Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 19 - Talking to carter

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 19   Talking to carter

The next day, I was planning to wander around the town with Miyano and the others in the afternoon. So, in order to finish my tasks quickly, I reluctantly arrived at the Knights’ base, which I didn’t really want to be at, early in the morning.

“Am I allowed to use the things here?”


Accompanied by Carter, who was both our guide and probably overseeing us, I carefully looked around the base again, and I was currently heading towards the alchemy workshop.

“They said the operation is tomorrow night, but is it okay if I don’t meet with the other team members beforehand? I mean, it’s not like I’m going solo.”

I don’t intend to get too friendly with them, and they probably hold a grudge against me from the last time I outwitted them, so I don’t expect much. But since we’re participating in the same operation, shouldn’t we at least exchange a few words? I realized that we couldn’t communicate with each other before.

Still, it might be better to see their faces at least once. After all, I won’t be able to do anything without knowing the faces of the people I’ll be fighting alongside.

“You are supposed to accompany me.”

“Oh, so the esteemed Knight Commander will have a burden like me?”

“It’s not a burden. You’ll be helpful. That’s why the Director tried to recruit you, even if it meant incurring your displeasure.”

“She tried and succeeded, you mean.”

So, they recruited me but got on my bad side at the same time.

Well, that’s it. I’ll cooperate this time, but there won’t be a next time. They should understand that.

“…there might be lives saved thanks to you.”

After walking for a while, we arrived at the workshop and immediately began checking the materials to start our work. However, Carter, who had been standing at the entrance, suddenly muttered something that sounded like a soliloquy.

“But it might not be the case. And to confirm that ‘might,’ I have to risk my life.”


It wouldn’t make sense for him to say such things in Japanese if it was just a soliloquy. So, I assumed it was directed at me and responded, but Carter didn’t say anything in return.

In the distance, I could hear someone’s voice speaking, but there was no one else around us. The space was quiet.

“People call you a ‘survivor’ because you help others. Why do you dislike this operation so much?”

“Why, huh? I do want to help as much as I can. But that’s only if I have my own life. The weight of my life naturally takes precedence. Isn’t that obvious?”

I have been fighting to survive.

The skills I’ve acquired, the achievements I’ve made—all of it is just a byproduct of staying alive.

Well, I admit that I might have strayed off the path a bit, but fundamentally, I’ve acted for my own sake, to survive.

I always help others within the reach of my capabilities and, most importantly, while ensuring the safety of my life and the lives of my comrades.

“I want to help people, especially those who are at risk of dying inside the dungeon. I despise dungeons. That’s precisely why I want to reduce the number of people dying in that damn place and help those who are in danger.”

While I might lend a hand if I come across someone in need while walking in the city, that’s about it. I won’t actively seek out trouble and rush to help when something happens on the other side of the TV screen. Especially if it’s not related to dungeons.

“But this time it’s not inside the dungeon, right?”

“Even so, the materials and technology from the dungeon are being used.”

“So what? That’s the job of the police or the military. I’m an adventurer, and our job is to delve into dungeons. Anything that happens outside is not our territory.”

I don’t go around helping everyone and anyone. I’m not some heroic figure capable of saving everyone.

That’s why I need to draw a clear line.

If it’s inside the dungeon, I’ll help as much as I can. It’s dangerous, but the things I need to do and the people I need to help are clearly defined, so it’s doable.

However, once I step outside, there are no limits to how much or who I should help. If I start helping someone, I’ll have to save everyone. Otherwise, it’s unfair.

So, I prioritize the safety of myself and my loved ones.

Good intentions and mercy have their limits. Helping others is something you can only do after securing your own safety and livelihood.

“Do your job. That’s what the police are for, or in your case, the knights. It’s fine to seek outside cooperation, but don’t resort to threats to get others to help.”


After that, Carter fell silent, but he knew he wasn’t saying anything wrong.

“Ah, is this the place? Hey there!”

Ignoring Carter, who had been watching in silence for a while, I heard a voice expressing a mix of pleasant and unpleasant feelings.

When I turned around, there was Carter, still with a stoic expression, seated near the door, and Sieg, peeking his head out from the open door.

Why is Sieg here?

“Oh? Why… Well, I guess this is your main base.”

“That’s right! … But, why the long face?”

“He got frustrated and went silent because he couldn’t lay a hand on me,” I replied, deciding to play it off casually without revealing the details of what had happened between us.

