Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 38 - New year meeting

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 38   New year meeting

After a lively Christmas celebration with Nina at the research institute, a few days passed, and the new year arrived.

Last year… well, to be honest, last year had its ups and downs, but what will this year bring? I hope it ends peacefully and without any troubles…

With such thoughts in mind, I arrived at the school’s main gate, our designated meeting place.

Even though I see the school almost every day recently, it feels somewhat refreshing when there’s no one around. It’s even more interesting that I came here on a holiday.

I still have about twenty minutes until the meeting time. Coming by bus can’t be helped, but waiting here feels like a hassle. Maybe I should make a phone call instead.


As I leaned against the main gate, about to take out my phone, I unexpectedly heard a voice from behind. Though I say “from behind,” it wasn’t directly behind where I leaned on the wall, but slightly to the side.

” Igami-san, is something the matter?”

I stopped reaching for my phone and turned my gaze downward towards the voice. There stood a young woman looking at me.

“Hmm? Oh, well… Momozono-san, right?”

For a moment, I felt like I recognized her from somewhere, but couldn’t quite recall. Then it struck me that she has been the homeroom teacher for Miyano and his classmates since last year.

…I just realized, it’s not exactly a coincidence that she’s teaching both the first and second-year students. There must be a reason for that. I remember she mentioned being a new teacher but was assigned to handle Miyano, who is top-notch. Probably she was pushed into that role and it’s still continuing.

Well, even if there are some circumstances behind it, it’s none of my business, and I really shouldn’t meddle in it. There’s nothing to gain from poking my nose into others’ affairs anyway.

If there’s anything I could do, at most, I’ll listen to her story. But she probably wouldn’t have anything to discuss with me, someone she barely knows.

“Yes. So, do you have some business at the school?”

She asked not because she found me suspicious, but seemingly out of pure curiosity.

Well, I guess she knows my position, considering she’s the one who brought me into all this. So, she wouldn’t see me as a suspicious character.

Still, I can’t blame her if she finds someone coming to the school on New Year’s Day a bit suspicious, but I’m grateful she doesn’t seem to think that way.

“Oh, no. I have a prior arrangement. It’s a meeting with someone.”

“A meeting? Ah, with Miyano and the others, right?”

“Yes, exactly. Is this what it feels like to do the school pick-up routine for kids?”

“Haha, you could say that. Thank you for your help.”

Momozono-san laughed at my joke and then, after a brief pause, she let out a relieved sigh and a slightly wearier smile appeared on her face, different from before.

“But I’m relieved that you seem to get along well.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, at first, I heard you were planning to leave after just three months, so I was a little anxious.”

Come to think of it, in the beginning, I really did intend to quit after just three months. Never would I have imagined that I’d end up staying with them for over a year like this.

Even now, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I want to leave, but on the other hand, I also feel okay staying with them. You never know how things will turn out in life.

“Oh… Well, various things happened. It’s unrelated to what I told Momozono-san, but I thought I’d watch over Miyano and the others as long as they are students.”

“Is that so? If you’re willing to do that, I’m truly delighted.”

Momozono said so, smiling once again. Then, her expression turned serious as she looked at me.

“Igami-san, please take care of Miyano and the others. For some reason, they often get involved in different situations, and I know you’ve been helping them every time. I’m aware that you even suffered serious injuries because of it.”

…Well, hold on, isn’t that their fault—or rather, my fault?

I thought so, but seeing Momozono’s earnest expression, I couldn’t bring myself to say it aloud.

“But I don’t want those kids to die. It’s not because they are heroes or have special powers, but simply because I, as their teacher, want them to find happiness. So, please, I may be unfit as a teacher, unable to protect or guide them, or teach them anything, but…”

As Momozono made self-deprecating remarks with a smile, a tinge of sadness seemed to blend into her expression.

That’s why, in response to her words, I decided to speak up.

“Just knowing that there are people who care for them can be a source of strength. If you have the desire to help, to wish for their well-being, then it’s not like you can’t do anything.”

In the future, they will undoubtedly face more adversaries. Even now, there might be people who harbor ill feelings towards Miyano, who is considered a hero, or her classmates, like Asada, who are riding on the coattails of a hero. As they graduate and become active in society, the number of adversaries may increase even more.

In such circumstances, just having someone who genuinely cares for them can be a great source of support. Even if it’s just one person, knowing that they care can be a lifeline for their hearts.

So, this person hasn’t been incapable of doing anything as a teacher for Miyano and the others.

“Momozono-san, you are a wonderful teacher. If I may, I’d even say that I wish you were my homeroom teacher back when I was a student.”

Of course, that’s an impossible wish, given our age difference, but if she had been my homeroom teacher during the short time I attended this school, perhaps those ridiculous cram-packed lessons could have been a bit more enjoyable.


She blushed slightly and averted her gaze when I, someone she barely knew, confessed such thoughts to her.

Well, if I were to reveal my worries and weaknesses to someone I’m not that close to, it would also make me feel embarrassed. It’s understandable that she reacted this way.

“I-I see. Well, if you say that, then, um, I’m really glad.”

Stuttering, Momozono spoke and, finally looking away from me, her sad expression was replaced by a happy, bashful smile.

However, right after that, she suddenly raised her head and started looking around the area, appearing tense. What’s wrong?

“Well, um… Ah, it seems like M-Miyano and the others have arrived, so I’ll take my leave!”

Saying that, Momozono hurriedly headed towards the school, while in the opposite direction, a little off from where she was standing… Miyano and the others came from the direction of the dormitories.

“What were you talking about?”

“Was it just a New Year’s greeting?”

