Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 57 - "Survivor" vs. "Hero"

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 57   “Survivor” vs. “Hero”


“Here it comes!”

As I made a slight movement, intending to take down Miyano and the others, they didn’t miss a beat. Both Miyano and Asada reacted swiftly, launching their attacks.

Despite being just a few meters away, they came at me with their weapons. However, I channeled magic into the necklace I wore, causing it to emit a brilliant light. It only lasted a moment, but the sudden brightness momentarily captivated their attention, creating an opening.

Seizing that opportunity, I took a half step closer, meeting Asada’s great hammer head-on. Using the force of her swing to my advantage, I allowed myself to be propelled back, effectively putting some distance between us.

Although I managed to create distance, there’s no denying that they interfered with my plan. I’m tempted to curse under my breath at this thwarted attempt, yet at the same time, there’s a slight sense of satisfaction. It means that what I taught them has truly taken root within them.

However, even though my plan was disrupted, they must be somewhat fatigued from our earlier battle. Their movements lack the usual finesse. Well, I had counted on that and it’s essential, otherwise I wouldn’t stand a chance in a fair fight.

“Yuzu, prioritize treating any injuries and dealing with poison. Haruka, focus more on hindering with your magic than on sheer power! Everyone, treat the opponent as a threat greater than a dragon!”

They know that I employ tactics involving poison and sending sand or water into wounds. Hence, these instructions make sense. After all, you can’t dig into a wound that doesn’t exist.

Well, a threat greater than a dragon, huh? I almost chuckled at their assessment, but even indulging in such thoughts would be a waste of time, so I keep those to myself.

“Thanks for the overestimation! It wouldn’t hurt to tone it down a bit!”

As I distanced myself, Abe’s magic came hurtling toward me, but I deflected it by striking a tiny magical gem, causing it to misfire.

While dealing with Abe’s attack, Miyano and the others closed in again. Employing a smokescreen to obscure their vision, I seized the chance to close the gap, swiftly diving forward and crouching down.

As I lunged forward, I directed a knife, its blade resembling just a hilt without a guard, at Abe, who was preparing a spell behind Miyano. Naturally, the blade was deflected by Kitahara’s barrier, landing harmlessly on the ground.

In the next moment, I encountered Asada charging through the smoke, unfazed by the haze. The smokescreen emitted a dense fog over a short span and had already begun to clear, restoring visibility.

However, due to my crouched position, Asada’s notice of me seemed delayed, causing her to charge straight at me with her momentum.

She hastily attempted to adjust her footing to launch an attack, but she couldn’t entirely halt her momentum.

Capitalizing on the situation, I aimed for her throat with my sword, hoping she would impale herself on it in her attempt to avoid. Though she managed to alter her posture and evade somewhat, she couldn’t avoid getting wounded.

Aiming for her throat may seem lethal, but I had no choice. It was the only way I could land a hit on her.

Nevertheless, Asada charged onward, seemingly unperturbed. Perhaps she believed Kitahara would tend to her injuries.

True to her assumption, once the smoke cleared, revealing Asada’s wound, Kitahara promptly began to heal it.

Yet, it was clear that we too were fatigued and depleted. The healing process took longer than usual, given our weariness.

While observing this, Asada swung her large hammer in a sweeping motion. I managed to counter it by creating a small pit beneath her feet and delivering an uppercut to her hammer while crouching.

However, as I dealt with Asada, Miyano closed in and caught me from behind.

With my back exposed, I risked being struck from behind, but I leaned back and stepped away as if offering my neck.


I felt as though I heard Miyano gasp from behind, probably surprised by my unexpected move. Well, in a typical battle, such a maneuver wouldn’t be expected.

But this fight was to keep me from dying. Consequently, Miyano halted her attack, not wanting to inadvertently harm me.

However, the momentum of her attack likely didn’t cease immediately. Miyano forcefully redirected her sword’s trajectory, creating an opening. Capitalizing on this, I attempted a leg sweep.

Miyano gracefully evaded my leg sweep, lightly hopping over it. Yet, as I launched the sweep, I utilized magic on my own foot, pushing it up with earth magic to alter the trajectory forcefully.

Miyano displayed a fleeting surprise at the sudden change in my kick’s path. However, she instantly leaned back, avoiding my kick.

As she sidestepped my attack and attempted to counter with her sword, flames were sent flying by Abe.

Though each individual flame had a weaker impact, their sheer number was considerable. It seemed designed to hinder movement—Miyano’s support, most likely. Well, even if they were weak, a direct hit from them would likely leave me in a precarious situation.

Unable to afford being engulfed in those flames, I manipulated the earth I had propelled while parrying my kick, sending it flying like a bullet. I aimed to intercept the flames, causing them to detonate upon contact.

As my focus returned to Miyano, I noticed Asada emerging from Miyano’s shadow where she had been positioned. This time, did she adjust her strategy to make it more difficult for me to evade while crouching?

I swiftly leaped back to avoid her swinging hammer attack, simultaneously retrieving a vial of potion from my pouch and tossing it towards both Miyano and Asada.

Miyano jumped backward while Asada spun around in the midst of her hammer swing, shattering the vial. The liquid splashed over Asada and her hammer, but she seemed unaware that it was oil. However, I immediately manipulated the liquid, causing it to move.

I had thrown oil. Once coated with it, swinging the hammer with force would likely cause her grip to slip.

Even if Asada didn’t realize her weapon had been coated with oil, she must have sensed the slippery texture. She shot me a displeased glare and forcefully kicked her hammer away, deeming it useless.

…Really, was it too hasty to discard your weapon just because it became somewhat impractical?

