Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 24 - Mizuki: Four People's Resolution

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 24   Mizuki: Four People’s Resolution

“Hey, can I ask something?”

“What is it?”

Although they were facing a dragon, the kind of opponent that even ordinary adventurers would brace themselves to fight, Mizuki and her group of four had received training and teachings from Koosuke, who had experience defeating dragons. They had been prepared to handle any situation.

While they might face a tough battle against a dragon, they believed they could defeat it without sustaining serious injuries.

“A dragon is one of the strongest monsters, right? They belong to the special-grade category not just as individuals but as a species, correct?”

“Yes, that’s true. I haven’t encountered one, well, never had, at least that’s what I thought.”

“Then, can I ask why there are so many dangerous creatures like this appearing?”

“Well, that’s something I’d like to know myself.”

Currently, right before Mizuki and her companions, multiple dragons were emerging from the gates.

Their number was five.

It might not be more than ten, a count easily done with one hand, but they must not underestimate them. Dragons were monsters capable of toppling entire countries if not dealt with properly, even just one of them.

With five dragons now present, the situation was undeniably critical.

The sight before them surpassed their wildest imaginations, leaving Mizuki and her group frozen in place.

Despite the presence of other people in the vicinity, the dragons turned their attention to Mizuki and her companions. It was because they sensed the aura of awakened individuals. That awareness drew the dragons’ focus towards them.

Without a second thought, the dragon at the front swung its arm, resembling the size of a skyscraper, with the intent to crush the tiny figures that Mizuki and her group appeared to be.

To the dragon, it might have been an effortless attack that didn’t require much strength. However, even if one had awakened powers, taking a direct hit from such an attack would undoubtedly lead to death.

Kana leaped into action. She wasn’t merely seeking protection; she was determined to be the one doing the protecting.

“Ha! Yaaah!”

With enhanced physical abilities, she intercepted the descending dragon’s hand, countering its attack and sending it flying in an entirely different direction from where it was intended to land.

“No shortage of opponents here! Take a good look! And… Mizuki, you too.”

After deflecting the dragon’s hand, Kana landed and readied her large mallet once again, glaring at the dragon while casting a sideways glance at Mizuki and her group behind her.

“I’ll show you the results of my training!”

With a confident smile, Kana returned her gaze from Mizuki to the dragons right in front of them.

“Hmph. I’ll show you too, Kana. Even I—”

Enraged by being thwarted and deflected by someone as seemingly insignificant as Kana in comparison to itself, the leading dragon let out a furious roar.

Ignoring the tantrum of the dragon, Mizuki took a step forward and launched herself into a sprint, heading straight towards the screaming dragon’s face.

Perhaps realizing that Mizuki was jumping towards its face, the dragon opened its massive jaws, seemingly intent on devouring her as if to settle some grudge left by another insignificant being.

However, the dragon’s plan failed as it suddenly stopped mid-action.

Though the dragon itself might not have understood what had happened, anyone watching would have seen a flash of lightning emanating from Mizuki.

Regardless of their dragon status, all living beings had their weaknesses, and electricity was no exception. The dragon, momentarily halted by the lightning, allowed Mizuki to land on its face, and she didn’t stop there. She instantly adjusted her position.

“I’m not giving up!”

The dragon’s scales could repel tank shells, but its ocular defense was not as strong.

Thus, it couldn’t block the sword thrust aimed at its eye.

And so, the sword penetrated, releasing a surge of lightning into the dragon’s body, a defense it couldn’t prevent.

Up until now, dragons, formidable beings in their own right, had never experienced pain or had any resistance to it.

Perhaps it was the first injury the dragon had ever suffered in its entire life.

Overwhelmed by the excruciating pain, it let out a piercing scream, unable to comprehend what was happening. It flailed its limbs aimlessly, unable to respond properly, and eventually succumbed to its injuries.

“Kana, I said I’d stand beside you, but it’s not going to be that easy.”

After infusing the dragon’s body with lightning, Mizuki waited for the moment the dragon’s movements ceased. She withdrew her sword from the dragon and landed a step ahead of Kana, just as she had promised.

Using so much magical power to defeat the dragon in a single strike had taken its toll on Mizuki, evident by the grimace on her face as she exhaled deeply.

However, she quickly composed herself and, imitating Kana from before, turned to look at her over her shoulder.

“That’s the spirit!”

Refusing to be left behind, Kana tightly gripped her weapon and stepped forward, ready to stand beside Mizuki.

However, just as the two of them exchanged a confident smile, a calm voice from a distance behind them echoed, and both of them instinctively looked up.

“You two are getting too fired up.”

Simultaneously, a ridiculously massive flame passed right above their heads.

This flame, struck the other dragons that were beginning to rage and rampage. It engulfed the dragons, setting them ablaze.

“But, isn’t Haruka-chan also filled with determination?”

“Of course. It’s not just about not wanting to lose, but also about becoming stronger. It’s not just the two of us.”

“That’s right. I need to keep up with you both and not be left behind.”

Saying that, Yuzu continued to layer multiple barriers and added layers of strengthening magic to Mizuki and Kana.

Haruka, in response to Yuzu’s words, ignited an unusually powerful light in her eyes as she began preparing for the next powerful technique.

Watching the reliable and dependable rear-guard duo, Mizuki and Kana exchanged smiles and readied their weapons, facing the enemies head-on.

Encountering multiple dragons would normally be a hopeless situation that most people would give up on the moment they encounter it.

However, Mizuki and her friends were not the ones to give in to despair. With unwavering determination, they faced the despair with daring smiles.

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