Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 17 - Threat

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 17  Threat

“Hmm, and then? What am I supposed to do in this situation?”

“It seems there is a facility in this town for creating those chimeras.”

“And you want me to help destroy it?”


This is just… Why on earth did they call someone like me, as if it were such a critical task?

“It appears that this ‘operation’ is being conducted simultaneously in multiple locations… We must attack all those places at once, and even though we have gathered personnel to handle it, we still want to gather as many capable individuals as possible. Especially, those who are exceptionally skilled.”

“…You seem to be mistaken, but I’m not exceptional.”

Creating chimeras at the cost of sacrificing children is distressing, but that doesn’t mean I’m eager to be involved in this.

Certainly, I managed to outwit those knights, but when it comes to raw power, I’m just a third-rate mage.

Moreover, it would be more sensible for them to rely on their own army rather than involving a conflicted outsider like me.

“Well, indeed, if we’re talking about talent alone, that’s true. If you only need second-rate or first-rate abilities, there are plenty of others who fit the bill.”

However, Sharon shook her head slowly, denying my words.

“But even if that’s the case, we can still provide for it. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t secure additional forces. We want to gather as much strength as possible right now.”

Well, that’s true to some extent, but… the feeling of hesitation still lingers.

“While we didn’t plan for it, the fact that you’re here at this very moment must be the will of the gods.”

God’s will… Does that mean some troublesome deity that brings problems every chance it gets?

If that’s the case, it’s probably some sort of evil deity, and I wouldn’t mind if it just let me die and ignored its so-called “will.”

I shouldn’t say that out loud since I might get scolded or something.

But what should I do now? No matter which way I go, it feels like heading straight into hell based on my experiences. Whenever something happens, I always seem to get involved.

It looks like I’m inevitably going to encounter hell either way, but well, I don’t exactly want to willingly go there.

As I was about to find a way to decline, Sharon continued speaking before I could say anything.

“It seems you are concerned about Carter’s situation, so if you cooperate with us this time, I promise not to bring up that matter again. Therefore, would you please consider helping us?”

Well, to be honest, I’m not really concerned about Carter. In fact, I thought it served him right to face the consequences.

I mean, it would be nice if they can guarantee they won’t bring up past issues, but it’s still hard to nod and accept it.

This feels like a plea on the surface, but in reality, it’s more like a veiled threat… and if I refuse, it seems like dealing with him could be troublesome.

“…If you still can’t agree to help, then we will have to call their kind. Wouldn’t you want to avoid that?”

“Their kind…?”

I pondered over what to do, and as Sharon spoke those words, I furrowed my brows and questioned her with skepticism.

However, her response left me speechless.

“Yes. ‘Nina.'”


“She’s registered as your adopted daughter. The activities of the Savior’s Army this time are related to her origins to some extent. So, there’s a reason to call upon her.”

Ah, I see. ‘Their kind’ refers to that.

Indeed, Nina in this photograph and these children are ‘their kind.’

They are all ‘test subjects’ of the Savior’s Army.

If there are enemies with the same kind of abilities as Nina, there might be opponents with abilities similar to hers.

In that case, it’s understandable to consider sending Nina to face a possibly formidable foe.

Besides, if Nina knows that they are involved, she might express her willingness to join.

However, if there’s anything I can avoid, it’s having Nina take a human life. Monsters are a different story; I do it myself, and there’s no helping it.

But even if monsters are unavoidable, I cannot allow Nina, who has endured so much while trying to live in human society, to be sent to the battlefield against humans and forced to kill.

That’s why it has to be me.

Though I’ve been stumbling over my words until now, that’s the bottom line.

If I, who can defeat Nina, known as the ‘World’s Strongest,’ were to face her in battle, I might be able to deal with enemies who are equal to her. At the very least, I could serve as a decoy or buy some time. It’s that kind of judgment.

To ensure safety and increase the chances of a successful operation, it was essential to have someone capable of countering the ‘enemy’s highest combat power.’


“I also sympathize with her circumstances, and I don’t necessarily condone treating her as a hostage when she is so precious to you. However—”

Sharon’s gentle demeanor vanished, and she looked directly at me.

In response, I turned my gaze to the Supernatural Affairs Bureau director’ sitting before me.

“Even so, I must protect this city, this country. For that purpose, I will use whatever means necessary.”

