Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 37 - Christmas party

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 37   Christmas party

The flaming ball released couldn’t be perceived by ordinary people due to its incredible speed as it rapidly approached Asada.

However, at the same time, realizing the immense damage she would suffer if she took the full force of the incoming flames, Asada bravely charged forward with her weapon still poised.

The result was a tremendous clash between Nina’s flames and Asada’s massive hammer, creating a deafening explosion that scattered flames around the vicinity.

Yet, it didn’t end there.

Even after the collision of their attacks, the assaults didn’t cease. The point of impact between the two attacks overflowed with a radiant flame, resembling the sun, as they fiercely wrestled with each other, burning the surroundings.

Even though we were standing at a considerable distance in the corner of the room, the flames reached us, necessitating the use of protective barriers to keep us safe.

The amount of power packed into the magic and the fact that Asada was able to confront it head-on is not just impressive, but rather awe-inspiring. However, from the current situation, it appears that Asada is at a disadvantage.

Though Asada is wearing heat-resistant equipment that I managed to have prepared by Saeki and the others, it seems she can’t fully defend against Nina’s flames. Despite emitting pained groans, Asada continues to charge towards Nina’s flames without backing down.

Normally, one wouldn’t be able to touch the flames, no matter how compressed they are. But those are flames imbued with “magic.” With magic power, one can touch them, especially with weapons made from Dungeon materials that naturally contain magic power.

However, that’s just the ability to touch them.

Simply gaining the ability to touch the flames with Asada’s weapon doesn’t change the power of the flames themselves. We can comprehend the strength of those flames, as the heat and flames even reach us in the distant corners of the room.

Hence, even though it appears both sides are evenly clashing, it’s evident that Asada’s body is being continuously burned.

Still, despite her body being engulfed in flames, Asada relentlessly counters Nina’s magic with her massive hammer.

Yet, this situation won’t continue indefinitely. Both Asada, being scorched, and Nina, casting her flames to scatter continuously, are gradually diminishing their powers.

Finally, the moment arrived.


Whether the force of the flames weakened or she couldn’t sustain her reinforcement any longer, Asada swung his large hammer with tremendous vigor, effectively breaking through Nina’s fiery sphere.

Simultaneously, the magic that formed the flaming ball was shattered, releasing all the stored magic power in a devastating explosion.



The explosion erupted with a heat far surpassing the flames scattered before, accompanied by a deafening roar and vibrations. We shouted in worry towards where Asada should have been at the center of the blast and rushed from the corner of the room to confirm her safety.

However, the smoke from the explosion obscured our vision, making it difficult to locate Asada, and it seemed she had depleted her magic power.

To remedy this, Miyano stirred up the wind to disperse the smoke. While Miyano’s expertise lies in lightning magic, she had taught us that this kind of spell could be performed with other elemental attributes, so it wasn’t entirely surprising. Nevertheless, Miyano seemed quite concerned, and her magic was somewhat improvised and forceful.

Nonetheless, her spell achieved its purpose of clearing the smoke and restoring visibility.


The smoke cleared, and we could see Asada standing apart from the location of the clash between Nina’s flames and her massive hammer, which had been reduced to a broken stick, using it like a staff for support. Despite the tattered clothes clinging to her body, charred and worn from the flames, Asada remained standing, her unwavering gaze fixed on Nina.

“Haah! How’s that!”

We rushed towards Asada, but she seemed oblivious to our presence. Even though her body was scorched, and she had barely managed to salvage clothes to cover herself, her eyes showed no signs of dulling as she smiled while still leaning on the makeshift staff-like hammer.

Relieved by her words, we halted and observed both Asada and Nina. Unusually, Nina had a somewhat dazed expression on her face as she gazed at Asada.

It’s understandable; we hardly ever see Nina in such a state. The reason behind it was apparent – she probably never expected Asada to survive an attack that powerful, despite pouring all her strength into it.

“How was it? Anything you want to say?”

“You’re alive….?”

Asada spoke up to Nina, who was still in a somewhat dazed state after the intense battle had ended. However, Nina tilted her head in confusion.

“Well, yes, but didn’t you think, I might not make it?”

“You’re alive.”

Asada tried once more to get a response from Nina, but she simply repeated the same words as before. Yet, this time her words were clearer, and a sense of relief was evident in her expression.

This seemed to puzzle Asada, who trembled slightly with a hint of bewilderment.


Then, Nina’s expression shifted from relief to joy. She scanned her surroundings and locked eyes with me, running over with excitement.

“Father! I made a new friend!”

“A new friend…?”

“The way you make friends is quite… forceful, or should I say passionate?”


Nina responded with a smile, but I must admit, I felt thoroughly perplexed.

I mean, isn’t this right after a life-or-death battle?

Sure, we set some rules, but there was still a considerable risk involved, and now she’s talking about “making friends” right after that. It’s just hard to process.

“If you exchange fists on the riverbank, you become friends or something? What kind of ‘friends’ is that, from what era?”

But I see. It seems like, according to Nina, the fact that the battle is over automatically qualifies Asada as her friend. You can tell by Nina’s reaction.

