Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 7 - Old Team and Young Team

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 7   Old Team and Young Team

“We asked for your help, so what’s the big deal with that? Can you handle it with just that?”

“No problem. I’ve been coming here for money-making ventures multiple times. I haven’t become senile enough to forget that.”

We exchange banter while checking each other’s condition.

“Well, as long as you say so… Oh, thanks for the storage containers, Yasu. And also, thanks for helping with the dresses.”

After finishing the greeting with Hiro, I shift my gaze towards Yasu.

“Don’t worry about it. We’re making good use of this opportunity on our end.”

“Is it for promotion?”

“Yeah. When I mentioned the new ‘Hero’ deal, my father and brothers got all worked up.”

He makes a mocking statement about his family, revealing that they don’t get along well.

Both of his brothers are first-class Awakened individuals, while Yasu is a third-class. There’s been a commotion about who will inherit the company, and Yasu has been bullied by his brothers. Even his father didn’t stand up for him, claiming that Yasu is inferior to his brothers.

Yasu had mentioned that even if he were to start a fight with his brothers and win, it would only satisfy him momentarily, but it would bring disadvantages in the long run. Despite that, he still harbored a desire for revenge.

Well, I think it’s only natural to feel that way.

“Ah, right, right. – Miyano-chan and everyone, can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Oh, sure. What is it?”

Yasu, who was talking with me, seemed to remember something and addressed Miyano.

I said “something,” but it’s probably about the promotion we discussed earlier. And it turns out my assumption was correct.

“Oh, well, even though it was with my family, I took advantage of the fact that you guys – the ‘Heroes’ and your comrades – have a business deal. I intend to give back to you for that, but if I made you uncomfortable by using your name without a formal contract, I apologize. If you don’t like it, I won’t mention your name in the future, and I’ll compensate you for this time.”

“Oh, n-no! We’ve received various conveniences from you as well, and um, it’s fine for me.”

“I’m okay too. Even if you used our name, the cause of the issue was him going ahead and talking without permission.”

In response to Yasu’s humble apology, even though they were younger than him, Miyano and the others hurriedly replied, expressing their embarrassment. The other three also nodded in agreement with Miyano’s words.

As for Asada, well, she’s portraying me as the villain. Well, I mean, she’s not entirely wrong.

“Thank you, I appreciate it. However, if possible, I would like to continue using your names for public relations in the future. Of course, I will pass on the profits to you. Also, although the formal contract will come later, if you’re willing, there are a few requests I would like to make.”

Yasu raised his head and presented this proposal to Miyano and the others, but personally, I don’t think it’s a bad idea.

In any case, after graduation, they will probably receive offers from various places.

However, in those cases, there will be various constraints. It’s only natural that if they receive assistance as sponsors and have someone to rely on in case of any problems, they must give something in return.

For now, I told them to use the excuse of being “students” to avoid signing any contracts with anyone.

Once they sign a contract, there will be limitations on their activities. It’s up to them to decide on future contracts, but for now, I don’t want them to neglect their training.

At first, I thought it would be best to sign a contract with Yasu, but when I approached him about it, he declined, saying his position within the company wasn’t established yet.

That’s why I didn’t have them sign any sponsorship contracts with anyone, but during our recent phone call, Yasu brought up this matter, so I assume he’s prepared now.

I can trust that Yasu won’t make unreasonable “requests” or set any “traps” to exploit loopholes in the contract. I believe he will do his best to accommodate us and won’t cut into our training time unnecessarily.

“…What should we do?”

“Well, I don’t think he has any ill intentions, but…”

“Um, are you sure about this?”

However, although Miyano and the others have been refusing until now, they seem to be genuinely considering it since it was me who introduced the idea. Miyano’s “Is it okay?” probably means something like, “Even though you’ve been saying no until now…”

“Ah, yeah. I don’t think he would make any unreasonable requests that would interfere with training or daily life.”

“Of course not. In fact, I’m thinking that even if you decide to terminate the contract at any time, there will be no penalty or punishment for refusing our requests. If you ever feel uncomfortable, you can quit anytime, and if there are any requests you don’t like, you can reject them. What we want is simply to have our company’s name associated with the equipment you’re using and, if possible, to have you wholesale materials to us or complete some small ‘tasks.’ We can discuss the specifics later, but even if you decline after hearing the details, it’s totally fine.”

The terms were unbelievably generous.

However, that’s the extent of the power behind the title of “Hero.”

Even without any practical restrictions, the mere fact of being under contract is reward enough.

“What kind of requests?” Abe asked, curious about the mentioned “requests.” She tilted her head slightly as she inquired.

“Specifically, we received an order for a dress this time. Once it’s completed, would you be willing to wear it and let us take photos? We would like to use those photos in our company’s catalog.”

