Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 11 - Mizuki and Koosuke

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 11   Mizuki and Koosuke

The day after I talked with Asada.

Tomorrow, we have a school trip, so today there’s no training, and school ended in just half a day.

The second-year students are probably getting ready and discussing their plans for tomorrow.

In the midst of all that, Miyano and I were going about our own activities, not gathering with the others.

Despite tomorrow being the school trip day, Miyano had borrowed the training room and was running around the room, wiping off the sweat from her clothes as she noticed me entering.

…It’s a bit late to mention this now, but you should be careful about those movements in front of guys. Your shirt is lifted, and your belly is showing.

Well, I probably won’t say such a thing when we’re alone together; it might create an awkward atmosphere.

“Hey there. Training again today?”

“Yeah, well, I want to get stronger, even just a little.”

“Stronger, huh? So, you want to make sure you never lose again?”

“Um, yes. That’s right. I have to protect my team and everyone else too…”

Seems like she’s still focused on protecting her comrades, huh?

“I see. Oh yeah, here, I got something for you. It’s a treat.”

To pause the conversation, I handed Miyano a box of sweets that I bought at the store before coming here.

“Thank you. Um, did you have one already?”

As Miyano noticed that the box was already opened, he peeked inside and found that one piece was already missing.

“Well, sorry about that. I was curious about the taste.”

I usually don’t try new flavors or anything, but today, I just felt like giving it a shot.

If it turns out to be bad – no, if it doesn’t suit my taste, I can share it with Miyano, and it can also be a topic for our conversation.

Therefore, I didn’t buy this solely based on my taste. I wanted to put Miyano at ease naturally by engaging in these lighthearted, everyday conversations, considering our upcoming talk.

…Okay, I admit there might be a little bit of my preference involved.

“Ume-konbu flavor? Why on earth did you buy something like this?”

“Well, you know… I thought you’d be curious.”

“Well, I am curious, but…”

You see, I actually like ume (plums). Umeboshi (pickled plums) and umeshu (plum wine), for example. So, even though I usually don’t try new flavors, I tend to buy products with ume flavor.

Plum-flavored items can be hit or miss, though, so sometimes I end up regretting my purchase.

This time, it was chocolate with ume and konbu (seaweed) flavor… Well, you’ll know the taste once you try it.

“Go ahead and give it a try. Treat it like a little experiment.”

Hesitating a bit, Miyano put the chocolate in her mouth.

However, her expression gradually changed into something rather subtle.

“It’s… a taste that’s not for everyone, huh?”

Though she tried to be vague with her words, it was evident from her expression that she found it less than desirable.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just glad I don’t have to eat it all by myself.”

“Does that mean I’m in charge of disposing of it?”

Miyano gave me a serious look, and I couldn’t help but smile as I took out a plastic bag from my bag.

Inside the bag were other snacks and drinks, besides the one I just gave her.

Of course, they were all normal and safe choices, if not a little bland.

“Here, I also have some regular snacks, so forgive me.”

With that, I handed Miyano another bag with conventional snacks, and she immediately checked its contents. Upon seeing that it contained normal items, she seemed relieved and let out a sigh of relief.

“Tomorrow is finally the departure day, huh?”

Miyano started walking towards where she wanted to put the bag or perhaps where her belongings were, but she spoke up along the way. It wasn’t anything unusual. Since tomorrow is the day of the school trip, it’s only natural for the topic to come up.


However, I hesitated for a moment on how to approach the subject, but well, this should do.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Well, it’s just that… I’ve been thinking about something.”

Curiosity got the best of Miyano, and she turned back to me, placing the bag of snacks on the side.

“Well, it’s just… umm… I’m not sure how to put it, but… “

“I actually hoped you would notice without me saying anything, but… I’ve decided to speak up.”

If possible, I wanted Miyano to realize Asada’s feelings and acknowledge her own mistakes. However, even now, she still sees herself solely as a protector of her teammates.

So, to ensure that Asada’s efforts weren’t in vain, I decided to have a conversation with her.


However, upon hearing my almost muttering-like words, Miyano seemed perplexed, not understanding what I was trying to say. If I were to illustrate this situation, there would probably be a question mark floating above her head. That’s how clueless she appeared.

