Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 17 - That's why I don't like it!

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 17   That’s why I don’t like it!

We were watching the large screen in the spectator room, but I felt like burying my head in my hands.

Doing something like that would attract attention in this situation, so I refrained from it.

Would Miyano and the others notice? …They probably would. Well, there’s a chance they might not notice too–

“Um, Igami-san.”

–Guess not. Well, I expected them to notice… They should have noticed.

“Just don’t say anything.”

However, I’m still fine. As long as they only noticed, there’s no problem. I had already anticipated this when that person appeared on the screen.

If no one asks me anything, then there won’t be any issues–

“Is that person mentioned in the broadcast your special someone?”

–I told you not to ask!

Oh, wait, what I said was “Don’t say anything,” not “Don’t ask anything.”

…Either way, my wish clearly wasn’t heard, huh!

“A person who doesn’t show up in public… and helps those in need without boasting… And if they happen to live in this town…”

“It’s definitely you, Igami-san, isn’t it?”

Miyano’s words are in the form of a question, but it feels more like a confirmation even without my response.

Why is that? There could be others who fit that description, right?

Just because it’s limited to this town doesn’t mean there couldn’t be someone else like that somewhere.

“…It’s just your imagination.”

…Well, even if I say that, they definitely won’t believe me.

“Well, saying it’s just your imagination definitely won’t pass.”


However, even if that’s the case, I have no intention of bringing up that person myself.

“Perhaps we’ll understand when the time comes and we eventually meet.”

But personally, I don’t want them to understand. Because, you know, it’s that person.

At the very least, I don’t want to introduce him to these guys. If that person and these guys meet, it might create some strange chemistry, making things awkward and unpredictable.

“If you’ll understand when we meet, I heard that earlier.”

“Then, how about we go meet him now? After all, he just said, ‘Come by anytime.'”

Asada made such a suggestion, but it’s out of the question.

“No way. Absolutely not. I’m not going.”

Seriously, I won’t go under any circumstances.

“Do you dislike it that much?”


I can’t help it. That’s the only response I can give because I dislike it so much.

“But eventually, won’t you end up going to meet him? Mizuki-chan is a hero, after all.”

“Well, that’s true. It might be better to go greet them at least once. Considering that, it wouldn’t make a difference if we go now…”

“Nooo, I don’t wanna!”

I absolutely won’t go to that person’s place!

I don’t want Miyano and the others to go either, but I understand that Miyano, being a hero, has a certain obligation in terms of position.

However, I won’t go.

If you want to go, if there’s a need for you to go, then go ahead on your own. I don’t think there would be any danger in going to that person’s place anyway.

Besides, we’re not always together; we live separate lives and often go our own ways. So even if these guys separate to meet someone, it’s not a problem at all.

That’s why I won’t go. I absolutely won’t go. I refuse to go anywhere near that person!

“I-Is Igami-san broken?”

“Maybe it’s kind of cute.”

“On the contrary, it’s intriguing.”

“Yeah, why is he so against it?”

Miyano is surprised, Asada laughs, and Abe and Kitahara tilt their heads in confusion, but who cares about their opinions?

I sincerely hope that during this ranking match, we won’t cross paths! Seriously!


We, who had been discussing such matters in the viewing room, came to the conclusion that it was impossible to persuade me, who had firmly decided not to go and meet the “Dragon Slayer Hero.” So we quietly watched the first match.

“Our match is the day after tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Everyone, make sure you’re well-prepared.”

After finishing the viewing, we headed to the cafeteria to have lunch. However, we noticed someone approaching us.

It was a coincidence that we noticed, but when we looked up, the person I least wanted to see was there.

“Why are you here of all places?”

It was Sieg, the foreign young man who had been providing commentary and monitoring the abnormal situations during the matches on the screen just moments ago.

He was holding a plastic bag, which probably contained bread.

“Oh? You didn’t hear the broadcast?”

“I heard it, that’s why I’m saying this! You said you wouldn’t come if I didn’t go there myself, and that you’ll be waiting.”

That’s right. He did say that earlier. So I was reassured that as long as I didn’t go meet him, everything would be fine. But why is he here? And what’s with that bread? Is he planning to eat it here?

“Hahaha, you caught me. But you know, if I just keep waiting, you won’t come forever. That’s why I came.”

“Was the broadcast just a bluff?”