“S-So, like a model?”

“Well, you could put it that way. So, what do you think?”

In response to Yasu’s words, Miyano and the others seemed hesitant, probably because they hadn’t seriously considered any contract-related discussions before.

“Being suddenly asked to be a model feels a bit unrealistic, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah… But, you know, being a model, it’s, um, a little enticing, isn’t it?”

“I-Is it embarrassing, though?”

…I was mistaken. It seems they were only hesitant because they were drawn to the idea of being models, not because of the contract-related aspects.

Well, it’s natural for girls to aspire to be models, right? It’s a typical reaction.

“Will it be cheaper?”

“Of course. In fact, I’m even willing to cover the full cost of the dress myself, and I’m okay with paying you as well. I’m not just saying it, I actually intend to do it.”

While Miyano, Asada, and Kitahara reacted to the mention of being models, Abe was the only one speaking pragmatically. Yeah, that’s just how she is.

“Um, well, can we decide on that later?”

“Ah, yeah. Today’s not an official discussion, just a suggestion.”

Although Miyano and the others were intrigued, they didn’t plan to make an immediate decision. Yasu seemed to understand that and nodded with a smile, as if saying it was already a good outcome that he wasn’t rejected.

“Also, regarding the dress, we have secured a designer on our end. Once the design is finalized, I’d like to send you the details. Is it okay if I ask for your contact information?”

“Oh, sure. Here you go.”

And so, Miyano and the others exchanged contact information with Yasu.

Just then, a revelation struck me.

Isn’t this the perfect opportunity for my usual retaliation? I thought.

“Asking for the contact information of high school girls… Is this a case?”

“Shut up. You’re the one surrounded by high school girls every day, living in a harem.”

“I’m not going to school because I like it, you know!”

Feeling like the conversation had come to a close and reached a temporary pause, I teasingly mocked Yasu, following the divine inspiration. However, I ended up receiving a counterattack in response.

“You should know that with your situation, you’re bound to face retaliation, so you better stop.”

“…Even so, there are times when a man has to do what he has to do.”

“What’s the point if you can’t achieve anything and end up losing?”

Hiro and Kei were laughing, while I must have been wearing a bitter expression.

Well, let it go. No, it’s not good, but let’s just leave it at that.

Remember this, you guys. I’ll always strike back whenever I have the chance.

Although I can foresee another counterattack in the future, I won’t let it bother me.

“…Anyway, putting that aside, Kei, do you think we can make time on the day of the cultural festival?”

I initiated the conversation myself, more like a work-related discussion or something, in order to change the subject and redirect the focus to Kei.

“Yeah. Unlike Yasu’s place, we’re a family-owned business, but if it’s just a few days’ break, it’s easy to arrange.”

“Even though you call it a family-owned business, your place is quite well-known around here, right?”

“Well, it’s still good publicity for us. Is it okay to mention the name of the shop?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Without any benefits, no one would bother doing it.”

Kei’s house is a family-owned restaurant that uses dungeon ingredients in their dishes and is reasonably well-known in this area.

Although I don’t think it’s necessary, I thought it would be a good idea to have a licensed individual on standby, just in case.

“Now that we’ve deepened our friendship, shall we head out soon?”

While we were having such a conversation, Hiro called out.

Upon hearing his words, I glanced at the clock and realized that it was already past the scheduled departure time of 7:30. This exploration is bound to take some time, so we can continue our conversation later.

“Alright then, Hiro. I’ll leave it to you to give the signal to start.”

“Huh? Am I the one doing it?”

“Well, who else is there?”

In situations like this, it’s the duty of the leader of the senior team to take charge. If we compare Miyano and Hiro’s age, there’s no doubt that Hiro is older.

“Well, you know, there’s the representative of adventurers called the ‘Hero’…”

“Huh? M-Me? Um, well…”

Miyano, who suddenly had the attention turned to her, was bewildered. And it’s understandable. After all, she’s just an ordinary girl despite being called a ‘Hero,’ and she has to speak to someone who is significantly older, especially when they aren’t particularly close.

“Don’t trouble the girl, you old geezer.”

“Don’t worry. I haven’t troubled her as many times as you have.”

Hey, wait a minute. Isn’t that response a bit unfair? Besides, you guys haven’t spent much time with Miyano and the others, so it’s natural that the number of times you’ve troubled them is low.

While I was thinking about such things, Hiro let out a light sigh and glanced around at all of us present.

“The joint operation between the old folks’ team and the young folks’ team begins! …You guys, don’t slow down the young folks, alright?”

“What’s the old folks’ representative saying!”

“You’re probably the one who would slow us down the most, old timer!”

With those words, the exploration of the dungeon ‘Honey Garden’ began, and we dove through the gate, entering the dungeon.

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