Flying towards me, the metal piece posed a considerable threat, but I couldn’t focus solely on that.

To support Asada’s weapon throw, a cluster of flames hurtled from behind her. They weren’t overwhelmingly powerful, at least not lethal.

Managing both the swarm of flames and the hammer was a challenge, but now Miyano was closing in on me as well.

There was no time to hesitate. In an instant decision, I enhanced my strength and caught the thrown hammer mid-air, maintaining its momentum. Without dampening its speed, I spun half a turn and flung it towards Miyano.

Normally, this acrobatic maneuver would be impossible, but the oil coating on the handle was still under my control. This allowed me to execute the move successfully. The only remaining challenge was dealing with the approaching flames.

Considering the proximity of my teammates, I initially thought about running towards Miyano and canceling the magic, as I’d get too close to my allies. However, an unexpected factor emerged here. Miyano layered a new barrier. Approaching her now would lead to being engulfed in flames alongside her.

I had no choice but to utilize my flame-resistant magical item to its limits, fending off the flames and attempting to outlast them. Simultaneously, I drank a restorative potion to replenish my magical energy. I had only a few potions remaining, having used some during battles with monsters. Still, they should be sufficient to get through this. Well, I had no choice; I couldn’t afford to lose.

As the flames obstructing my vision began to dissipate, despite not having vanished entirely, Asada and Miyano rushed at me from both sides.

I swiftly evaded by crawling along the ground, and as they followed up with kicking attacks, I used the explosive magical device fastened as a button on my clothes beneath my abdomen to detonate and propel myself away, avoiding the onslaught.

The explosion brought me closer to Abe and Kitahara, yet they were shielded by barriers. Charging straight at them would be futile.

Consequently, I manipulated sand toward their barriers, causing the grains to adhere to the surface, obscuring their view.

Simultaneously, I utilized magic at my feet, completing preparations against the two.

As they approached from behind, I hurled vials of potion toward them while turning around.

This time, they managed not to shatter the vials, but I ruptured the containers in mid-air as they flew behind them, releasing corrosive acid onto them.

Aware of me yet turning their backs, Miyano and her companions were met with a barrage of tiny water droplets.

While the effect wasn’t potent, even such a minor distraction forced them to be vigilant, slightly delaying their reactions.

Seizing this opportunity, I once again employed a smokescreen, casting a discreetly small enchantment onto their shoes as the smoke enveloped the area.

Before the smokescreen dissipated, I injected a restorative potion directly into my bloodstream.

Engaging in such risky behavior was perilous, but its speedier effect justified the means. Besides, what did it matter if it harmed my body? I was going to die soon anyway. Any potential negative effects were inconsequential compared to what lay ahead.

Upon completing the injection, a detonation erupted from the vicinity of Abe and Kitahara, seemingly aimed at dispersing the sand covering their barriers. The ensuing blast, along with the dissipating smoke, cleared the sand that had obscured our view.

With the smoke and sand gone, we five remained motionless on the spot, locked in a tense standoff.

In this manner, my ability to hold my own against them is partially attributed to their post-battle weariness, and also to the advantage of this location being a passageway.

While this area, although referred to as a passageway, is spacious enough for combat, its limited width can be exploited to restrict movement effectively.

“…I once cared enough about you guys to hesitate about hurting you. Don’t you think it’s about time you withdrew?”

However, fighting them doesn’t equate to wanting to fight. If possible, I’d prefer to resolve this without further conflict. Who willingly wants to harm their family?

“If you claim to care, then stay by my side till the end!”

“I won’t just let you die here, you idiot!”

Despite my words, Miyano and Asada started running, countering my arguments.

This time, it was Miyano, not Asada, who rushed at me, slashing with incredible speed. In a lightning-fast moment, she appeared behind me and sliced my back.

Yet, it seemed she was still holding back from killing me completely. While the pain was present, I could still move.

Even as I absorbed the subsequent two strikes, I turned to meet Miyano’s gaze.

Her eyes welled up with tears, her expression contorted in anguish.

It’s not my intention to evoke such a reaction.

Nevertheless, this is the best course of action as I’ve conceived it. It might seem like my self-indulgence or utter scumbaggery to you, but that’s what I believe to be optimal.

Continuing the assault even as I turned around, I could endure a third strike from Miyano’s blade and likely survive. Yet, it would undoubtedly hinder me in the subsequent battle.

I must minimize injuries as much as possible. Otherwise, even if I don’t die, if I’m immobilized afterward, it would still be my defeat.

And as I turned around, from the direction I had been looking just a moment ago, Asada was rushing towards me.

If things continued like this, even if I managed to deal with Miyano, I would be vulnerable to an ambush from behind.

That’s why I’ll do this.



I caught Miyano’s sword that was being swung down towards me with the palm of my left hand. In response to my sudden action, which deviated from my previous pattern of avoiding attacks to prevent injuries, Miyano widened her eyes in surprise, but the momentum of her sword didn’t stop.

And thus, the sword sliced through more than half of my left hand.

The intense pain made my vision flash red, causing discomfort, but I brushed it aside. I’ve experienced similar situations before, and it’s nothing new. I’ve gotten used to it.

So, ignoring the injury and pain, I prepare to counter before Asada arrives.

I shake my left hand, which is gushing blood from the wound, and flick blood towards Miyano’s face, aiming to blind her.

However, Miyano, too, is accustomed to my actions. She lightly jumped back to evade.

Yet, I won’t allow that.

Extending the sword towards Miyano, I simultaneously unleashed a spell.

“?! What?!”

The instant Miyano attempted to leap away, her knees seemed to give out, causing her to lose her balance suddenly.

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