Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 56 - I want you to live

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 56   I want you to live

“This is the core that’s orchestrating this whole commotion.”

“But, what do we do? If we destroy it, won’t this dungeon collapse? He mentioned that too, but… it’s just that…”

“Someone is definitely going to die.”

After clearing out the remaining monsters, we gathered and gazed at the core placed before us.


Breaking the core would close the gates. If that happens, everyone here would perish.

To survive, we could simply exit to the outside, but even then, to destroy the core, someone possessing the key is necessary. And for that chosen person to shatter the core, one must be prepared to die.

I refuse to accept that outcome.

“…Let’s step back for now.”

“But, if we don’t act quickly, the monsters…”

“Just because of that, you’re willing to die? I’ve said it before. Prioritize your own lives. Besides, there’s no certainty that what we heard is true. The best course of action here is to go back, talk it out, and then decide.”

However, even as I said that, Miyano and the others showed no sign of moving.

They must be eager to destroy it, considering the culprit is right in front of us. Not dealing with this core would just postpone the damages caused by the abnormal situation of the gates that are unfolding right now.

“I reluctantly took on the role of an instructor all this time because I didn’t want you all to die. Yet, do you think I’d let you throw your lives away here?”


Miyano, our leader, nodded while looking at my face, and the other three seemed to agree as well. They began walking towards the gate to exit this dungeon.

…It’s almost over. Soon, this foolish commotion will come to an end.

However, as we walked the seemingly short yet long path and approached the gate, just before stepping outside, Miyano, who was leading the way, turned around to look at us.

“What’s wrong?”

Lost in thoughts about what comes next, I was taken aback by Miyano’s sudden gaze and my response was slightly delayed.

…It’s okay. It should be okay. Despite the momentary lapse, I must have composed myself naturally.

So, turn your focus ahead and quickly leave this dungeon.

“Well, there’s something that’s been bothering me…”

But my hope for such a resolution was not to be granted. Miyano’s gaze remained fixated on me after a brief moment of contemplation, and then she spoke.

“Igami-san, could you please go ahead?”


Upon hearing Miyano’s words, I couldn’t help but force a rather obvious expression.

However, I’m still fine. Smile. Deflect. Playfully ruffle her hair like usual. If I do that, she’ll surely be deceived.

“…What? Why would you say something like that? Even if we move ahead through the gate, we can easily catch up. The order doesn’t matter.”

So, just smile.

“Alright then, let’s compromise. Let’s hold hands and all go back together.”

Still, Miyano continued to look at me without diverting her gaze, extending her hand towards me.

She’s probably telling me to take her hand.

“What’s the big deal about this? It’s not like it’s the first time, and getting nervous now is just—”

“Could you please come back with me?”

However, when I didn’t take Miyano’s hand, her gaze only intensified, sharper than before, and her expression took on a slightly angry hue.


…This won’t work. There’s no deceiving her anymore. Miyano won’t be fooled.


“It’s fine if you think I’ve misunderstood. How about it? Am I overthinking things?”

“W-Wait, wait a second! What are you talking about? What are you saying?”

I don’t think anyone, including me, has any idea what Miyano and I are talking about or what we’re up to. Asada looks back and forth between us, clearly bewildered.

“…Currently, only we possess the key. So, even if we were to go back and strategize, someone among us would still have to become the ‘keybearer’ and destroy the Core.”

“You mean, as a sacrifice?”

What Miyano said was understood by everyone. That’s probably why Abe realized what I was trying to do. She murmurs, her eyes widening, and looks at me.

At the same time, Kitahara seems to have caught on too, furrowing her brows as she gazes at me.

However, Asada still seems clueless, sporting a vacant expression as if she hasn’t comprehended the situation—or maybe she’s just not accepting it. Well, it doesn’t matter either way. The outcome remains the same.

“Igami-san, you should’ve already understood that. Despite that, you kept saying you were fighting ‘to keep us alive,’ and you were trying to send us back from here.”

