Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 26 - Confrontation of two people

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 26   Confrontation of two people

And so, it had been about ten minutes since Miyano had left. A voice came through the communication device.

“Igami-san, I’ve arrived at the enemy camp, but Tenshi-san and the instructor are not here.”

“That means they must have entered the attack as well.”

With Tenshi-san and Kudo absent, that means there are only four first-class members remaining in the enemy camp. Even facing a regular team of four would be challenging, but well, Miyano should be able to handle it.

The problem lies with us. Using two top-class members for the attack indicates that they will come at us with full force. In that case, it would be wise to alert Asada and the others to be cautious.

While at it, let’s activate some of the placed magic. It will serve as preparation for the attack and might also divert attention if anyone is nearby.

If they are close enough to notice my location, they might also realize Kitahara’s presence. And if only two have arrived, there’s a possibility they have split into two groups.

There’s a possibility that they might have noticed both and decided to ignore one and focus their attack on the other. But if both of them head towards Kitahara’s location, let’s inform her to retreat towards us. Even with our base in place, dealing with two top-class members will be tough.

“Hey, have any enemies come your way?”

“Nope, they haven’t arrived yet.”

After contacting Asada and urging caution, I received a response from her, and in that instant, one of the traps I had set up as a warning sounded, indicating a reaction in the vicinity. The trap was designed to trigger when someone approached, and it was getting closer.

“Well, it seems like they took the bait. Rumors have a way of spreading, huh?”

At this speed, it doesn’t seem like they’re going all out, but they’re running, and they’ll reach here in a matter of seconds, not minutes.

“Asada, we’re relying on you to protect the treasure. Make sure Kitahara is well guarded.”

“Got it. Just make sure you don’t get taken down either.”

With that final conversation, I ended the communication and readied my weapon.

Now, the question remains: Is it just one person, or did both of them come?

If it’s only one person, and it happens to be Kudo… Well, that would be ideal.

As I pondered, a girl wielding a spear emerged from the forest.

Ah, it’s the lady herself. Wrong guess.

Though it would be rude to say it to her face, I couldn’t help but think so.

“Ah… Well, well, Your Highness. Do you need something?”

I casually addressed the appearing princess, but as I did, I surveyed the surroundings and found no hidden ambushes. It seems like they did split into two groups, with Kudo heading towards Kitahara.

However, if that’s the case, there’s nothing I can do from this spot where I can’t move. We’ve prepared our defenses adequately, so we should be able to handle it somehow.

There’s a possibility that the others on their side might get wiped out… but I’ll have to trust and leave it to them. I just need to deal with the princess.

“I was deceived by that hint. It’s quite something to come up with such a trick.”

Without returning a word to my remark, the princess approached me with a slightly displeased expression.

“Well, it was just that… By the way, who was the one who noticed?”

“It was Shun.”

“I see. Well, that makes sense.”

Judging from the princess’s demeanor, I had a feeling it wasn’t her who noticed. It seems I was right. Perhaps she’s a bit unhappy because I did realize it myself.

To prevent me from saying anything further, the princess cleared her throat with a soft “ahem” and let out a light sigh before beginning to speak.

“By the way, the treasure is with Kitahara, isn’t it? I had thought you were the one guarding it…”

“What were you expecting to hear? Eavesdropping is impolite, you know.”

“I wasn’t intending to listen, it just happened to reach my ears. I have excellent hearing, you see.”

“Indeed, that’s what being a Special Class is all about.”

As for me, I was actually hoping she would hear it. Because if she did, there would be a higher chance of her mistakenly believing that the real treasure is over there. It’s a small trick, but if it increases the likelihood, why not do it?

Wait, this conversation feels somewhat familiar… Ah, was it Miyano last time?

“Well, if I were to answer, it’s because this is their match. And unlike last year, they have grown. I believe they can protect the treasure if entrusted with it.”

It’s a lie.

Well, technically it’s not a lie. They have indeed grown compared to last year.

