

I’m sure these guys have already researched what I’m about to say, but it’s more about shared understanding and confirmation. Miyano and the others probably understand that too, as they silently nod in agreement.

“So, what we need to be careful about here is not killing the monsters. While keeping the monsters alive, we have to gather as much honey as possible.”

The original difficulty level of this dungeon was second-class. If it were just about defeating the monsters, it wouldn’t be that difficult as long as you know the right approach.

However, not killing the monsters significantly increases the level of danger, making it equivalent to a first-class challenge.

Well, even so, I don’t think they’ll have a problem. After all, they are all first-class or above, and I don’t think they’re being complacent.

But well, the real challenge is not that, but finding the desired target.

As Kitahara mentioned earlier, the taste of Random Syrup is, as the name suggests, random.

Depending on the collected honey—more precisely, the tree that produces the honey—the taste, aroma, and even the color can change randomly.

You might have a red-colored syrup that smells like apples but tastes like oranges; it’s not unusual at all.

“If you want the highest quality, it will take time to obtain it. Don’t compromise if you want money.”

So, it takes time to find the honey that suits the purpose.

If we’re lucky enough to find it… finding it within a day would be considered lucky.

“Alright! In that case, I’ll ju—”

“Oh, Asada. Leave your weapon behind.”

I thwarted Asada’s attempt to energetically raise her fist and make a declaration, instructing her to leave her weapon behind.


Asada furrows her brows and looks at me with a puzzled expression, but well, that’s natural.

To go into a dungeon and leave behind your weapon, it’s something that would naturally be seen as suicidal if you think about it normally.

“Leave your weapon behind. How am I supposed to dive into the dungeon without it?”

But in this particular case, her weapon will be a hindrance. After all, it’s a giant hammer that’s as tall as herself.

“It’s because it will get in the way. Instead, carry this on your back.”

I point to a large box that was placed near the wall.

Although I say “box,” it’s not like a cardboard box; it’s more like the size of a refrigerator.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a storage container.”

From now on, we’re going to collect honey, and for that, we’ll need a dedicated containers.

Or rather, we can collect honey using regular bottles or containers, but in case of any accidents or impacts, they might break.

That’s why it’s common to use containers that are hardened for protection.

“It’s this big?”

“This is a commercial-grade container. Normally, you wouldn’t carry something this huge, but in terms of sheer strength, you’re approaching the top class. Can you handle it?”

Well, even though we’re talking about using storage containers, not many people use something this large.

But Asada, in terms of pure strength, is a force to be reckoned with, nearing the top class.

Even if she’s carrying something this big, she should have no problem moving around without any issues, even if she needs to run or escape.

…This is something I should have informed them about beforehand, but I made a mistake and forgot to mention it.

To be precise, I did mention it, but I didn’t provide enough details.

I told them, “I’ll take care of preparing the storage containers, so I’ll leave the transportation and collection to you guys,” but I forgot to convey the size of the containers.

As a result, they didn’t expect to be carrying this commercial-grade one. Normally, it would be the size of a backpack or so.

“I mean, I can handle it, but why do we have to carry such a huge one?”

“Think about it. We’re using it for the school festival, which means we’ll need a considerable amount, right? Imagine packing it in small bottles and carrying them back and forth… How many trips would that take? Plus, while you guys are away, the monsters might consume the honey on the ground. If that happens, we’ll have to find another location.”

We’re collecting honey for the festival, treating it as products for the shop. Just packing it in a few small bottles won’t be enough, no matter how many back-and-forths we make.

That’s why, not just here but in general, we use reasonably sized storage containers specifically designed for collecting materials.

“If we were going to establish territories within the dungeon to collect regularly like some shops, it wouldn’t be a problem, but you guys are different. That’s why we have to collect as much as possible in as few trips as possible.”

Shops that use the honey obtained from this place as products establish a territory within the dungeon to collect regularly. They set up camps around the selected trees to protect the area and prevent others from taking the honey, without cutting down the trees.

However, for us, running a shop is only temporary. Once we gather the required amount in one go, there’s no need to go through the trouble of setting up camps and collecting again.

“Mmm… So, I just need to carry this?”

“Yeah… Sorry for the communication mistake, but I’m counting on you.”

Asada seemed a little sulky about not being able to bring her weapon, but since it was my fault in this case, I couldn’t tease her as usual.

Perhaps noticing my silent demeanor, Asada sighed lightly and shook her head as if to say “can’t be helped” before turning her gaze towards Miyano.

“MizuKi, I won’t be able to fight, but are you okay?”

“Yes. Today’s task would be equivalent to a Class 1 challenge, but the original dungeon itself is Class 2, so I think it’ll be fine.”

“Really? What about Yuzu and Haruka?”

Asada asked, and Asada answered, with the other two nodding in agreement.

“I see. Then, I’ll leave the enemies to you. Alright, let’s go for it this time! Shuppa—”

“Hold on a second.”

Just as Asada was about to set off with renewed determination, I once again thwarted her enthusiasm.

“…What now?”

Asada’s irritation seemed to grow as I stopped her once again, and she glared at me with pursed lips.

But, sorry, there’s a proper reason why I stopped her.

“I called for reinforcements. Sure, you can carry that ridiculously huge thing, but it’s undoubtedly going to reduce our fighting power. Besides, it’s better to have more people who can carry it, right?”

“People… Who? Someone we know?”

“Maybe Nina?”

“It would have been easy if we could call her, but unfortunately, it’s someone else.”

Though her rampage has subsided, ‘above’ still isn’t at ease.

She hadn’t gone out at all until recently, but due to two short outings in quick succession, her request for participation this time was denied.

Nevertheless, even if I had applied this time, we couldn’t have allowed her to participate until we gathered all the materials required for the cultural festival. I knew I would be rejected, but well…

…Well, I did hope we could call her.

“I called Hiro and the others.”

“Hiro-san? I thought he retired?”

“He did. But he didn’t cancel his adventurer registration, so, in a way, he just said he ‘retired’ with his mouth.”

If you disband your team and don’t join any other, the union records it as a suspension of adventurer activities. By applying to the union, you can suspend activities and ensure that you won’t be summoned even if something happens.

However, even if you’re on suspension, it doesn’t mean your license is revoked, so you can return anytime if you want to. That’s why it’s not impossible to ask for cooperation like this.

Still, it’s rare for someone who retired due to age to return to the battlefield, and to reinstate the suspension status, you need to wait for about three months. So if anything happens during that time, you’ll receive a summons.

“When are they coming?”

“The appointed time has already passed…”

We were supposed to gather at this gate at 7 o’clock in the morning today.

But there’s still no sign of them inside the control room.

“Should I give them a call… Oh, wait, is that them?”

As I thought that, I looked outside the window and saw three men walking towards us from the parking lot.

They seemed to notice that I was watching, as Hiro, who was leading the group, raised his hand towards us.

I conveyed this to Miyano and the others, and as we waited for a moment, the door to the control room opened, and Hiro and the others entered.

“Sorry, sorry. It’s been a while, and I forgot where I put my tools, so it took some time.”

It’s been almost a year since these guys retired, so I can understand not knowing where they stored their equipment, but they should have prepared it the day before.

Oh… But maybe they did prepare it but forgot where they put it.

That’s something that happens often as you get older.

Well, they were a bit late, but it should still be within an acceptable range.

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