Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 16 - Chimera

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 16  Chimera

“But isn’t that something that happens frequently?”

The sudden emergence of gates is, to put it plainly, a common occurrence. If this happened right after the first gate appeared, I could understand the fuss, but now it’s hardly unusual.

So, I don’t think it was that big of a deal back then, to be surrounded like that.

“Yes. Not only in this country but in various countries, we do experience the occurrence of spontaneous gates and monster appearances. However, are you aware that the number of gate occurrences has been increasing year by year? Originally, we didn’t know why the gates appeared, so we just accepted it as something that happened. But then, we received information—or rather, rumors—about a group intentionally increasing the number of gates. And that’s how it came to our attention.”

“Intentionally increasing gates?… If that’s really possible, then it’s understandable to be vigilant. But… why me?”

Most likely, that group is the ‘Saviors,’ right? I can’t think of any other organization that would do something like that. At least not one I know of.

But the problem is, why did they mistake me for one of them?

“If there were individuals who didn’t seem afraid in such a sudden situation, and yet didn’t fight properly with weapons on the battlefield, wouldn’t it be normal to want to hear their story?”

“But I was fighting back then! I was!”

“Perhaps. However, at first glance, you appeared to be observing our knight’s movements, skulking around in the shadows, occasionally throwing something or using some kind of magic.”

I can’t really argue with that. In reality, I was just moving around in the shadows and casually throwing things or using magic.

Besides, even if it were possible to intentionally generate gates, I had no idea about the necessary conditions or requirements. So, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to find someone acting suspiciously near such a phenomenon.

“If you agree to listen, we’ll provide the use of our facilities for free, and if needed, we can lend you equipment. Carter will be your guide.”

Though I haven’t even agreed or listened to their story yet, being offered the use their facilities means I could access specialized equipment or tools that would be unavailable to the general public.

And, on top of that, being free of charge means I could use the available materials and even have access to equipment that would be normally restricted. It’s quite a favorable condition… no, it’s a significant advantage.

However, when they said that, I turned my gaze to Carter, and he grinned, looking back at me.

“I’ll count on you.”

Are they kidding me? Am I really supposed to be with this guy?

“I have something to discuss,” he said.

I didn’t say I’d listen to it!

What is this? Some kind of punishment game? Being forced to act together with this guy? Otherwise, it’s just impossible.

No matter how good the conditions may seem, I can’t bring myself to accept it.

Moreover, they mentioned lending equipment, but it’s just a loan after all. If I can’t make it my own, it’s only useful for this particular mission, and it won’t matter in the long run.

Sure, the equipment I made myself could be taken back home as it is, but that’s just a trivial matter in the grand scheme of things.

Even the equipment I created will become unnecessary for me eventually since I plan to quit being an adventurer. At best, it’ll serve as a backup for self-defense after I quit.

Speaking of which, why does this person want to talk to me? I mean, I understand the emotions behind it, but technically, I should be allowed within their organization, right?

“Hey, didn’t Sharon say there won’t be any punishment for me?”

“That’s right. However, no punishment doesn’t mean my personal feelings are the same.”

“That’s unfair. That’s just a flimsy excuse. If it’s been permitted by the ‘higher-ups,’ then accept it gracefully. Why do you have to resort to such cowardly words, knight-sama?”

“I was defeated once in a ‘unfair’ battle. I’ve learned a bit from it.”

Is it okay for someone who calls themselves a knight to be like that? You guys have talent, so fight with honor and integrity.


Sharon, who was listening to my conversation with Carter, chuckled in an amused manner. When I turned my gaze towards her in response, there was something peculiar in her smile—something that seemed somewhat melancholic or sad.

“I sought your cooperation this time because it’s related to the discussion earlier—the matter concerning the ‘Savior’s Army.'”

That’s right. I already felt like escaping from this place, but I haven’t even heard the full story yet.

“From our investigation, it seems that those individuals have some nefarious plans in this city.”