Asada’s expression is hard to read, but Nina doesn’t seem to mind. She’s genuinely delighted from the depths of her heart.

“Asada, good job. Well done.”

Until now, I hadn’t fully grasped it due to Nina’s actions, but as I called out to her, she finally seemed to realize it. Asada’s subtle expression gradually turned into one of joy, and her uncontainable happiness was evident.

“Well, of course I did it! This much is only natural!”

She boasts… no, it’s more like she’s proud, and somehow, she looked like a child or a puppy seeking praise. But regardless, I should be praising her, genuinely telling her how amazing she is, but it’s not the right time.

No, not that it’s not the right time, but it’s just not appropriate right now.

“It paid off for you since I taught you… I prepared some clothes, so go change.”


…Well, whatever. The reason I say that is because the clothes she’s wearing right now are almost like being naked, thanks to being scorched by the flames. It’s borderline safe, but still not appropriate. Her current attire could be compared to a swimsuit, which would at least maintain some decency. She should change soon. Actually, I really want her to. Seriously.

“…Aaaah!? Why, though!?”

Asada let out a bewildered voice in response to my words and looked down at herself. She froze like a statue, and then suddenly let out a strange cry and hurried away.

“Why are you surprised? It’s obvious, isn’t it? Even if your body is strengthened, normal clothes won’t withstand it. They’re already in tatters, so hurry up and change.”

“Don’t look at meee!”

“That’s why I’m telling you to change. The changing room is right there, just to the right after you go out from that door.”

As Asada shouted in confusion without listening to my words, I informed her where the changing room was, and she immediately dashed towards it.

Well, I thought it would be better for her to be there than here, but does she even have spare clothes?

Can I ask Saeki to get him some?

…Come to think of it, this room is visible from above, but it’s better not to mention it. For both her mental well-being and mine to avoid dealing with his outburst.

“Ugh… I’ve had a rough time.”

“You brought it on yourself. Don’t glare at me.”

As Asada rushed into the changing room, she managed to borrow some clothes from Nina and now, thankfully, she’s done changing.

“So, what are we going to do now? We didn’t come here to fight, right?”

We came to this place to meet Nina, but our original purpose wasn’t to fight; it was to have a Christmas party-like event.

“I don’t mind either way. How about you, Mizuki? Do you want to go play?”

“Hahaha… I think I’ll pass for today.”

Nina, who still seems to have plenty of energy, asked Mizuki, but Mizuki is trying to hide her unease with a forced smile.

But even if you manage to escape now, you’ll eventually have to face Nina, you know.

“I see. Then, I look forward to the next time we meet.”

“The next time is for sure going to be a fight, right?”


Upon hearing that, Mizuki muttered with a somewhat melancholic look, filled with a sense of twilight or nostalgia, but Nina seemed very excited.

Well, she doesn’t have many friends, and you are her first equal friend, so she can’t help but be excited and give in to it.

“Hey, what was with your attitude just a moment ago?”

Nina’s smile, which she was happily beaming, was now directed not only at Mizuki but also at Asada.

That’s why she was curious about it. The difference between Nina’s previous attitude and her current one.

As Asada has come to know, Nina respects opponents she has defeated, but when such a big change occurs, it’s only natural to be curious and wonder why.

“If someone who can’t stand is by my side, they will eventually disappear.”

Nina said it as if it were nothing, and her voice sounded unchanged.

However, her expression tells a different story. While she continues to smile as before, there’s a slight distortion that can be seen.

Surely, it’s her way of self-defense. If she doesn’t form close bonds, she won’t have to experience the pain of losing someone she cares about.

“Oh, uh… well, I guess that means you’ve accepted me, right?”

“Yes. I look forward to working with you.”

“In that case, since that was my original intention for coming here, let’s do something Christmasy!”

Asada must have noticed the subtle change in Nina’s expression. After all, she’s the type who can show empathy and consideration for others.

Even though she stumbled over her words, she decided to push the conversation forward.

“Something Christmasy? What do you have in mind?”

Nina seems unaware of the change in her expression earlier. She looks at Asada, who suddenly seems excited, with a puzzled expression but decides not to dwell on it.

“We’re going to make a cake!”

With that declaration, the Christmas party finally began.

“Is this okay?”

“You’re quite skilled, aren’t you?”

“Although it’s my first time making a cake, I’ve practiced cooking before this.”

“Then, please handle the next task.”

Not just limited to making cakes, but the process of mixing can be quite tiring. If you don’t mix it well, it could end up as a failure… but, well, that doesn’t concern them. They probably wouldn’t get tired from something like that.

Just looking at them is heartwarming. It’s hard to believe that they were engaged in a life-or-death battle just a moment ago.

Although it’s called a Christmas party, it doesn’t mean they’ll eat right away. They started with making the cake.

Unlike the room where they had their battle, this place was pre-approved, so things went smoothly. It feels like a top-class restaurant’s kitchen.

Having five high school girls there feels a bit out of place. But as long as everything goes smoothly and they’re enjoying themselves, it’s all good.

…Still, it’s true. It’s great for Nina to have someone like this, someone to do normal friend-like things with.

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