With those words, Asada finally seems to grasp what I had been attempting. She opens her eyes wide, then abruptly turns toward me.

“…Why didn’t you just let us leave like that? Guess wondering about that is pretty pointless, huh?”

I sigh, realizing that there’s no way to deceive this, and I give up. I chuckle softly, allowing those thoughts to spill out.

“You, why on earth…!”

It’s as if Asada’s words have confirmed that I was seriously considering becoming a scapegoat, as she clenches her fist, takes a step forward, and it’s not just a façade—she’s genuinely angry. She shouts at me, her voice booming.

“…I’ve mentioned this before, but I had a lover. After she died, I was basically just going through the motions, living out of inertia. When I became an Awakened, I was fueled by a desperate need for revenge against the dungeon that killed my lover. It might sound strange to say the dungeon had its way, but it was more about refusing to let the dungeon kill me and seeking vengeance.”

I talked to Abe and Kitahara about the nature of magic, but of course, the way it manifests applies to me as well.

My magical affinity is for water and earth, but that’s when considering them individually. It’s not the full picture. My inherent affinity is for mud and ice.

This means stagnation. Essentially, I’ve been trapped in the past, unable to escape the mire, unchanging like frozen ice. That used to be my core essence.

“When I first met you all, I thought I got dragged into something annoying again… but somehow, things started getting enjoyable. I actually found myself sincerely not wanting you guys to die.”

I believed that this feeling wouldn’t change after awakening and in the future, but, well, it changed quite splendidly… It was changed.

“Over the past few years, a lot has happened… but I felt like it was enjoyable.”

This doesn’t mean my originally determined magical affinity has changed, but my heart has undoubtedly transformed.

“So, that’s why—”

I’m not just living out of inertia. I’m not just acting on whims.

I’ve found someone I consider important once again. I’ve found someone I want to protect even if it means dying.

“—I want you all to live.”

So, in order to protect such people— I’ll die here.

“If we search for another way—”

“How many people will die before then? These guys are so damn troublesome. And analyzing and finding a solution for this key could take years.”

And if we’re talking about who’ll handle the gate during that time, it’s these heroes and their team.

In other words, it’s becoming more dangerous. If these guys keep diving into the dungeon day in and day out to handle the gates, sooner or later, they’ll die.

In addition, if we have the means to destroy it and we don’t, there will be backlash from ordinary people. Even if it means abandoning comrades, humans will complain. They’ll say we should have done it sooner.

And even if we resolve the anomaly, the aftermath might become quite troublesome.

“Not just a few, but thousands, even tens of thousands could become sacrifices. It’s worth it if it means sparing just one third-class like me. A small price to pay.”

—Actually, none of that really matters. I just want these guys to live. The reasons I mentioned earlier are just rationalizations.

Of course, it’s not like I want other people to die either, but their lives pale in comparison to our own, Miyano’s and mine.

If we leave it be, someone among us might receive orders from the ‘higher-ups’ to destroy it, and someone like Miyano might sacrifice herself.

That’s why, before it comes to that, I’ll destroy the core here.

“Don’t joke around!”

However, even as I try to play it off with a joke and shrug my shoulders, Miyano grabs my collar, shouting and glaring at me in anger.

“When I asked you before why you build walls, you said it was because you didn’t want to burden others. You said that if you’re not too involved, you wouldn’t be sad even if someone died, so you build walls. But are we not deeply connected now? Wouldn’t we be sad if any of us died? It’s different. There’s no way we wouldn’t be! I would be devastated if you died. I’d definitely cry and blame myself. You should understand the pain of losing someone important! Yet, are you really trying to burden us?”

“Come to think of it, I did say something like that back then.”

In the beginning, I did say that. If someone closely connected were to die, they would carry that ‘death’. That’s why I didn’t want to get too close.

But now, we’re all so close. In this state, if I were to die, these guys would definitely cry, I’m sure of it.


“I’m sorry. But you guys will be fine, right? Unlike me, you’re not alone, and you’re strong.”