“What do you think of Asada?”

“Well… I see her as a friend and a teammate from the same team.”

But, I wondered if her answer was truly heartfelt.

“Do you really mean that?”

“What do you mean by that?”

Her expression changed, and she seemed slightly angered.

Understandable. Even if she unconsciously sees Asada as someone to protect, in her mind, Asada is still a teammate. Doubting that would naturally make her upset and angry.

But, I had no intention of stopping just because Miyano was giving me a fierce look.

“You mentioned it before when you asked me for training, didn’t you? You said, ‘If I’m not strong, I won’t be able to protect everyone.'”

“Yes… That’s…”

“For you, aren’t Asada and the others not just ‘teammates’ but ‘targets to protect’?”


Interrupting her own words, Miyano could only respond with a vacant expression after a moment of silence.

“That, that’s not…?”

Then, after a few seconds of leaking out a voice, Miyano regained awareness and denied my words in a flustered manner.

However, even though she denied it, her words lacked conviction, and her hesitation was evident.

“If it’s not true, then why couldn’t you say it clearly until the end? There must have been some part of you that felt that way, even if you don’t consciously admit it.”


Miyano seemed shocked by my words, and her expression gradually contorted in disbelief.

Though she wasn’t conscious of it, confronting her with this made her realize there might be some truth to what I said, and she began to ponder.

After a while, when Miyano’s body started trembling, I spoke again.

“I had my doubts about bringing this up right before the school trip, but I felt it was better to say it. I’m sorry.”

“No… it’s fine.”

Miyano denied it with a small voice, but she seemed quite shocked. Well, that’s understandable, I guess.

There’s a reason why I brought up this topic before the school trip.

During this school trip, we have to stick together as a team, which means Miyano will inevitably be with Asada most of the time. That would naturally lead to more conversations between them – or at least, there wouldn’t be an option to avoid talking, especially for Miyano.

Although it might be a bit rough, I had to make her realize, for the sake of not letting Asada’s efforts go to waste.

Not only for Asada but also for the team’s harmony, I thought it was necessary.

So, I decided to have this conversation on the eve of the school trip.

Of course, I don’t intend to just stir things up and leave it at that. Later, I plan to discreetly ask Abe and Kitahara to keep an eye on them.

“Don’t look so downcast. I’m not blaming you, you know.”

Though I said that, I couldn’t just leave her like this.

If I let things go as they are, Miyano might end up falling into self-loathing.

She might even skip the trip tomorrow, or if she does go, the conversation might not go well. That’s how strong her sense of responsibility is.

In fact, that’s the very reason why I had this thought in the first place.

But it can’t go on like this.

Even though I’m saying this right now in this situation, there’s still the long-awaited school trip after all.

“There might be things on your mind, and there are things you must do. It might be impossible to stay as carefree as usual, I understand that.

But even so, try to have fun.

Just remember, you’re taking it too seriously. Your comrades aren’t as weak as you think they are.”

As I said this, I placed my hand on Miyano’s head and gently ruffled her hair while patting her head.

“You’re still just a kid. No matter how capable you are or how much others expect from you, that won’t change. Learn to rely on those around you. That’s what teammates and instructors are for. Although I may not have the strength to beat you guys or be very reliable.”

“I remember hearing words like that before.”

“I said that?”

“Yes, you did. But you’re right. Maybe I was getting too worked up.”

It won’t change immediately just by saying these things, but if I can make her aware of it, Miyano will be able to truly see her ‘comrades.’

But I’ll help her a bit more. Let’s summon the support character.

“Hey, are you free to talk right now?”

“What? It’s rare for you to call me.”

“Well, once in a while.”

I took out my cell phone and called Asada. Then, I put my index finger to my lips to signal Miyano to keep quiet and turned on the speaker so that Miyano could hear Asada’s voice as well.

“I know it’s a bit late, but there’s something I want to ask…”

“What is it now?”

I could hear rustling noises from the other end of the phone, probably preparing for tomorrow.

“What do you think about Miyano?”

