Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 21 - Abnormal situation?

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 21   Abnormal situation?

And the next day…

“Get in.”

I actually wanted to go at the last minute, but I knew that would be risky.

So, although the morning was free, I decided to use it to go and finalize our equipment and strategy, as we would be joining the Knights at their base.

As I walked through the city, making my way to the base to meet up with the Knights, a car suddenly stopped beside me. The man inside, Carter, had a look on his face I didn’t want to see.

“Why are you here? I was about to head there myself.”

“Forget that. Get in. Hurry.”

Feeling a sense of foreboding from Carter’s hurried response without explaining anything, I frowned but decided to get in the car obediently without further questioning.

“Ugh… Where is this car heading?”

“To the Cathedral.”

“The Cathedral, huh… Then you didn’t need to come and pick me up. As I mentioned before, I was planning to go there myself, you know?”

Their base was located, of all places, beneath the famous tourist spot, St. Paul’s Cathedral. Well, I guess it fits the image of a knight order, but there could be other places like a palace or something, which might belong to a different group of knights or maybe entirely different individuals. Who knows what’s hidden away.

“Anyway, never mind that. So, what’s the matter? The plan is for tonight, right? Why are you so flustered?”

When I asked, Carter turned to face me, looking straight into my eyes before speaking.

“Things have changed. We need your help.”

Things have changed? Even though I was about to join them, the fact that circumstances changed so drastically that they had to urgently summon me… Well, it can only mean one thing.

“Something happened?”

That’s the only possible explanation. Either they sensed what we were planning to do, or they were attacked themselves.

However, if it were an attack, they seemed far too composed about it. Moreover, there’s no sign of any commotion in the city, and I can’t fathom why the head of the knight order would personally come here if they were already under attack.

So, maybe it’s not an ongoing attack, but rather something about to happen?

“More like something about to happen, rather than something that’s already happened,” Carter confirmed, as if my hunch was on point, and then continued with the conversation.

“Of course, it’s not like it’s guaranteed to happen, and even if something were to occur, we were planning to move forward anyway. The only difference is that it might happen a bit earlier than expected. We’ve already prepared sufficient forces to handle any situation,” Carter explained.

Well, that makes sense. We were also planning to launch an attack on the enemy’s base tonight. Even if we were to be attacked, we have enough strength to handle the situation.

I’m considered one of their forces too, and it would be quite troubling if I couldn’t fight against enemies of the Nina’s caliber. However, I still can’t help but feel that it’s not necessary for Carter, the Knight Order’s leader, to personally come here.

He’s the one who oversees the knights, the one responsible for organizing their operations. If he temporarily leaves the scene and they get attacked, it could lead to a dire situation.

He should be aware of that, so why did he come all the way here?

“But despite our preparations, it doesn’t seem like it will end there. Since the world fell into this state, those fools who acted immediately have been involved in various things. Yet, we haven’t managed to completely eradicate them. Despite our thorough preparations, it’s hard to believe that we can fully handle what they are trying to achieve. We need to be prepared beyond our expectations. It’s a frustrating reality,” Carter continued.

Just because they know about our attack plan doesn’t mean they’ll immediately act. If they do act, it’s likely because they’ve been preparing for it for some time.

So, we need to be prepared with enough personnel and strength to handle any unforeseen developments. That seems to be the idea.

“Then hurry up and move,” Carter urged.

“Also, I’d like to ask for your students’ cooperation as well,” he continued.

“Huh? You mean my students, like Miyano and the others?” I asked.

“Yes, there are individuals known as ‘Heroes’ with extraordinary powers nearby. It’s only natural to seek their cooperation, don’t you think?” Carter replied with a sense of urgency, quite different from the day before.

I see, so that’s why he came here. He wants me to convince Miyano and the others to cooperate.

His request makes perfect sense. Having someone of Hero-level strength as an ally, even if it’s just one person, would be reassuring. So seeking their cooperation is not a wrong move.

However, I couldn’t simply nod in agreement to his words.

“…They are currently on their school trip, you know?” I pointed out.

“What does that have to do with anything? We’re really in a hurry here. Initially, we had no intention of asking for cooperation, and I can understand your perspective as well. But compared to the potential damage that might occur in the near future…” Carter’s voice was tinged with frustration as he tried to convince me, but I didn’t budge.

“Just because it might be a small matter to you doesn’t mean it’s insignificant to them. Are you trying to ruin something so important to them? Are you out of your mind?” I retorted, expressing my anger and frustration.

Carter glared back at me, a mix of irritation and exasperation in his eyes, but I didn’t care.

“Fine, I apologize for saying it’s a small matter. You’re right; I shouldn’t judge the significance of things for others,” he begrudgingly conceded.

Apologizing might just be empty words, and I doubt it comes from his true feelings. Well, there might be a hint of regret, but it’s not enough to change his stance.

“However, even so, if I have to choose between personal memories and the safety of the majority, I will prioritize the latter.”

Of course, that’s how Sharon, who claims to be the bureau chief, felt as well. To protect people, the city, and the country, they are willing to disregard individual concerns entirely.

They are the opposite of me, who would gladly let others smile and be happy, even if it’s just me and my family suffering.

“Afterward, I’ll make arrangements for you to visit this city again at no cost. If necessary, we’ll even extend a warm welcome. So please, could you consider coming?” Carter asked.

Even if they invite us later, it won’t be a “school trip.” It won’t be a once-in-a-lifetime high school experience.

Therefore, I can’t just obediently nod and say, “I understand.”

“It’s not like something will definitely happen, and you said the preparations are already done, right?” I replied.

“Yes, approximately 95% can be considered safe,” Carter affirmed.

95%… It’s a number I can’t fully trust.

Knowing myself, I should assume that something will happen.

Is it okay to ignore the possibility of danger to Miyano and the others, just because there’s a 5% chance? Or should I be prepared for the worst and risk ruining their school trip?

Either way, it’s a damn difficult choice to make.

“What are you going to do? Are you going to call them or not?”

As I pondered, the car seemed to have arrived at our destination, and Carter stared at me intently.

Sigh There’s no other choice, I suppose.

If I word it like this, he might still insist on bringing them here forcibly, and I can’t allow that.

I’ve sacrificed regular teenage days, like hanging out with friends, to train and prepare, all because I want them to survive and avoid dangerous situations.

“Miyano. Yeah, it’s me. Where are you? Marylebone? …Oh, Baker Street, right? Like Sherlock Holmes’ place?”

So, I’m doing this—

“I know this is inconvenient, but would you guys join us here?”

I’ve decided to call them again. Because I genuinely believe it’s for their safety.

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