“Another Gate incident?”

I thought it might be related to the current discussion, but Sharon shook her head, indicating it was a separate matter.

“No, it’s unrelated to that.”

“But doesn’t this country have a proper organization to handle such matters? You don’t need to specifically call someone like me; you should be capable of handling it on your own, right?”

“Yes, we have an organization. I am the head of that organization.”

Oh right, she mentioned that at the beginning.

However, that brings me back to the question of why they called someone like me.

Admittedly, I may have performed actions that left an impression on them, but when it comes to combat ability, I’m nothing more than a weakling. Even saying it myself feels pathetic.

So, why on earth did they call me? I genuinely have no idea.

“But please take a look at these.”

While pondering, Sharon handed me several photos, which I took and examined on the table.

The photos depicted a humanoid figure with beast-like ears.

However, the next picture showed a two-legged, beast-like puppet covered in fur all over.

At first, I thought they were typical fantasy creatures that appear in stories, like beastmen, but my perception soon changed.

“Beastmen? No, this is…”

In the third photo, there was a figure with insect-like eyes, and in the next one, a person whose face seemed to be partially decayed, but the state appeared natural.

As I continued to flip through the photos, every one of them depicted individuals with some form of monstrous features. In the final picture, there was a being that couldn’t be simply described as a beastman.

Alright, let’s assume humanoid figures with animal-like ears. But with bat-like wings sprouting from their backs and legs as thick as their torsos, it was undeniably bizarre. It looked as though various animals had been combined into one entity.

Naturally, or rather, in dungeons, you occasionally encounter monsters that are a mix of multiple species. Like a creature with a goat’s body and a lion’s head.

They are called “Chimera,” but they don’t look this humanoid, and even if they did, they possess a distinct monstrous quality.

Therefore, this was an existence that would be deemed impossible under ordinary circumstances.

However, there was a plausible explanation for its existence.


Chimera is a creature artificially created by synthesizing different species.

If Chimeras were a natural race, then they would be distinct from Chimera, which is an artificially altered state.

While there was a possibility of a new species of monster, it still didn’t explain the first photo, where the individual looked too human-like.

The fact that these beings existed implied that someone had tampered with human bodies to create Chimeras.

That “someone” was evident from the conversation we had moments ago.

The Savior’s Army.

If they were involved, then it was more likely that these children in the photos were subjected to artificial monsterization rather than being naturally-occurring monsters.

“That’s right… But it’s impressive that you were able to figure it out,” Sharon said, seemingly impressed. But what did she mean by that?

“Huh? What do you mean…”

“Well, when we first encountered these beings, we had no idea what they were. We considered the possibility of a new species of monster, a curse from the dungeon, or some kind of illness.”

Well, I guess those possibilities aren’t entirely off the table, I realized after being told.

At first glance, when I saw the photos, I briefly thought that maybe beastmen had appeared, but I quickly realized that wasn’t the case and considered the idea of chimeras.

But now that it’s mentioned, it could indeed be some kind of illness or curse, or even the possibility of being parasitized by a monster.

“When we realized it was an artificially created chimera, one of our staff who is particularly fond of Japanese culture was the first to notice. They said something similar to what you did, referring to them as ‘beastmen.’ However, they quickly recognized that it was an artificial chimera. When I asked how they knew, they replied, ‘I’m still inexperienced. Any Japanese person would figure it out easily.’ I was truly amazed by the wonders of Japan,” Sharon explained.

Staff member, huh… That person must be an anime and manga enthusiast. Don’t apply your niche knowledge to all Japanese people.

“…Please don’t assume that represents all of Japan’s common sense.”

“Is that so? But you seemed to know right away…”

“Well, that’s because… Ah, it’s just that I or that staff member have some unique knowledge, but it doesn’t mean everyone would know,” I replied, my expression probably contorted. Because, you know…

Anyway, let’s get back to the topic at hand.

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