But the moment I asked that question, all the background noise on the other side stopped abruptly.

“What’s with the sudden question? Isn’t it too late for that?”

“Like I said, it’s a bit late, but still. So, how do you feel about her? What do you want?”

“You should already know that, right? She’s a teammate, a friend, and a rival.”

I could hear Miyano let out a sharp gasp, realizing that Asada had no idea she was listening. Glancing at her expression, I saw that her eyes were wide open.

Of course, Asada had no way of knowing Miyano was there since she wasn’t on the call. Unaware of Miyano’s presence, Asada continued.

“I don’t know what Mizuki thinks, or rather… I do know, but that’s not my business! What do I want? Hah! Isn’t it obvious? Even though I can’t say it clearly right now, I’ll definitely catch up to her and surpass her. That’s what I’m going to tell her.”

Then, Asada’s words came to a halt.

The pause made Miyano uneasy, wondering what Asada was going to say next. She swallowed hard, waiting for Asada to continue, her expression twisted with anticipation.

“You’re not alone in this rivalry; I’m your rival. Don’t go taking everything upon yourself! That’s right!”


Upon hearing Asada’s clear and resolute words, Miyano took a step back, making a startled sound and staring in bewilderment.

The sound and voice just now seemed to be audible to Asada… or so it appeared.

Still, it might be best to end it here. Revealing that she had been listening could complicate things.

Even if Asada were to find out, she would likely just agonize over it. It might lead to me being scolded, but it wouldn’t amount to much, really.

Yet, even if I couldn’t gauge her true feelings, there seemed to be something resonating in her after hearing those words. Otherwise, she wouldn’t react like this.

So, I suppose it’s enough for now.

“Alright then, I’m hanging up. Don’t oversleep tomorrow!”

“Eh, wait! Why did you ask that question just now!? What’s the real pur—”

Without listening to Asada’s complaints, I swiftly ended the call and turned directly to Miyano, the person I wanted to convey Asada’s words to.

“That’s how it is. Did her words give you some food for thought?”

“Kana is… so cool. Seriously, she’s really cool.”

Miyano didn’t answer my question directly but instead murmured with a mixture of frustration and delight.

…From the looks of it, I don’t think Miyano will see Asada as a ‘protective target’ anymore.

Well, I can’t say for sure yet, but at the very least, Miyano should be willing to see things differently now.

“Starting tomorrow, during the school trip, we won’t be able to observe their training or how they feel. But once we come back, think about it. Consider whether they are merely individuals who need protection.”

“I understand. I’m sorry. Thank you.”

Taking a deep breath, Miyano returned my gaze and replied firmly before bowing deeply to express gratitude.

With no plans for training today, Miyano started to prepare to leave.

“But, who knows?”

I had planned to see her off until the end, but as Miyano finished getting ready and stood up with her bag, she suddenly said something strange.

“What do you mean?”

“There might be a chance to reconsider things during the trip, you know?”

Her words implied that there might be an opportunity to assess her abilities, meaning there might be some sort of issue that could arise…

“Hey, cut it out. That sounds like something that could really happen, so don’t say it.”

No, this is bad. If I think about it any further, something might actually happen. So, I better not entertain the idea that something could go wrong during the trip.

“But, you’re also thinking about it, right, Iigami-san? That’s why you brought it up before the trip, isn’t it? You mentioned something like that in the beginning.”

“Well, it’s quite regrettable and not entirely desirable, but I can’t completely dismiss it as one of the possibilities.”

“Which means it might happen.”

“No, it’s not confirmed. I’m sure things will work out somehow. Just like when we went to the beach, there are times when everything is fine.”

“I hope so, but I’ll still be fully prepared, just in case.”

“Haha, you’re right. You always make sure to ‘see’ things properly, don’t you?”

Although it might sound like I’m saying playful nonsense to lighten the mood, there’s also some truth to it as we continue our conversation, and we eventually leave the place.

…I hope things can go back to the way they were between them. At the very least, I want their relationship to be better than when they were ignoring each other until yesterday.

And, if possible, I wish my inexplicable propensity for something to happen could somehow be resolved. Seriously.

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