“Yeah. I thought if I said that, you might let your guard down.”

Deliberately making a public announcement through the broadcast to increase the chances of me hearing it, and then doing the opposite. That’s quite effective. In fact, I believed until this very moment that he wouldn’t come.

That’s why I was surprised that he did… Just don’t come.

And don’t go around lying when some people even call you a saint.

“But being looked at with that expression hurts, you know? I apologize for lying, but was it really that bad?”

“It’s no good. Don’t come.”

Though he naturally has a youthful face, he’s probably doing it on purpose. He’s looking up at me with a troubled expression, trying to evoke a sense of protectiveness, but there’s no way I’ll be fooled. Go home.

“Well, I think I’ve actually helped you with this.”

“Helped? What did you do? Spit it out.”

“Wow, it feels like an interrogation now.”

Sieg laughed amusingly as he sat down next to me.

Judging from his demeanor this time, I believe he’s not lying, but I have no idea what he’s talking about. I haven’t had anything to do with him recently. So what did he help with?

“Well, the one I helped is Nina-chan.”


“Yeah, exactly. There was an incident of her going berserk recently, and the school was attacked.”

Sieg’s attitude shifted from carefree to serious as he started to speak.

Seeing that change, reluctantly… truly reluctantly, I decided to listen to what he had to say. Apparently, it’s about helping Nina.

But even so, I have my doubts.

“…But she hasn’t killed anyone.”

That’s right. She appeared at the school without permission and fought against Miyano, a student there, but ultimately, no one died.

There may be some reproachable actions, but it shouldn’t be to the extent of being defended by him.

“That seems to be the case. However, it’s true that she went berserk and unleashed her power. At that time, there was even a suggestion to keep you, who can restrain her, locked up in the facility.”


But I was simply unaware of that, and I only heard the situation from Saeki-san.

Perhaps Saeki-san thought it unnecessary for me to worry about unnecessary details and only informed me of the results.

“It’s true. And I intervened in that plan. If they were going to do something like that, the Dragon Slayer would turn into a murderer.”

“You… That means…”

Becoming a murderer would mean he would have to slay the ones in the ‘higher-ups’ who determine Nina’s fate.

Is he serious? I silently convey my question through my gaze, and the response I receive is an affirmation.

“I’m serious. Almost everything I said in that broadcast was true. The only lie was when I said I’ll wait for you. Apart from that, everything else was my sincere thoughts. You are my inspiration and a hero. Because of you, I aspired to become a hero.”

His eyes were filled with sincerity, devoid of the playful attitude from the broadcast or when we met earlier.

“Well, it seems there was a high chance it wouldn’t have happened even if I didn’t intervene, but I like to think I gave it a little push.”

Immediately after saying that, he chuckled as if joking, but it was probably his way of hiding his embarrassment.

“Well, um… Thank you.”

I don’t want to meet him, but it’s not that I dislike his personality or character. It’s just that there’s one crucial issue, and that’s why I don’t want to see Sieg.

But well, since I don’t dislike him for any other reason, I faced Sieg directly and bowed to express my gratitude for his efforts to help Nina.

“…Yeah, it’s strange, you know? Those were the words I was hoping for, but they feel so hollow.”

However, as I raised my head after expressing my gratitude, Sieg seemed strangely ecstatic as he muttered those words.

…I had a vague understanding of what he meant, and that’s precisely why I didn’t want to meet him. What on earth is he talking about?

“Now, I feel like I could bear your child.”

Seriously, what the hell is this guy saying?

“…Don’t say such creepy things. That’s exactly why I didn’t want to meet you.”

Although we’ve only met a few times, every time we meet, he says something like this.

Talking about getting married or trying to be in a relationship, that kind of stuff.

He has a baby face, the kind that could be mistaken for a girl if he wore makeup.

But he’s a guy.

And in case it wasn’t obvious, I’m a guy too.

A guy confessing to another guy.

In other words, to put it bluntly—this guy is gay.

Technically, he seems to be into women too, so it’s not accurate, but for me, it doesn’t matter either way.

I don’t have much aversion to homosexuality, bisexuality, or any other sexual orientation. If two people love each other, they should be free to do as they please.

But that’s if it doesn’t involve me. Even if it’s a relative or sibling who’s “that way,” I don’t mind. But when it comes to me, I don’t want it. I’m straight.

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