Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 33 - Check the situation after returning

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 33   Check the situation after returning

“Well, it seems like it was quite tough this time too.”

“It’s no laughing matter, really.”

Today, I came to the research institute to talk with Saeki-san, but unlike him, who’s laughing in front of me, I can’t find it in me to laugh, and all I can let out are sighs.

After finishing the study trip with Miyano and the other students, I managed to return to Japan.

I never thought I’d get caught up in a terrorist attack, thinking it was just a simple trip. Well, maybe I had a slight suspicion, but who would seriously believe that something like that would happen?

So, even though I’ve returned, I can’t just do nothing. That’s why I came here today to report to the research institute.

It’s about the terrorist attack involving the Saviors’ Army, and it became quite a serious incident. It should be already recorded in the reports, but it’s better to talk about it directly.

Apart from that, I also sustained fairly serious injuries there, so I wanted to undergo a thorough examination. There’s also the reason for visiting Nina’s place, and all these various reasons led me to come here.

“Well, well, at least you’re alive, so that’s good, right? And there are no scars left, are there?”

“Well, that’s true, but you know… this is the second time I’ve been caught up in trouble during a trip. It’s becoming like a recurring theme, and it’s starting to make me traumatized about traveling.”

Although my left hand was mangled and my left leg was cut off at one point, they have fully recovered now, so there’s no physical problem anymore.

However, that’s just the physical aspect of it.

The last time, I got involved in an unexpected gate appearance while preparing for Miyano and the other’s cultural festival at the dungeon, and ended up hospitalized.

As Saeki-san said, for some reason, I tend to get involved in weird incidents even without doing anything particularly strange.

“…Do you think there are curses that not even a top-level curse specialist could understand?”

“Well, who knows? We just looked into various things not long ago, and nothing happened then, right?”

When I was about to die during that incident, the country worked hard to deal with the control aspect of Nina, but as a result, there was no curse or magic involved.

“Even if there were curses that couldn’t be grasped at all, wouldn’t they be in the realm of gods or something?”

“Gods, huh… I’m glad I’m an atheist.”

“If you believed in gods, you’d be in despair, right? How about considering it as a divine trial? They say that God doesn’t give humans trials they can’t overcome, and I’m sure God cares about you too.”

“Well, first of all, I didn’t ask for any trials. If God cares about me, I’d appreciate it if they left me alone, really.”

If someone had to face a trial, I think it would be better to give it to someone who actually believes in God and seeks trials. That’s what they should do. They shouldn’t bother me with unnecessary trials over here.

“Well, thanks to you, we received some information over here, and based on that information, we managed to eliminate some of the Savior’s Army members who were in Japan. Also, we were able to shut down a few of their facilities.”

“…I see. The only consolation is that, then.”

By eradicating the Savior’s Army, it means that fewer people will be hurt by them.

And by destroying their facilities, it means that besides the children I “dealt with” who were caught there, no one else will have to suffer anymore.

I’m not a hero, and I don’t have any desire to save everyone. I don’t possess the actual power to save them either.

However, if I was able to reduce the suffering of those children, then the pain and struggle of crawling on the ground with my limbs crushed was worth it.

“But, there is one concern.”

Saeki-san’s words didn’t end there.

“…When do you think people are willing to risk their lives?”

“…I suppose it’s when they want to protect something important.”

It’s a natural thing, but life is incredibly precious not only for humans but for all living beings.

To risk one’s life, it’s a situation that goes beyond ordinary circumstances.

However, even in extraordinary situations, living beings sometimes exhibit power beyond their usual capabilities to protect and save their children and loved ones.

I’ve heard stories of human mothers becoming aggressive and arguing with their husbands during pregnancy to protect their unborn child. I’ve also heard stories of animals that don’t usually attack people becoming aggressive and attacking to protect their eggs or offspring.

In short, when it comes to protecting something dear to them, any living being can do things they wouldn’t normally do and might even be willing to risk their lives.

“Ah, that’s correct. But is that all?”

However, it seemed that my answer was not what Saeki-san was looking for.

But then, what else could it be?

Reasons to risk one’s life other than protecting something important…

Ah, I know… Maybe…

“When someone becomes desperate?”

“That’s right. You got it.”

This time, my answer seemed to be on point, and Saeki-san nodded firmly.

Someone who has nothing to lose may risk their life without considering the consequences.

And the tricky part is that such individuals, despite being reckless, somehow manage to strategize and involve others in their plans, causing some kind of commotion.

