Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 20 - Things before the operation

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 20   Things before the operation

As we walked around various areas inside the base, we eventually arrived at a considerably spacious room.

“This is the training room. I was involved in its supervision, so it’s designed to withstand even a powerful attack, offering a secure shelter in times of need.”

With Sieg being part of the supervision, it must mean that they’ve tested it against actual attacks. If even a high-level individual with a power-focused ability can’t break it, then it’s undoubtedly a robust structure.

“By the way…”


As I confirmed the sturdiness by touching the walls, Sieg slowly began to speak.

“We had a friendly match with your students not too long ago, but I realized we’ve never directly fought, have we?”

“There hasn’t been a reason to fight.”

Beyond whether we’ve had a friendly match or not, the truth is we haven’t really spent much time together. Despite appearing quite friendly, we’ve only interacted a handful of times – you could count them on one hand. Naturally, there wouldn’t have been any opportunity for a sparring session like that.

“I see… Well then, how about I give you a reason to fight?”


“Remember that sword of mine you broke the other day? Wouldn’t you compensate for it?”

“Sword? I broke it… Wait a minute. Are you talking about that fight with Asada?”

“Exactly, that one.”

Sieg laughed as if he had guessed correctly, but this is no joking matter. I can’t count that as me breaking his sword.

“Wait a second. You were the one who suggested the spar in the first place, right?”

“Even so, you’re in charge of those kids, and even during training, if you break something, don’t you think you should take responsibility for it?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Well, you should.”

Sieg wore a wry smile at my instant refusal, but there’s no way I’ll compensate for that.

I don’t mind taking responsibility for something I broke myself. In fact, it’s only natural to compensate for it.

However, when it comes to his weapon—a rare blade capable of injuring a dragon, which is far beyond my reach—how much do you think it’s worth?

First of all, I didn’t break it in the first place.

If someone has to compensate for it, it should be Miyano and the others… but making them pay would be a bit… tricky.

Besides, speaking of the training incident, using something that would require compensation, even during training, doesn’t make sense. Anything used for training should be expected to withstand some wear and tear.

“Well, anyway, I’ll cover that cost for you. So, how about we have a brief sparring session right here, just a little one.”

“…By the way, how much was that sword?”

“I’ve had it repaired a few times, so I don’t know the total cost, but the initial production fee was around two hundred million, I believe.”

“Two hundred million… impossible.”

“See? It’s a high-end masterpiece made with ample dragon materials. So, how about just a small match?”

“…Well, I guess I have no choice.”

Although I’d rather not have a match with him and don’t believe I’m obligated to compensate, if paying two hundred million once for a single match can resolve this without further complications, it’s better than other options.

“Oh, by the way, I’m curious, why do you guys always seem eager for battles?”

While I agreed to the match, I can’t go through with it now.

So, as I was preparing, I casually asked a question that had been on my mind.

“Well, isn’t that different for each person?”

“Well, yes, I suppose, but…”

“Hmm, that’s true. In my case, it’s because I’m a hero. It’s for training, you see. I can’t afford to lose, so I need to be strong whenever the time comes.”

I wonder if it’s the same for Miyano and the others?

At first, it seemed like they just wanted to become stronger due to competitiveness and frustration, but it’s possible that once they were called heroes, they couldn’t step back and that’s why they continued their training.

“Though, indeed, there is an aspect of honing one’s skills through special training, how can I put it… instinct?”


“I’m not entirely sure, but if I were to put it into words, yes, that’s the feeling.”

I don’t particularly have the desire to fight… well, it seems even he isn’t quite sure, so there’s probably no point in asking further.

“Alright then, let’s do it.”

“This time, we’ll use wooden practice swords, so no need to worry about breaking them and crying.”

“Hahaha, I’ve decided not to cry in front of others. If you want to see me cry, you’ll have to catch me in bed—oops!”

Sieg easily dodged the water sphere I launched by tilting his head.

“Tch, too bad it missed.”

“I wasn’t joking; let’s get started.”

“Well, it may not be a joke, but… oh well, here we go.”

Sieg held the wooden practice sword in a high guard and then charged at me, swinging it down with force.

But this is just child’s play.

I’m used to fighting Special Grade or equivalent opponents all the time. This level of attack is no problem at all.

As his sword descended, I struck the side of it with my own, altering its trajectory, and stepped into the space created, evading it effortlessly.

“This won’t cut it,” I remarked.

Sieg, still in his attacking stance, didn’t pursue further but smiled as he looked at me.

“Of course not. If you were defeated by such a move, you’d have died long ago.”

“In that case, let’s have a little fun!”


How long had it been since we started sparring with swords?

As we were nearing our limits, Sieg exhaled deeply, laughing while resting the wooden practice sword on his shoulder.

“Well, let’s call it a day. We have a battle tomorrow, and it wouldn’t do to exhaust ourselves.”

“Maybe you’re not tired, but I’m completely fatigued.”

I had managed to avoid injuries, but it was quite challenging without any equipment.

There weren’t any rules against using tools, but using them would deplete the resources I needed for tomorrow’s mission, which could be problematic. So, I decided to face the Special Grade opponent only with my sword and magic. Exhaustion was inevitable.

“Oh my, that’s tough. How about resting right away? I could even join you and—”

I interrupted Sieg’s playful remark by launching another water sphere towards his face. But just like before, he easily dodged it by tilting his head.

