Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 16 - "Dragon Slayer Hero"

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 16   “Dragon Slayer Hero”

“So, who is this Special Class you’re talking about?”

Even if we’re talking about Special Class, I think it’s more likely to be a warrior-type rather than a mage.

Considering the speed of movement we were discussing earlier, it’s definitely someone from the warrior class rather than a mage.

I don’t think they would have called a hero for this… but I wonder?

I don’t think they did, and I would be really relieved if they didn’t. However, if a Special Class monster were to appear during our match, knowing whether someone will come to help us at that time would make a difference in our strategy.

That’s why if it’s someone we don’t know, we’ll have to research them.

“Wait… who was it again?”

“Well, it’s the ‘Dragon Slayer Hero,’ Kana-chan.”

The moment I heard which Special Class it was, my body tensed up and I stopped moving.

…Wait, seriously? That guy, Kun?

“Oh, yeah. About that—wait, what’s wrong with you?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

I didn’t think anyone would notice since I wasn’t intentionally acting that way, just watching TV. But Asada seemed to have sensed something strange about me and looked at me with a curious expression.

“What do you mean…”

“Igami-san, you have a really weird look on your face.”

However, it wasn’t just Asada who noticed my condition. It was all four of them present in the room.

Apparently, not only did I stop moving, but my emotions had also clearly shown on my face.

“…Ah, sorry.”

When Miyano pointed it out, I touched my face and indeed, my eyebrows were furrowed, and my cheeks were twitching.

I lightly rubbed my face, let out a sigh, and finally shook my head.

I thought that by doing so, I could erase the emotions I had been feeling until then…

“Do you know him?”

“Do you mean you know the Dragon Slayer Hero?”

“Otherwise, you wouldn’t react like you just did.”

“Well, I guess that makes sense too.”

As I listened to Asada and Abe’s conversation, I realized that I was once again frowning.

“I wonder…”

Under Miyano’s question and the gazes of the other four that followed, after a long struggle, I reluctantly answered, as if squeezing it out and throwing it away.

“…Unfortunately, much to my dismay, I do know him to some extent, although I’d prefer it if I didn’t. But we’re acquaintances, I guess.”

“Why do you look so disgusted about it?”

Asada asked me, clearly noting my strange attitude… I really didn’t want to say.

“What’s… wrong?”

“Are you fighting with him or something?”

“But Igami-san, you’re not the type to get into fights like that… or is it not that surprising?”

As I remained silent, Miyano and the others exchanged glances and started discussing.

But Miyano… hasn’t she become somewhat audacious lately, or is it just me?


“But we haven’t heard any bad rumors, have we?”

“Not even that, we hardly hear anything at all. If anything, it’s all positive, isn’t it?”

Ah, that’s right. The ‘Dragon Slayer’ doesn’t have any negative rumors circulating about him. On the contrary, he’s praised as a saint-like figure, using the money he earned to aid in dungeon damage, medical facilities, and orphanages.

“…Well, from society’s perspective, maybe.”

However, that’s only the image of him seen by the public.

The way I see him… it’s not such a favorable evaluation.

“Speaking from a personal perspective, are there any flaws or negative aspects about him?”

“Well, no, it’s not like he has any significant flaws… It’s hard to put into words.”

Indeed, what he does is commendable.

Assisting the underprivileged. I don’t have any twisted feelings about it, like disliking his efforts in helping others or labeling him as a hypocrite. I genuinely believe that what he’s doing is truly remarkable.

Moreover, his activities are genuine, and there’s nothing shady going on behind the scenes.

The Dragon Slayer Hero is a genuinely “good guy” and a true “defender of justice.”

However, while I do think that way, when it comes to personal interaction… well, his personality or rather, his nature… let’s just say that it doesn’t quite align with mine. At the very least, we’re not compatible.

“…Well, whatever. I guess you’ll find out if you ever meet him in person.”

In the end, that was the only answer I could give.

It wouldn’t be right for me to mock him behind his back, and above all, it’s something I don’t want to discuss.

“Well, forget about that. Look over there. It’s starting.”

I abruptly changed the topic, redirecting Miyano and the others’ attention towards the large screen.