As Miyano and the others arrived, taking Momozono’s place, their first words of the new year were delivered in Asada’s typically curt manner.

But when I pointed that out, she seemed to realize that her response might have been a bit off, and she exchanged glances with the other three, looking somewhat uneasy.

“H-Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year!”

“Yeah, Happy New Year.”

This marks the second New Year celebration together with these guys. Seriously, we’ve been together for quite a long time. I was supposed to have quit a long time ago, but somehow, I’m still here.

Well, it’s not like it’s not enjoyable, and I guess it’s alright to stay until these guys graduate.

Oh, speaking of which, I didn’t even exchange New Year’s greetings with Momozono earlier.

After exchanging New Year’s greetings with Miyano and the others, I remembered, but it’s too late now. There’s nothing I can do about it.

“I hope this year will be a good year… No, I hope it will be a truly good year for us.”

“Hey, why did you correct yourself?”

Miyano paused for a moment before rephrasing her words.

I understand the reason behind it, but I still found myself asking instinctively.

“Because, Igami-san, can you honestly say that last year was a good year for us? Don’t get me wrong, we had enjoyable moments, and it wasn’t a bad year overall… But…”

“Yeah, even amidst the enjoyable moments, there were also problems.”

“We had to be hospitalized twice.”

“It was a year of growth for us, and we can still gather like this… But we can’t just say everything was fine, right?”

Thinking back on what happened last year… Ah, first, there was the attack on the school. At that time, we were captured by the enemy, and Nina was on the verge of causing massive destruction and mass murder.

It was a difficult time, but thanks to that incident, it led to Nina’s growth and improved our relationship. And it wasn’t just Nina, it was the same with these guys.

For myself, going through that experience allowed me to move forward, or at least have the ability to look back.

Then, there was the jellyfish incident. The attack on the school was bad enough, but the jellyfish incident was equally dreadful. It was my own fault that I ended up in the hospital then.

The jellyfish incident happened while we were delving into the dungeon to prepare for the cultural festival. We stumbled upon some plot by the Savior Army and encountered monsters that shouldn’t have been there, which almost got us killed.

Looking back now, I think my vigilance was somewhat lowered because I was with top-class and first-class individuals. That’s why I fell prey to that psychic interference and found myself in a dangerous situation.

These guys may have power, but they still have a lot to learn, and it made me realize that I need to be more responsible.

Next was the class trip… but before that, there was the battle with the young lady. Well, that was an eventful occurrence, too. Fortunately, I wasn’t in much danger during that time, and I could somewhat enjoy it as an event.

That was last year… No, wait, it was the year before. It was an extension of the argument we had back then, a duel between Miyano and the young lady, Tenshi Asuka, during our first year. They weren’t satisfied with the outcome, so they promised a rematch.

As a result, they had a rematch, but once again, Miyano and the others lost, and even though the young lady won, they weren’t satisfied with the result.

Well, I can understand why they felt that way. It wasn’t about their individual victories or defeats; it was more about the rules of the battle and the fact that they lost to enemies who were just accidents in a way.

I guess they will challenge us to a rematch in our third year as well. Both sides will be stronger at that time, so I’ll have to be even more determined if I’m going to participate.

…Wait a minute. I naturally thought about participating, but is that really a good thing?

It’s good that I can reconsider my thoughts like this, but if I start taking this kind of thing for granted, I might end up sticking around together with them even after graduation.

…Well, whatever. That’s something I can’t figure out until the time comes, and it’s useless to dwell on it now.

Anyway, let’s move on. Or rather, it’s the last thing.

The last event was the class trip… I can’t forget that. It happened not too long ago, and it was the most dangerous one. Physically and mentally.

During the class trip, I got captured by some former acquaintances at our destination and was forced to cooperate with their plan.

But before we could initiate the plan, we were attacked by the enemy—the Savior Army—and the city suffered as a result.

To stop them, we fought and even stormed their base alongside Sieg, the top-class hero. But during that confrontation, well, various things happened. I lost my left leg and my left hand was crushed.

And then, the second hospitalization.

Even though magic can heal quickly, it still took a considerable amount of time to fully recover, and I had to endure scolding and tears from Miyano and the others. It was tough.

As I look back on the events of last year, there were indeed many things… Wait a minute. Wasn’t the past year a bit too eventful?

I mean, I’m just… well, not just an ordinary adventurer, but still, I’m only a third-class adventurer. Why am I constantly getting caught up in these incidents and accidents?

“So, I think something will happen this year too,” Miyano said, offering me a subtle smile, but was that an invitation for agreement? …I definitely won’t nod in agreement.

I hope this year will be a peaceful one without anything happening…

“Well, then, why don’t you just fire me? That would significantly increase the safety, don’t you think?”

Originally, the reason I joined this team was that it seemed safer than going with my older companions. Or rather, I ended up joining the team without even asking for it.

But now, it feels like we encounter more danger together as third-class adventurers than when I used to venture into dungeons with other third-class adventurers.

True, in regular dungeons, the danger has decreased, and the earnings have increased, which is a good thing. Having accumulated eight figures in savings is definitely something to be happy about.

However, when it comes to the level of danger…

I feel like both I and these guys are exposed to more danger than before. In fact, they’ve had some pretty dangerous encounters.

“Even though you said you have nothing more to teach, you still taught us new techniques, so I’m not planning to let you go anytime soon.”

However, despite understanding that it’s not normal to encounter so many incidents, Miyano, who has experienced the danger firsthand, made that declaration.

On one hand, I don’t want to put them in harm’s way, but hearing those words, knowing they might face danger, brought a little joy to my heart.

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