Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 25 - Co-fight with "Dragon Slayer"

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 25  Co-fight with “Dragon Slayer”


“We’ve pretty much cleaned up, right?”

While on the phone with Asada, we were attacked at the cathedral and immediately shifted into combat mode, suppressing the attackers who appeared on the scene.

First, we were assaulted with gunfire, then came the bombs, followed by more gunfire. After that, they sent in warriors, and chaos ensued.

However, what would have been a devastating attack for ordinary people turned out to be ineffective against us, who were anything but “ordinary.”

Against a gathering of Special Class and First Class individuals, bullets were as effective as toy guns. They hurt if you get hit, and it’s troublesome if they get in your eyes or mouth, but other than that, they’re merely annoying. The same goes for bombs.

There’s an impact, and your vision may be obstructed, but in terms of actual harm to people… well, except for me. After all, I’m a Third Class.

Thus, the attack itself came to an end, but…

“Do you think it’s over?”

“I doubt it. It was too easy.”

That’s true.

I asked Sieg, who was standing next to me, and without hesitation, I found myself agreeing with his response.

Considering how much trouble Carter and his gang have caused until now, their “achievements” in this plan seem rather lackluster.

“Carter… seems busy, so what should we do…”

Knowing that it won’t end here, I quickly checked our surroundings and replenished our supplies.


“What’s wrong?”

Just as I finished replenishing, I sensed a surge of magic power from downstairs. Sieg noticed my reaction and immediately gripped his sword with both hands, assuming a defensive stance, while keeping a vigilant eye on our surroundings.

“I sense magic power coming from that corner…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the magic power we felt from the corner of the building suddenly intensified, turning into a sense of imminent danger.

Seemingly aware of this, Sieg directed his vigilance solely in that direction and crouched down, ready to move at any moment.

We weren’t the only ones who noticed the sudden surge of magic power. The nearby knights also reacted, and Carter immediately issued instructions, commanding the knights into action.

Once we were prepared, almost simultaneously, the space in front of us distorted, and a gate was formed.

“Hmm, I’ve heard that the appearance of gates is increasing, but to have one here…”

Sieg murmured, but the timing just seems too perfect.

“Rather than that, shouldn’t we consider that they might have obtained a means or technology to open gates?”

“Well, yeah.”

I had thought that someone deliberately called or created the gate, and it seems Sieg agrees with that opinion.

If that were true, it would be a very serious situation, so even though I got his agreement, I couldn’t feel happy about it.

“Could this be their trump card?”

“Probably. Otherwise, they wouldn’t use it in this situation.”

Most likely, they created the gate to summon monsters and defeat us with their help. If successful, not only the knights but also the people in this land would be killed, or as they put it, ‘purged.’

But the enemy couldn’t be more wrong.

“Seriously… of all creatures, they chose dragons. Do they think they can underestimate us?”

“You’re surprisingly calm.”

“Well, yes. I’ve hunted dragons many times before, so this should be manageable.”

From the gate emerged dragons.

Seven of them.

Even facing one dragon alone would be a tough challenge for the knights and awakeners. As the enemy planned, defeating the knights and even purging the city would have been an easy task—normally.

“What about the gates?”

“Dragons are powerful creatures, so there probably won’t be many of them, maybe around ten at most. Besides, from my experience hunting dragons, those colossal ones like the last time are rare. The rest are just small fry.”

“So, we defeat them all, and then we can take a leisurely stroll and call it a day.”

“Right. Once we secure the area, we can enter the gate and assess the situation. After that, we can assemble the team and head for extermination. They won’t keep such a gate, especially with dragons, unguarded here.”

However, there is a “Dragon Slayer” in this place.

Among us is a top-class individual who has hunted down dozens and even over a hundred dragons alone.

If anything, it’s easier to deal with the situation, as there is no need to worry about inadvertently attracting hordes of monsters.

After taking a deep breath, Sieg sprinted towards the dragon that had come through the gate. In an instant, he seemed to disappear into its chest, and then with a loud thud, he leaped up, cutting the dragon’s neck.