“I see! Well, well, Carter, you don’t have to be so prickly. Let’s try to smile more.”

He noticed, huh? Despite that, he’s pretending not to. He really is a good guy, isn’t he?

Though he usually acts a certain way, he’s capable of showing consideration like this.

“So, are you also going to participate in tomorrow’s operation?”

“Otherwise, why would I be here?”

As I answered, I couldn’t help but smile wryly at the disparity between the public perception of me and Sieg’s usual attitude towards me. The tense atmosphere that filled the room just a moment ago disappeared, and I let out a sigh before responding.

“Is that so? How are you holding up?”

“It’s not too bad. Since there’s no limit on money, I’ve been able to prepare freely.”

“I see, I see. Well, then, how about going on a date?”

…I thought it would be a normal conversation, but this is what he comes up with.

I decided it wasn’t worth responding, so I turned my gaze away from Sieg and went back to my original task without a word.

“Don’t ignore me! Ignoring me just makes me even sadder!”

Sieg said that while entering the room and approaching me, but I have no intention of going on a date with a guy.

We’re already pressed for time, and I don’t understand why I should go on a date with a guy.

If anything, it would be better to hang out with Miyano, Asada, and the others… Ah, no, forget I said anything.

Anyway, yeah.

“If you keep saying weird things, I’ll do the same thing to you that I did to the dragon.”

“The thing with the dragon, you mean when we first met? … You’re kidding, right?”

“What I did to the dragon was during that clash with the knights, remember?”

“Is that a joke?”

I did something to the dragon by using an irritating substance and rubbing it on its wounds in its eyes and mouth when we had a dispute with the knights.

Even the dragon suffered from it. If a human were to experience it, it would be terrible.

At worst, they could lose their sight, but as long as there’s a healing magician around, it would be fine and no problem.

“Do you think I’m joking?”

“Well, you see, I might have chosen the wrong words, but the content of what I said isn’t wrong.”

Stammering, Sieg tried to continue speaking, seemingly trying to get through somehow. I could tell that if he says he’ll do something, he really means it.

However, rather than trying to deceive me, his attempt to correct his words and continue the conversation seemed to have some underlying reason. I decided to stay silent and encourage him to go on.

Knowing that he wouldn’t experience the same thing as the dragon, Sieg breathed a small sigh of relief and continued his story.

“I mean, knowing you, you’re probably cooped up here most of the time and hardly ever walk around inside the base, right?”

“I did receive a tour of the facilities at first.”

On top of that, I walked around the base a bit before coming to this workshop.

“That’s all, right? If you don’t go out more, no one will remember you.”

“I wouldn’t mind if they forget about me.”

Even if some people remembered me, they would mostly be the ones involved in the previous altercation. If they remembered me, there might be another incident like this one where I’d get caught up in some commotion.

So, I’d rather not be remembered. In fact, I’d prefer to be forgotten.

Especially by the chief. I know it’s unlikely, but I hope she forgets about me and doesn’t try to get involved with me again.

“Well, I did think that might be the case. But since we’re going to carry out the operation together, it might be inconvenient if you don’t at least remember some faces, don’t you think?”

“Well, I guess you have a point.”

I couldn’t deny it. Even though I don’t want to participate in this operation, if I’m going to do it, I want to achieve the best possible outcome.

Besides, I’ve actually thought about the importance of remembering the faces of those involved in the operation. Initially, I dismissed the idea since I’m going to be with Carter, and there’s no one else I need to remember here, and I don’t particularly hold any affection towards these people. However, it’s true that knowing the faces of the team members you’re working with can be beneficial for the success of the operation.

Also, even though Carter will be with me, there might be others who don’t recognize my face. Not everyone from the altercation with the dragon would have been present during that incident.

Some might have seen my picture, but meeting someone in person is different. So, it’s a valid point to suggest meeting in person to show our faces and get acquainted.

“Alright then, let’s just take a stroll together inside the base so we can see each other’s faces. The preparations are done, and it’s a good time, don’t you think?”

“Well, I guess that’s fine.”

“Yay, that’s great!”

At least the minimal preparations could be managed with the equipment available in this base. What we were doing now was more like a contingency plan – something we might not need to use, but we made it just in case.

With that finished as well, there was no problem with leaving this place. So, I nodded in agreement with Sieg’s suggestion, and we wrapped up there, heading out for a walk inside the knight order’s base with a smiling Sieg and a stern-faced Carter.

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