One would think they should put that thinking to better use elsewhere, but if they could do that from the start, they probably wouldn’t end up in a desperate situation.

“Thanks to your help this time, we were able to thwart the Savior’s Army’s plans and significantly weaken their forces. And it’s not just this time; you’ve likely dealt with a fair number of them before. We can’t be sure about the remaining numbers, but you have undoubtedly been a thorn in their side.”

The Savior’s Army has been active in various countries.

Every time, there are broadcasts about someone stopping them, capturing or defeating a certain number of their members.

This time, too, I believe we managed to take down a considerable number of their members and shut down several of their bases, so it’s certain that we’ve been a hindrance to them.

“However, that’s precisely why we need to be cautious. When cornered, living beings can sometimes take actions beyond our expectations.”

“…In the worst case scenario, are you suggesting they might carry out terrorism worldwide, starting anytime soon?”

“It’s not like it’ll happen today or tomorrow. Even if they decide to carry out terrorism, it won’t end as a small-scale event, and they’ll probably keep a low profile for at least a few months. But… we can’t predict what might happen a few months from now.”

Spoken in such a serious tone without a hint of jest, Saeki-san’s words forced my mind to imagine potential scenarios in case something did happen.

“And they claim to be cleansing the world. They might not just target the higher-ups of countries like us but also innocent civilians with no connection. Terrorism aimed at ordinary people might become a reality.”

So far, the Savior’s Army’s attacks have affected the general public, but they primarily targeted those in positions of power, allowing for a swift response. These locations have adequate security and facilities, so a rapid initial response is expected.

However, if they begin targeting ordinary civilians, the response time will significantly slow down. After all, it’s impossible to be on constant alert worldwide.

Sure, they have a way to open gates voluntarily, but try doing that in a city. Meanwhile, the Savior’s Army would likely open a gate and retreat immediately, employing a hit-and-run tactic, leaving us with no effective countermeasure.

In that case, the worst outcome could see the global population dropping below half.

“I know that just saying ‘be careful’ doesn’t change the fact that we have no information, and it might be impossible to be cautious under these circumstances. Still, I want you to keep it in mind. If you sense anything strange or abnormal, please inform us immediately.”

“…Yes, understood.”

Saeki-san’s words were undoubtedly right. Even if I were to be cautious, without any means to deal with such situations, it would seem futile. Still, promptly reporting any abnormalities is the right decision.

However, I couldn’t respond immediately.

After all, I’ve been caught up in strange incidents continuously until now.

If something were to happen in the future, I couldn’t help but feel it might be somehow my fault, even if I had no intention of causing it.

“If you’re thinking that the commotion might be your fault, that’s just being self-absorbed. Sure, you’ve been active in various places, but ultimately, you’ve only been doing what an individual can do. If they feel cornered, it’s the fault of every country opposing them.”

However, Saeki-san seemed to understand my inner thoughts. He admonished my thinking.

“It was necessary to crush them. Don’t you also have no regrets about their experimental subjects in England?”

“Regrets… Well, I don’t have any. Though I do wish I could have handled it better.”

That’s right. Even if their response to being cornered led to self-destructive behavior and harmed many people, I don’t regret chasing after them in England and destroying their base.

Certainly, as Saeki-san said, what I, as an individual, can achieve is limited.

Even if I hadn’t gone there, the outcome probably wouldn’t have changed, so it might not be entirely my fault that the Savior’s Army was cornered.

Maybe my presence at that time and place served no real purpose, and I wouldn’t have to agonize over this if I hadn’t gone.

Yet, I don’t regret or intend to regret the fact that I killed those children used as experimental subjects.

…But still, sometimes, I wonder if there was another way to save those children without having to kill them.

“No, your actions were the best choice. Even if those children used as experimental subjects had been kept alive, they would have been subjected to further experimentation to cure them. Their circumstances would have changed, but they wouldn’t have found the happiness you hoped for.”

“…You think so?”

“Yes. After all, I’m the one who holds this position. I’m certain.”

In this position, huh? Well, considering that I’m talking to someone who is the head of the Gate and related research institute, he’s probably right.

I don’t intend to regret what happened back then, but… still, I feel a little lighter in my heart.

“By the way, I think I’ll be…”


After casually chatting for a while, I was about to mention if the results of the medical examination were out, and it was time to leave. However, Saeki-san’s words interrupted me.

“What is it?”

“Let me tell you one more thing. This is classified, but I think I should inform you.”

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