Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 12 - Mizuki's Thoughts and Kana's Resolution

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 12   Mizuki’s Thoughts and Kana’s Resolution

The day after the conversation with Miyano, today is the day of their second-year class trip. Instead of gathering at school, they’re meeting directly at the airport. However, since our school has dorms, those living there are meeting first and going together.

It makes sense; if they have the same destination and live together, that’s how it should be. Besides, if a dorm resident were to be late, others might wonder why their dormmates didn’t call them.

By the way, we, the instructors and teachers, are also going together with the students. Some students also choose to gather at school first if they’re worried and then go with the others. In fact, there seem to be a few students doing just that.


On the day of the trip, as usual, we gathered in the dining hall for breakfast. Miyano and Asada’s behavior seemed fine; though they might have different feelings inside, they were interacting as if nothing was wrong on the surface.

I thought I might need to support them a lot, so I came earlier than usual, but at this rate, they might resolve things on their own without me doing anything.

While killing time with casual conversation and noticing that the time to gather at the meeting point was approaching, the other students around us started to disperse.

Seeing fewer people around, I thought about suggesting to Miyano and the others that we should head there soon. However, Miyano called out Asada’s name with a serious expression.

“What’s up?”

Asada replied to Miyano’s call with the usual nonchalant demeanor, as if nothing was unusual, even though just a moment ago they were having a normal conversation.

But now, not only Asada but also Abe, Kitahara, and even I were puzzled by the sudden change in Miyano’s demeanor.

Why would Miyano act so serious right before the departure? What could they possibly want to say?

I doubt they would say something that would lead to a fight, but still, I couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious about Miyano’s sudden seriousness.

However, I decided to refrain from interfering and just observe the situation.

And then—

“I’m sorry.”

Miyano bowed her head to Asada.

“What? What’s happening? Why the sudden apology?”

As Miyano suddenly apologized, Asada looked confused and couldn’t make sense of it. Well, even if Miyano apologizes so suddenly, it’s understandable that Asada would be confused.

But I knew what Miyano was apologizing for. In fact, given the timing, there could only be one reason for such a serious apology.

“I’m sorry, Haruka and Yuzu too.”

Miyano not only apologized to Asada but also bowed to Abe and Kitahara.

“Um, uh, wait… what’s going on?”

“What is it?”

However, like Asada, the other two seemed to be unsure of why Miyano was apologizing.

“I used to think that I had to protect everyone. Since I’m the hero, I should protect everyone who isn’t.”

As soon as those words left Miyano’s mouth, Asada’s reaction was noticeable as they stared at Miyano intently.

Abe and Kitahara had a similar expression. They didn’t glare or interrupt but listened attentively, not wanting to miss a single word.

“For that reason, I thought I had to become stronger, that I had to protect everyone and keep winning… but I was wrong.”

Saying this, Miyano shook her head gently, and her body trembled slightly.

It must be scary, I imagine.

Even though she heard Asada’s words yesterday, admitting and apologizing for her mistakes so sincerely can be terrifying.

But even so, Miyano clenched her fist, forcing her trembling lips to continue speaking.

“I realized that ‘comrades’ don’t mean that. I was enlightened during my conversation with Igami yesterday.”

As Miyano mentioned my name, the three sets of eyes briefly shifted to me before returning to her.

“Because of the way I am, I might end up burdening everyone and causing trouble. I might even make the team uncomfortable.”

The momentary diversion of gazes back to herself made Miyano shudder.

“And besides, this time, I… betrayed everyone in a way.”

Miyano hesitated midway through her words and averted her gaze, but she must have understood that she couldn’t run away now.

Though biting her lip, she turned her face back to her comrades.

“Even so, can I still be… your ‘comrade’?”

Her expression showed more fear than when facing an exceptional monster. It was a level of fear I had never seen before.

The words Miyano uttered, full of that fear…

“Stop saying stupid things!”

As Asada responded angrily, the moment she saw the sad expression on Miyano’s face, she shook her head and continued her words.

“If I’m seen as someone to protect just because I’m weak, it’s not about ranks or talents, but merely a result of my lack of effort. So, it’s none of your concern.”


Even though she was expecting anger, Miyano heard Asada defending herself, and it made her let out a puzzled voice.

“If I’m weak, then I’ll become stronger. There are third-class adventurers who can defeat special-class monsters. It’s not impossible. I can become stronger too. I’ll become strong enough to stand beside you without feeling ashamed.”

“Not being a ‘hero’ or whatever doesn’t matter. The fact that the other person is a ‘hero’ doesn’t matter. Who cares about such trivial things! I will never leave you alone!”

Upon hearing Asada’s words, Miyano’s expression shifted from puzzlement to surprise, and tears began to well up in her eyes.

“Thank you. Yesterday, Kana’s words made me incredibly happy. So, thank you.”

With tear-filled eyes, Miyano expressed her gratitude to Asada. Despite her distorted expression, it was not born from anxiety and fear, but from relief and joy.

“I have no intention of losing to you or being left behind. I’m going to make you believe from the bottom of your heart that you are my true rival—so be prepared for it.”

Upon hearing Asada’s words, Miyano could no longer hold back her emotions, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

“And also, Haruka, Yuzu. You two as well.”

Without being bothered by Miyano’s state, Asada shifted her gaze from Miyano to Abe and Kitahara.

“I see you both too. You’re also my rivals. I will never, ever lose to any of you.”

“Yeah, bring it on!”

“I-I won’t leave you behind, that’s for sure!”

After hearing Asada’s declaration, Abe grinned and replied confidently, while Kitahara stammered but returned with a strong response.

…Looks like everything is coming together.

Well, that’s a relief. I was really worried for a moment, but it all worked out in the end.

From this situation, Miyano might appear to have various burdens, making her seem unstable. However, in reality, Asada, who is currently taking charge of the situation, was the one who initially seemed unstable.

I thought she might crumble at some point, but I’m glad to see she’s pulled herself together.

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