Sharon’s eyes were resolute, and I could see that she was indeed capable of handling a mission like this.

However, I couldn’t help but feel that her stance, no matter how reasonable given what she said to me, wasn’t admirable or impressive.

Considering what she asked of me, it was only natural.

“Could you please cooperate? If possible, I believe voluntary cooperation would be beneficial for both of us in the future.”

Any sense of familiarity I once felt towards this person had long disappeared.


Still, I nodded.

But there was no way I could let Nina participate.

After all, I might not be her real parent, but I’m still the one she recognizes as her father.

So, I couldn’t possibly allow her to be involved in an attack where killings might occur, or worse, be forced to kill others.

“Thank you for your cooperation. As a token of our appreciation, as I mentioned earlier, feel free to use whatever we have in our facility, and borrowing equipment is also permitted.”

“…I see. Thanks a lot.”

“Yes, if the mission is successful, we won’t just lend it; we’ll grant it to you permanently.”

Even if they offer it, honestly, I don’t care anymore.

Being able to obtain state-of-the-art equipment like what these national organizations use for free has its value.

But after this conversation, my heart no longer feels genuinely happy at such an offer.

As the conversation concluded, Sharon smiled gently as she did at first, but I could only look at her with cold eyes.

“…I understand that it may not be what you want. However–”

“Yeah, I get it. You prioritize the greater good over individual desires. If sacrificing one person’s feelings can save thousands or even tens of thousands of lives, anyone would make that choice. Especially you, as rulers. Hesitating because of me and then failing would be unacceptable… I don’t see myself as valuable enough for that.”

I can’t imagine I hold enough value to be used as leverage. If anything, it would make more sense to use me to threaten Nina, which would be more meaningful in terms of combat effectiveness.

But even if I say that, Sharon shook her head. Well, it’s not like I didn’t expect it; after all, she reached out to me in the first place.

“No, you have more value than you think. Your abilities, experiences, and achievements.”

I can understand abilities and experiences, but achievements having meaning… Does that mean I’m expected to be a decoy?

Considering they want me to substitute for Nina, it would make sense for my role to be a diversion to divert attention from a formidable enemy.

Well, I won’t know for sure until I ask.

“…So, what exactly do you mean by cooperation?”

“We are planning an attack in two nights. We would like you to accompany us during that time.”

“Two nights from now, huh? Quite sudden, but there’s no point in complaining, I guess.”

Probably, they knew we were coming on this school trip and incorporated that into their plans.

If that’s the case, then there was never an escape route from the beginning.



“I know I might make you feel uncomfortable by talking about this, so I’ll leave the rest to you. Please handle the explanation of the mission, the tour of the Knights’ facilities and equipment.”

She tried to console me with her words, but all I could do was look at her with a blank expression.

Bringing up the fact that I might feel uncomfortable was probably a deliberate attempt to make me conscious of it. If I became aware of her struggles and difficulties, it would be harder for me to harbor negative feelings towards her.

However, it can backfire with certain individuals, like me, who have an extreme aversion to their loved ones being hurt. No matter the reasons or circumstances, the fact remains that she used Nina as a shield. Knowing that, my feelings towards Sharon won’t change for the better.

“She may not have malicious intentions.”

Carter spoke up with a slight frown after Sharon had left, but so what?

“Yeah, I get it. She weighed her position against others.”

No matter what she said or what she meant, to me, she’s still someone who threatened my daughter as a means to an end.

I don’t deny the concept of necessary evil, doing wrong to achieve justice. But what they’re doing is still evil.

If you do evil, it’s only natural that people will get hurt.

However, how those hurt by this “evil” feel is up to each individual.

For those who have been hurt, the opponent’s beliefs, ideology, or sense of justice don’t matter. There’s just the fact that they were hurt.

It’s the same for them and someone like me.

“Hey, stop with the pointless talk and just guide me to the facilities. They’re kind enough to let me use them, so it’d be a waste not to.”

Though it infuriates me to have Nina used as a shield, I have to do this properly since I’ve accepted the task. Not just for my own survival but also to ensure Nina doesn’t get called out.

So, let’s get everything ready. If they’re planning an attack in two days, we don’t have time to waste.

Exactly. Let’s get moving now. Otherwise, all we’ll do is fume in frustration.

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