“I’ll head back now. I’ll be back around noon tomorrow, so make sure to inform everyone.”

With the mission scheduled for tomorrow, there was free time afterward. While Carter expressed his preference for us to stay, it was not compulsory.

So, I planned to join Miyano and the others to explore the city. I had already informed them of my intentions.

“We’re going somewhere?”

“I’m going on a date with the girls.”

Sieg looked astonished, but I disregarded his reaction.

As I was leaving the room, I caught sight of Carter, but I merely glanced at him before continuing on my way to meet up with Miyano and the others.


After meeting up with Miyano and the others, I ended up strolling through the foreign city with four high school girls. However, our time together was coming to an end as the curfew approached, and we needed to head back to the hotel.

As we walked back to the hotel, we shared our impressions of the day. Despite walking without proper breaks, my awakened abilities allowed me to keep going. While I often wished I hadn’t awakened, being able to contribute in peaceful situations like this made me feel a bit grateful.

“In the end, you know, being labeled as ‘bad cuisine’ doesn’t apply to everything.”

“Well, that’s true.”

The country was known for its reputation as a bad culinary destination, but as Asada had pointed out, it didn’t apply to everything. There were indeed delicious dishes to be found if you searched for them.

However, it’s undeniable that overall, the cuisine here tends to be bland or overcooked, leaving much to be desired for Japanese people accustomed to rich flavors.

Well, I suppose Japanese people can be too obsessed with flavors at times, but for those of us living here, it’s something to be grateful for.

“Just feels a bit lacking overall.”

“The snacks were delicious.”

“That’s right. But we should be careful not to overindulge.”

I vaguely remember hearing about some places in the rural areas that make the most of their local produce, but since we were advised to stay in the urban areas for now, we didn’t get to explore those places.

Considering how they mostly filled their stomachs with snacks for lunch, they might not be too concerned about the quality of meals.

However, as Abe mentioned, we should be careful not to overindulge; otherwise, we’ll regret it later.

Seemingly reminded of that fact, Miyano pinched her own stomach and made a slight grimace.

…I’ll just pretend I didn’t see that.

“So, did you enjoy the sightseeing?”


“Since it was my first time on an overseas trip, I was a bit anxious, but it turns out I worried too much.”

Certainly, it’s natural to feel anxious when going to an unfamiliar place, especially one where they speak a different language.

However, places like this, which have become tourist attractions, can often be managed even without knowing the language.

Speaking of which, how was it when I came here last time? Did I feel anxious or… No, not really.

When I visited before, I was alone, and I had a somewhat reckless attitude, wandering around while thinking about my deceased lover. So, I wasn’t particularly anxious or anything.

Even though I didn’t explore thoroughly back then, I still have a vague sense of familiarity since it’s not my first time here. So, there’s not much anxiety or tension.

But, coming here this time brought a different kind of anxiety, thanks to those damn Knights.

“What are your plans for tomorrow?”

“Will Igami-san be with us tomorrow?”

Tomorrow, huh… I do have some free time, and I mentioned it to them, but…

“…No. Those idiots asked me for a favor. There’s something I need to take care of.”

I decided to stop accompanying Miyano and the others and chose to wait at their base instead.

Taking some time to cool down allowed me to regain some composure, but those guys are clearly wary of their opponent. It’s better to be fully prepared.

Besides, if things were to go wrong, it could ruin their school trip.

So, despite feeling a bit uncomfortable, I should move to ensure the success of the operation.

That’s why I shook my head and gave my answer.

“Eh! You said you have free time until tomorrow morning!”

“Are you sure about this?”

I understand Asada’s complaints, but when Miyano asks if I’m sure, it’s probably about whether I’ll get caught up in some trouble again, as usual.

I don’t want to think about what Miyano meant by asking if I’m sure, but I can’t help but understand it clearly, considering the abnormal situations I’ve been dragged into.

“Well, don’t worry. You guys don’t need to be overly concerned. Just enjoy the sightseeing.”

I wanted them to fully enjoy this school trip, so I smiled to ease Miyano’s anxiety, but for some reason, she nodded with a serious expression.

“Understood. We’ll proceed while being armed.”

Strange. I feel like my words and Miyano’s reaction aren’t connecting.

Does she think something is bound to happen?

“…It’s sad that you can’t believe me.”

“Isn’t it because of the results so far?”

I looked at the reactions of the other three, and they all nodded.

Certainly, considering the results so far, it might be hard to believe, but…

But I believe we’ll be fine this time. After all, it seems like the country’s authorities are giving their full support, and while there may be some damage to the city, I don’t think it’ll have enough impact to affect the school trip… probably.

“Well, being cautious is always better, so it’s fine.”

However, it’s not a bad idea to be armed just in case. Besides, there’s a possibility of getting involved in other incidents unrelated to what we’re doing, so being armed is actually a good idea, even if they don’t believe me.

“If anything happens, let us know immediately. We’ll help you.”

“Yeah, I’m fine even in a foreign country.”

“Guys, maybe we shouldn’t talk as if something will definitely happen…?”

While glancing hesitantly in our direction, Kitahara has a point.

“That’s right. Nothing might happen at all, so there’s no need to worry too much about it.”

“Really? Can you say for sure that nothing will happen?”

“…Well, let’s stay cautious, just in case.”

As I couldn’t completely deny Asada’s words, we continued the conversation casually and made our way back to the hotel.

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