But even so, that doesn’t mean I have actually entrusted them with it.

It’s merely a play on words, and it’s still deception. However, by not telling a direct lie, I can avoid being accused later on.

Well, in the realm of human emotions, even without accusing me directly, they may still hold some ill will. But I trust that this princess wouldn’t stoop to such behavior.

Besides, there shouldn’t be any complaints after losing.

“However, well, it turns out it’s the princess as my opponent. I actually thought it would be Kudo again.”

“Yes. In terms of pure skill, Shun is superior, I suppose. But this is the method with the highest probability of winning.”

“Well, we did lose last time.”

In reality, we have made our own preparations in case they come prepared this time. So if Kudo were here, it might have been a tough battle, but we could have ended it without losing, I believe.

“I am aware of that method. You interfered with the curse placed on Shun, didn’t you? Although you have taken precautions, there is no guarantee that it can be completely prevented. Hence, there is a possibility of the same outcome occurring again.”

“That’s true. In that regard, I think it was a good choice not to send him.”

The princess and her team’s choices are generally correct. Kudo, who cannot use magic, wouldn’t be able to perfectly counter my moves, especially considering the curse. So not sending him was the right choice.


“There is one issue, though. You are inferior in skill compared to him.”

In terms of talent as an Awakened, the princess is superior to Kudo. However, in terms of experience and skill, Kudo still surpasses her.

Even though I defeated Kudo a year ago, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the princess, who possesses skills below Kudo, can definitely beat him.

Despite her advantage of being able to use magic, I have no intention of losing.

However, once again, the princess didn’t respond to my words and redirected the conversation to something else.

“However, the way you address me as ‘princess.’ If I win, I expect you to change it.”

“What’s wrong? Doesn’t it suit your taste?”

“Naturally. It doesn’t acknowledge me as an individual.”

Well, I hadn’t really thought about it that way… But well, now that it’s been pointed out, it may be true. Admittedly, I didn’t pay much attention to anyone other than Miyano and the princess, Asuka Tenshi.

“And about being inferior in skill…”

The princess paused her words, took a deep breath, and looked straight into my eyes with determination shining in her gaze.

“Even if that were the case, if I can surpass you here and now, it wouldn’t be a problem at all.”

“Can you do it?”

“I have no intention of speaking about what I cannot do.”

I see…

Well, this might be quite challenging.

The power to make me feel that way could be sensed from the current princess.

What should I do…

Fighting is inevitable, and I do think I can win even if I fight, but if possible, I’d like to win with as little effort as possible.

…Perhaps I should engage in conversation first to weaken her momentum.

“Now then, let’s pause for a moment and assess the situation. We have split into two groups, and it’s unclear which of us, me or Kitahara, holds the treasure. So, you sent the two strongest forces to handle that situation. However, we also sent Miyano, who is our strongest force, to your territory. In other words, we are both attacking each other and being attacked by the other side.”

“That seems to be the case. Therefore, let’s conclude this swiftly. And if you don’t possess the treasure, I will come after Kitahara.”

“What about your own treasure? As you can see, this is my territory. It’s like diving into a trap. I think it would be quite troublesome and time-consuming to defeat me.”

“Yes, that might be the case. However, I was told to protect it no matter what happens. So, isn’t it the essence of being allies to believe in and act upon that? I learned that from Miyano and the others.”

“…You’ve changed too. But well, you’re right. Trust is vital among allies. If you can’t trust and rely on each other, then you’re not truly allies.”

Well, I think it’s not wrong to show concern for that person while trusting and relying on them.

It’s impressive that she remain focused and unwavering in her resolve. Or perhaps I should say she has grown.

“Well then, let’s wrap up our conversation. Please prepare yourself. There’s no meaning in winning through a surprise attack.”

After saying so, the princess readied her spear, ensuring she could move at any moment.

Even in this situation, she refrained from launching an attack first, probably because I hadn’t yet readied my weapon.

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