Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 25 - The other side of Asuka attack

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 25   The other side of Asuka attack


“In the forest, huh? Even though we usually delve into dungeons, it feels a bit nostalgic to enter here again. A year-long battle has a certain sense of destiny to it, don’t you think?”

“Which is it?”

“Well, it’s a bit of a delicate situation. It’s both and neither at the same time, I guess.”

Engaging in meaningless banter, even though it was just before the start of the match, I continued to set traps and make adjustments in my designated position.

“Well, let’s stop the nonsense. The match is about to begin, so stay alert.”

However, since it was still the preparation time, I didn’t stop my actions and instead approached Miyano and the others who were nearby.

“This time, our opponent is not someone to be underestimated, unlike before. They have witnessed our previous battles, so we need to change our strategy from what we’ve done so far.”

Until now, we had a strategy where Kitahara, who could set up barriers, held the key, while the other team members improvised. But this time, things would be different.

“As part of the strategy, we buried the treasure in this location. Instead of everyone huddling together to protect it, we’ll split into two groups.”

“But isn’t that risky? If the treasure is targeted, it could be bad.”

“That’s why we’ll make some adjustments to ensure it doesn’t get targeted.”

This time, Kitahara is not the owner of the treasure.

But the enemies won’t know that, so we’ll split into two groups to disperse their focus.

Although it means our forces will be divided, if we know it from the start, there are ways to handle it. That’s why I’m setting traps around here.

“Keep the paper I handed you earlier. It contains the clue to the treasure.”

In this game, as part of the rules, each participant must have a paper with a clue to the location of their own treasure. If they lose, they must hand it over to the opponent.

Unless they’re unconscious, failing to hand it over results in a loss. By defeating the enemy, we can always obtain their clue paper.

When the timing is right, have someone snatch it away. However, make sure it doesn’t look too deliberate.

But it’s not like we can only obtain the clue by defeating the enemy.

Since it’s written on a reasonably large paper, measuring forty centimeters per side, it’s not easy to hide it, and if done skillfully, it can be snatched during combat.

So, we deliberately decided to make them snatch it.

However, this only applies if the clue is handed over without any adjustments.

There’s a rule that says, “Don’t alter the paper,” but there’s no rule that says, “Don’t make adjustments.”

And if adjustments are allowed, even without altering the text, we can lead them to the wrong location.

To put it simply, we stuck another piece of paper on top of it.

Since we didn’t alter the original text, we’re not violating any rules, and at the same time, we can mislead the opponent to the wrong place.

Well, it’s not entirely black, but it’s definitely close to being a shade of gray.

“However, there’s something you need to be aware of. I attached a transmitter to the young lady before entering the gate earlier, but it was destroyed. It seems they are not taking any chances, so be cautious.”

Although we have a rough idea of the general direction they went in, we don’t know their exact location at the moment. But it’s still better than having no clues at all.

“Let’s do a final confirmation. We will now go on a search for the opposing team. Once we spot them, we will launch an attack and during our retreat, make sure to hand over the false clue. After handing over the clue, we will move to the location where Yuzu is waiting, taking a significant detour.”

The reason for the detour is to avoid revealing our base location by returning straight to it. Otherwise, our carefully crafted false clue would be meaningless. With the general direction known through the transmitter on their side and no information on our end, we will likely find them faster.

Therefore, we will be the first to launch an attack. However, even during the attack, we will approach from the direction indicated by the false clue, different from our actual location.

“The opponents will investigate the waiting area and places away from here based on the snatched clue. Meanwhile, we will create our base and wait.”

If we hand over the false clue and make Miyano and the others lose track of us, they will search for us based on that clue. However, it will lead them to the wrong place, giving us time to prepare.

While they may have set up a light defense during the preparation time before the match started, we have additional time on our side. The more time we buy, the stronger our defense becomes, giving us an advantage.

In addition, if we can attach additional transmitters during the initial engagement, we might be able to pinpoint the exact location of their base. Well, that’s just a hope on our part, but it would be great if we could pull it off.

“Once the base is established and if we have the opportunity, we will search and attack the enemy’s headquarters.”

However, to be honest, waiting at the base is a disadvantageous strategy.