Still, I don’t intend to change my mind.

“Ah! You’re really not planning to change your mind no matter what.”

“Yeah. So what’s your intention then?”

Go back. That’s what I was going to say, but Miyano pushes me and draws her sword, pointing it at me.

“I’m determined to stop you. If you’re planning to die, I absolutely won’t allow it.”

…Well, I guess it has come to this. Yeah. That’s why, during that battle with the Savior Army guy, I held back, and while burdening Miyano and the others, I fought. I even made them use their full-power ultimate technique in the end. While it was efficient, it was also a way to deplete their remaining strength.

But well, I had anticipated this, but I would have preferred to avoid this situation if possible.

“Hey, wait!”

Seeing Miyano pointing her sword and me being confronted, Asada shouted.

“Are, are you serious? Seriously thinking of… dying?”

“No. I have no intention of dying.”

I don’t want to die either. I don’t have any intention of dying.

I simply anticipate that I might die.

“By helping you all, by helping humanity, I might end up dead.”

“That’s not going to change, is it!”

“It will change. Didn’t he mention that he doesn’t know what will happen after destroying the Core? Maybe I can survive. And even if I die, it won’t be in vain.”

We’ve been making preparations ever since we heard about the Gate suddenly collapsing. I haven’t tested if it will work, so I don’t know if it’ll succeed, but it’s not impossible. I still think there’s a 99.9% chance of failure.

“Whether it’s in vain or not doesn’t matter! That’s irrelevant! What matters is whether you’re going to die or not! I absolutely won’t allow you to die!”

“So, what’s the plan then…”

“Even if I have to break your limbs, I’ll bring you back.”

“Well, that’s what I thought.”

Asada raised her large hammer, just like Miyano with her sword, and stared at me.

Maybe they’ll stop me, I thought with a faint hope, but even so, if someone’s going to stop me, it’s likely going to be me. So, I turned my gaze to Abe and asked.

“What about you guys? You understand that it’s crucial to destroy the Core, right?”

“We’ll stop you.”

“I see.”



“Is that all?”

“Is that necessary?”

“Well, certainly, the situation hasn’t changed, and conversation or persuasion doesn’t seem necessary anymore.”

“Yeah. We’ll stop you.”

This short conversation was enough for me to understand that Abe had no intention of backing down.

“So, what’s next…”

As for Kitahara, she’s probably going to try to stop the others. I had discussed this plan with her beforehand.

When I talked to her a few days before this battle began, we made a pact that if by any chance Miyano and the others made a dangerous choice that could result in someone from the team dying, she should leave me behind and escape, even if she has to drag them away.

However, unlike what I had in mind, Kitahara was already armed and ready with her magic.

“I thought you were going to stop them. I even asked you to do that.”

“I understand that there might be necessary sacrifices. But I can’t just stand by and let my benefactor die. Besides, I don’t dislike you as much as you seem to think.”

In the end, is everyone trying to keep me from doing this?

Yet, during this moment of vulnerability, why hasn’t anyone attacked me? Did they believe that if they all united in willpower, I would yield? Or did they think they could break my resolve by confronting me head-on?

…How naive. Even though I don’t want to die, I’ve still made a choice that could lead to my death. It’s too late for such tactics to make me waver.

“At the very end, we’re faced with a troublesome battle.”

“If you find it troublesome, why not reconsider your stance starting now?”

It’s as if she’s declaring this to be the final showdown, Miyano’s body is filling with magical energy.

“That’s not gonna happen. I have no intention of changing my mind. What about you all? If you retreat now, I might even sign a marriage certificate for you when we get back.”

“I’m slightly tempted.”

“Hmph! We can always get your signature after breaking a few bones!”

“Besides, if we don’t bring you back from here, we won’t even have a chance to sign anything, right?”

“That’s true… Well, I guess there’s no helping it.”

It’s genuinely heartening that they’re trying to stop me at this point.

However, I can’t afford to yield now.

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