…Impressive. It all happened in a split second.

The dragon, though not beheaded, thrashed around due to the deep wound. However, it would probably die soon after suffering such severe injuries.

But there are still six more to deal with. The first strike went well because it was unexpected, but the rest won’t be as easy.

“Will you help?”

“Well, I guess I have no choice.”

Just as I thought I should help, Sieg asked me, and after answering, I let out a sigh.

These are probably their trump cards. If we take care of them, this commotion will come to an end.

“I see, I see. So, it’s been about three years since our last joint operation. Oh, how exciting!”

My response seemed to make Sieg happy, and despite being in front of a dragon, he was smiling cheerfully.

“Well, there are others besides us, both knights and others,” I replied.

Around us, there were other knights too. If it’s a joint operation, they must be feeling the same way, right? I wondered.

“But still, there’s something different about the enthusiasm we have, isn’t there?”

Enthusiasm, huh… To be honest, facing multiple dragons right now makes me want to run away. I’m sure Sieg can handle it on his own.

But well, I want to finish this as quickly as possible, and I’m already committed. There’s no choice but to see it through to the end.

“Well then, instead of just chatting, let’s get to work and take them down quickly,” I said.

“Just like last time, I’ll rely on your support. If you create an opening, I’ll finish them off,” Sieg replied.

Last time, I created openings while Carter and the other knights attacked. Based on what I saw earlier, Sieg has grown since then, and he could probably take them down even without Carter and the others’ help.

Still, taking on all six of them simultaneously would be difficult. So…

“Since it’s a joint effort, why don’t we all pitch in?”

“Geez, the timing of your suggestion… Well, I guess that’s fine.”

“Alright, got it!”

Carter and Sieg seemed a little surprised, but they quickly agreed.

Well, it was the first idea that came to mind for us, and there didn’t seem to be any other options.

But… we have to take down six of them? Can we really manage it in a serious fight?

I decided not to dwell on it and moved towards the dragon in front of me, together with Sieg.

Carter and the others would likely follow suit.

…Well, we’ll figure something out. We’ve survived this long, after all.

“Carter! I’ll take them down one by one, so keep the others in check!”

Without waiting for a response, I started moving.

First, I targeted the dragon at the back, not the one at the front.

With the leader being defeated, the other dragons were in disarray, and the second one seemed the most affected.

Naturally, witnessing their comrade’s death right in front of them caused a mix of agitation and caution.

In contrast, the dragon at the back was disturbed but not cautious. It probably thought that if it were to be defeated, it would be taken down last.

So, I seized that vulnerability in its mind.

Signaling my target to Sieg, we both launched our attacks simultaneously.

“Haha! It feels just like back then! I can’t afford to show any weaknesses this time…” Sieg exclaimed.

I threw a tear gas canister into the mouth of the dragon at the back and detonated it inside its belly.

As a result, the dragon spewed out a painful red smoke from its mouth and nostrils, gasping for breath.

Seemingly clueless about what was happening, it had completely let down its guard.

Smiling at its state, Sieg made a bold move, just like before, and took a leap, soaring through the air.

“Let’s make this battle even more impressive than last time!”

“It’s over now.”

…A single strike. Impressive.

As I watched Sieg effortlessly cut the dragon’s head with a single blow, I couldn’t help but be amazed at his skill.

“Hey, maybe I wasn’t necessary for this?”

“Huh? Oh no, what are you saying? Even though I’ve gotten used to facing dragons, I can’t gather my strength while fighting. I couldn’t have taken them down this quickly without you. Thanks to your support, we defeated them with minimal damage to the surroundings.”

“Well then, let’s finish off the rest.”

With a fierce grin, Sieg turned his gaze towards the remaining dragons. Though they were born as formidable creatures, dragons should have no fear of humans as they aren’t natural enemies.

However, it was clear they weren’t feeling nothing. Instead of showing signs of agitation, fear flickered in their eyes.

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