Considering the fact that the enemy has more numbers, we need to defeat at least one of them to avoid losing due to numerical disadvantage. So why do we prioritize buying time? The answer is simple: to secure victory.

While I initially viewed it as a negative strategy, this case is different. Judging from the young lady’s personality, she will undoubtedly launch an aggressive assault even if we simply wait.

Defeating Miyano is crucial to consider it a victory in her eyes. She may even be aiming for our complete annihilation to achieve a flawless victory.

However, if time keeps passing fruitlessly, a sense of urgency will inevitably arise. While we share the same sense of urgency to defeat them as soon as possible, our mindset and preparations differ, as we are mentally prepared to give our all within the initially allocated time.

By deliberately reducing the time available, we can unleash our full power. It not only implies a situation where there’s no turning back, but also because it’s impossible to fight at full capacity for an extended period.

“However, there’s an important point to consider this time. The false clues contain the same information, so make sure not to hand over more than one to the enemy. Additionally, even if you hand over a clue, there’s no guarantee they will fall for it. Keep that in mind… Do any of you have any questions?”

We have put effort into delaying tactics so far, but it’s possible that the false clues will be quickly discovered. In that case, young lady’s team might ignore them and head toward our location. However, we are prepared for such a scenario. We have confidence in enduring an attack for a few minutes and can use that time to call Miyano and the others, who have moved in a different direction, to surround the enemy.

“Well then… Oh, it’s just about to begin.”

As soon as Miyano finishes her confirmation, a siren blares loudly, signaling the start of the match.

“Everyone, are you ready? This time, we will win for sure!”



“Thus, I think we managed quite well”

After successfully launching their surprise attack and evading, Miyano and the others were currently in communication.

Based on the explanation I received, it seemed like Miyano and the team did a good job. Well, it’s Asada who’s talking, so it’s hard to determine how much we can trust her words.

“Hmm?… How did it look from Miyano and Abe’s perspective?”

“Aren’t you a little too skeptical?” Miyano responded.

“Objective opinions are necessary, aren’t they? So, how was it?”

Asking Miyano and Abe, who were with Asada, it was evident even through the call that Asada was displeased.

Well, it’s not that I don’t trust them. It’s just that, you know, Asada has a tendency to overlook things, so I can’t completely shake off the possibility of them making unnoticed mistakes.

“It went reasonably well?”

“Perhaps Kana was a bit too cooperative, but overall, I think we managed the essentials, like reattaching the transmitter without any issues”

“I see. Then, it’s time for you to create the base with Kitahara.”

“Yes, we understand.”

With the communication concluded, Miyano and the others returned to Kitahara’s location to start establishing their defense base.

One might think that since this is our main target, we should gather here, and indeed, they suggested the same. However, I’m more than enough on my own. Basically, my role is simply to set up tools, and that’s it.

On the other hand, they have fewer tools, so they have to directly set traps on the ground or trees, which takes more time and effort.

That’s why I sent Miyano and the others to Kitahara’s location.

Also, although I don’t think they will be observed, if by any chance they spot us, it would be like telling them that Miyano and the others are the real target.

…But still, there were no casualties during the attack. It would have been great if we could have taken down at least one of them with the initial strike…

Well, it’s still a success to guide them with the clue.

Furthermore, if Miyano and Abe were able to defend against their attacks, they must have depleted their magical power to some extent. Let’s consider it as a positive outcome.

About an hour has passed, totaling two hours. Only one hour remains in the match.

There is no sign of the young lady coming towards us yet. They seem to have fallen perfectly into our trap.

“Igami-san, it’s about time. I would like to go for reconnaissance and the attack now.”

“Understood. We’ve finished most of our preparations here, so it’s fine. Do you know their location?”

“Yes. It seems they didn’t anticipate another transmitter being attached, and they had returned to what appears to be their base a little while ago.”

“Good. But remember, you’ll be the only one for this attack, so be careful.”

It’s about time for the young lady to arrive here, considering the time. If they’ve returned to their base, it wouldn’t be surprising if Kudo noticed the tampering with the clue.

The clue we handed them was a paper Asada had, with a roughly written direction. Even if the tampering is discovered, and they read the genuine clue, they shouldn’t be able to tell whether I or Kitahara has the treasure.


Miyano replied firmly and ended the communication.

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