On the television screen, there were two individuals in the center. One was a woman, and the other was a young man with a slightly youthful appearance on his baby-faced countenance.

As the screen switched, focusing only on the woman among the duo, she began speaking while holding a microphone.

“Now, now, the Ranking Battle has started again this year! Last year, an irregularity occurred with the appearance of a Special Class monster during a match, resulting in the birth of the youngest hero in Japan, who successfully repelled it! However, while it is certainly a joyous occasion, it goes without saying that the occurrence of irregularities and the damage caused by them should be avoided. However, no matter how much pre-investigation is conducted, irregularities have a tendency to appear unexpectedly. Therefore, this year, in case such an event occurs, we have arranged for Special Class adventurers to be on standby for swift response!”

Despite not having a script, the woman effortlessly continued speaking without pause.

And as the woman spoke, the screen kept changing, showing the scenes inside the dungeon where the upcoming match would take place.

“Now, let us introduce the Special Class adventurer! Please!”

However, the footage that had been inside the dungeon switched along with the woman’s words. Now, it showed the woman and the young man sitting side by side, just as in the beginning.

“This person is the renowned Dragon Slayer Hero, Sieg Walker-san!”

With the woman’s words, the footage zoomed in on the young man, Sieg, and as he smiled and stood up, he bowed politely before taking his seat again.

“We are grateful that you accepted our proposal!”

“Well, you know, I had some business in Japan. And coincidentally, it happened to be in this town. So, it was convenient for me. But once I’ve accepted, I will give it my all, so all the players can rest assured.”

“Oh, what reassuring words!”

While Sieg’s manner of speaking had shifted from his previous polite attitude to a slightly unexpected casual tone, it was his natural demeanor, and it felt more like him compared to the formal approach.

“By the way, may I ask what kind of business you had in this town?”

“Hahaha, sure, sure. Well, it’s nothing grand, really. I came to meet someone I know. It’s been a while, and I wanted to see them.”

“Well, that’s, um… getting a bit personal, don’t you think? But I’ll ask straight up! Is that person your romantic partner!?”

“Mmm, no, not really. Besides, the person in question is a man.”

As the conversation continued, it seemed like the woman’s discussion was veering slightly away from the main topic of the match. Or perhaps that was just my imagination.

“But, well, you could say that person is someone I have feelings for.”

“T-That means…”

“Oh, don’t misunderstand. Even though I said ‘feelings,’ it’s probably not the kind of relationship you’re thinking of. When I say ‘feelings,’ I mean that person is my role model.”

“Role model, you say? Is there someone like that in this town who is admired as a figure someone looks up to, like the renowned Dragon Slayer Hero?”

“Yes. I have to admit, though it’s a bit embarrassing to say it myself, before I was called a hero, I was a complete mess. I had the power of a Special Class, but just power alone. I couldn’t use magic, and I had no reputation, status, or anything befitting a hero.”

“But now, you’re one of the top-ranked heroes, highly skilled and respected. That’s how you’re known, right?”

“Yes. That person was the catalyst for my transformation.”

As if recalling a significant memory, Sieg began speaking with a gentle gaze and a smile.

“That person… helped others for the simple reason that they were in trouble. He saved not just one or two lives, but hundreds, even thousands. But he didn’t boast about it; he disappeared gracefully. It’s amazing, right? So cool. He seemed like a true hero. That’s why I worked hard to become closer to that admirable figure, and, well, it’s embarrassing to say it myself, but I earned the reputation of being a respectable person.”

After finishing his words, Sieg chuckled self-deprecatingly and shrugged, returning to a light-hearted atmosphere similar to when he first started talking.

“But, you know, that person is quite lazy, so I’m a bit worried he might find it bothersome if I go to meet him.”

“May I ask for that person’s name?”

“Sorry, I can’t say. As I mentioned earlier, that person is lazy and never shows up in public. He would get angry if I mentioned his name on a broadcast like this.”

The woman attempted to inquire further about that person, but Sieg laughed and clearly rejected the question.

“So, during this tournament, I’ll be at this school, so feel free to come and visit me anytime!”

With those words, Sieg waved with a smile toward the person on the other side of the screen, possibly his “admirable figure.”

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